Savage Dragon PL14

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Alternate Identity: Unknown Group Affiliation: FREAK FORCE, POLICE of CHICAGO First Appearance: Power Level: 14 (205pp)

Str: 20 (+16, super strenght +11) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 20 (+5) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 13 (+6, super charisma +5) Total: 33pp

Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: 11 Ranged: 9 Total: 18pp

Base Defense Bonus: 9 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +23 Initiative: +3 Cost: 18pp

SAVES Damage: +15 (amazing save +10) Fort: +15 (amazing save +10) Ref: +3 Will: +2


Super Strenght+11 [extra: leaping, extra: amazing save (damage) +10 (extra: amazing save (fortitude)), extra: regeneration +3 (extra: regrowth), extra: special immunity +11*; cost: 102pp; source: unknown]

  • special immunity: DRAGON have the uncanny ability to be immune to a power used against him. For example, Brainape used his mind control power against Dragon. The second time, the power didn't work. The immunity is specific to the power's owner; if an another one uses mind control against Dragon, it will work but once.

Dragon can have only 11 immunities at the same time. Physical powers like energy blast or weapon works always and cannot be affected by Dragon's power.

Total: 102pp


Dodge, Attack Focus (unarmed), Endurance, Leadership, Inspire, Improved Grapple, Move by Attack, Point blank shot, Precise shot, Rapid healing, Takedown Attack, Power Attack, Fame, Skill Focus (acrobat), Immunity (fire), Indomitable will Cost: 32pp

Skills: Acrobatics +10 (skill focus), Diplomacy +10/+4 (fame), drive +4, Intimidate +13/+7 (fame), profession (cop) +5, Sense motive +4, spot +4, Survival +3. Total: 21pp

Weakness: AMNESIC

Grand Total: 205pp