Dozer PL10

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DOZER Real Name: Joseph Mendoza PL: 10

ABILITIES (Score, Mod/Total Mod)

Str 18 +4/4 Dex 10 +0/0 Con 18 +4/4 Int 12 +1/1 Wis 12 +1/1 Cha 18 +4/4


Dmg +14 Fort +5 Ref +0 Will +1


Init +0 Speed - Normal: 30/60/120 Base Defense +4 Total Defense 14 Base Attack +8 Melee +12 Ranged +8


Growth, (Gold Symbiote) +10 [6 pp/rank, 55 total] Source: Super-Science; Extra: Super-Senses +5 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Amazing Save (Fort) +1 [1 pp/rank]; Power Stunt: Darkvision; Power Stunt: Mental Link (Mother-One); Power Stunt: Mental Link (All WetWorks Teammates); Power Stunt: Identity Change; Power Stunt: All-Around Sight (Special Effect: At will, Dozer can create silvery, translucent, volley-ball-sized orbs of chi that float around him like satellites. He can see through these orbs, giving him sight in every direction.);

  • NOTE: Dozer can do a number of things with his orbs if he directs them individually. Use Extra Effort to give Dozer the following temporary Extras related to his orbs:

- Energy Blast (Force) Special Effect: He can fire the orbs like cannon balls at opponents. - ESP, (Sight only, limited to 3 Ranks). Special Effect: Dozer can send his orbs through solid objects, such as walls to view what is on the other side. Also note that these orb scouts can be destroyed as minions. They have 10 Defense and 0 Damage Save.

Weapon (Guns) +10 [1 pp/rank, 10 total] (Special Effect: This power represents any number of guns Dozer might carry. Generally, his guns are quite large, such as heavy machine guns.);

SKILLS (Name [Mod/Ranks])

Languages (Spanish) [1/1], Profession (Soldier) [7/6], Spot [10/4]


Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot


Surrounded. The WetWorks symbiotes tend to collect to protect against an attack that hits it, leaving the oposite side of the symbiote open to take damage. When a character is hit with two successful attacks on one side in one round (the attacks do not need to do damage), he loses his Damage Save bonus on the opposite side for 1 round. For example, a character with this weakness who receives two successful hits on his front in one round is vulnerable to attacks against his back the following round.


Abilities [28] Base Att [24] Base Def [8] Skills (2/1) [6] Feats [8] Powers [86] Weaknesses [-10] TOTAL [150]