Mother-One PL10

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MOTHER-ONE Real Name: Rachel Rhodes PL: 10

ABILITIES (Score, Mod/Total Mod)

Str 12 +1/8 Dex 14 +2/2 Con 16 +3/3 Int 18 +4/9 Wis 14 +2/2 Cha 14 +2/2


Dmg +12 Fort +9 Ref +7 Will +8


Init +2 Speed - Normal: 30/60/120 Base Defense +7 Total Defense 19 Base Attack +6 Melee +7 Ranged +8


Protection (Gold Symbiote and Cybernetics) +10 [2 pp/rank, 103 total] (Special Effect: Mother-One has been fused with both a symbiote and cybenetic components.) Source: Super-Science; Extra: Super-Strength +7 [3 pp/rank] (Special Effect: Mother-One's cybernetic limbs give her enhanced strength beyond the other symbiotes); Extra: Super-Intelligence +5 [1 pp/rank] (Special Effect: Mother-One's cybernetics provider her with enhance intelligence and tactical capabilities.); Extra: Datalink +5 [1 pp/rank]; Power Stunt: Satellite Link (Special Effect: In addition to the normal Datalink range, Mother-One can link specifically with satellites to gather communications or tactical data.) Extra: Energy Blast (Lasers) +10 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Explosive Blast (Laser Array) +10 [1 pp/rank] (Special Effect: Mother-One can fire an array of many lasers in all directions from a mechanism in her shoulder.); Extra: Amazing Save (Fort) +6 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Amazing Save (Ref) +5 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Amazing Save (Will) +6 [1 pp/rank]; Power Stunt: Darkvision; Power Stunt: Mental Link (Dane); Power Stunt: Mental Link (All WetWorks Teammates); Power Stunt: Identity Change (Special Effect: Most members of WetWorks can hide their symbiotes so that they look like their human selves.);

SKILLS (Name [Mod/Ranks])

Computers [16/2], Craft (Weapons) [11/2], Demolitions [11/2], Disable Device [11/2], Drive [4/2], Knowledge (Symbiotes) [11/2], Knowledge (Night Tribes) [11/2], Knowledge (History) [11/2], Repair [11/2]


Accurate Attack, Expertise, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot


Surrounded. The WetWorks symbiotes tend to collect to protect against an attack that hits it, leaving the oposite side of the symbiote open to take damage. When a character is hit with two successful attacks on one side on one side in one round (the attacks do not need to do damage), he loses his Damage Save bonus on the opposite side for 1 round.

Disturbing. Mother-One's mechanical arms make it impossible for her to blend into normal society.

Transformation. The cold, computerized Mother personality within Mother-One's cybernetics battles for control with Rachel Rhodes. Mother is frequently trying to convince Rachel to leave or abandon the team or to place them in precarious situations. In game play, Rachel, would need to make periodic Will saves to avoid following Mother's instructions. Use the Save DC rules for the Transformation weakness.


Abilities [28] Base Att [18] Base Def [14] Skills (2/1) [9] Feats [8] Powers [103] Weaknesses [-30] TOTAL [150]