Pilgrim PL10

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PILGRIM Real Name: Maritza Blackbird PL: 10

ABILITIES (Score, Mod/Total Mod)

Str 10 +0/0 Dex 18 +4/14 Con 10 +0/0 Int 12 +1/1 Wis 18 +4/4 Cha 10 +0/0


Dmg +14 Fort +0 Ref +14 Will +4


Init +14 Speed - Normal: 30/60/120 Base Defense +2 Total Defense 27 Base Attack +6 Melee +10 (Attack Finesse) Ranged +10


Super-Dexterity (Gold Symbiote) +10 [4 pp/rank, 63 total] Source: Super-Science; Extra: Invisibility +5 [1 pp/rank] (Special Effect: Pilgrim can "phase out" to varying degrees, so that various people can't see her.); Extra: Super-Senses +10 [1 pp/rank]; Power Stunt: Darkvision; Power Stunt: Mental Link (Mother-One); Power Stunt: Mental Link (All WetWorks Teammates); Power Stunt: Identity Change;

  • NOTE: If it fits with your campaign, you may occasionally want to use Extra Effort to give Pilgrim the Time Travel power as an extra.

Gadgets +10 [1 pp/rank, 10 total] (Special Effect: Pilgrim carries a number of gadgets, many of them hidden on her person. These include weaons, such as knives, boot lasers, and wrist-mounted blasters, and utitlities, such as magnetic grappling hooks.);

Weapon (Guns) +10 [1 pp/rank, 10 total] (Special Effect: This power represents the variety of guns Pilgrim carries - many of them sniper rifles.);

SKILLS (Name [Mod/Ranks])

Climb [10/10], Disable Device [9/8], Medicine [8/4], Profession (Soldier) [8/4], Sense Motive [8/4]


Accurate Attack, Attack Finesse, Dodge, Evasion, Expertise, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Surprise Strike, Track


Surrounded. The WetWorks symbiotes tend to collect to protect against an attack that hits it, leaving the oposite side of the symbiote open to take damage. When a character is hit with two successful attacks on one side on one side in one round (the attacks do not need to do damage), he loses his Damage Save bonus on the opposite side for 1 round.


Abilities [18] Base Att [18] Base Def [4] Skills (2/1) [15] Feats [20] Powers [85] Weaknesses [-10] TOTAL [150]