Lynch, John PL12

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Alternate Identity: John LYNCH aka TOPKICK aka SKIPPER Group Affiliation: GEN13 / International Operation / TEAM7 First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S. vol1 #1 Power Level: 12 (190pp)

Str: 18 (+4) Dex: 17 (+3) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 18 (+4) Wis: 16 (+3) Cha: 19 (+4) Total: 44pp

Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 13 (attack focus unarmed, he's known as TOPKICK ) Ranged: 13 cost: 24

Base Defense Bonus: 8 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 cost: 16 Initiative: +4

SAVES Damage: +5 (toughness) Fort: +5 Ref: + 3 Will: +5


Telepathy +10 [extra: Telekinesis (Extra: Grapple, Energy Blast, flaw: heroic effort), extra: memory alteration; flaw: tiring, flaw: concentrate; source: science (gen-factor); cost: 30pp]

EYE LASER +3 [energy blast, flaw: full action; source: science; cost: 3pp]

Total: 33pp


Attack Focus (topkick), Leadership, Toughness, Mental link, Connected, Infamous, Point Blank shot, Expertise, Iron Will, Fortitude, Skill focus (innuendo), Talented (bluff and sense motive)

Total: 24pp

Bluff +11/+5( infamous), Computers +5, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +11/+5 ( infamous), Disable device +4, Drive +5, Escape Artiste +4, Gather Information +11/+5 ( infamous), Hide +5, Innuendo +15, Intimidate +9/+3, Pilot +6, Profession (secret agent) +8, Read lips +4, Search +5, Sense motive +11, Spot +5. Total: 49 pp


Dirty Past: as you could see, Lynch have the infamous feat. He's known in the super-heroes world like CRAVEN's puppet and as a very dirty bastard. He suffers about that because he want to be a good man, a good father and boss.