X-Man PL14

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X-Man (Nate Grey) Power Level: 14 [22]Ability Scores: Str 12,Dex 16,Con 14,Int 12,Wis 14,Cha 14

[15]Base Attack Bonus: +5 [10]Defense Bonus: +5

[5]Skills: Acrobatics +4, Bluff +3, Concentration +3, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge (AOA) +2.

[20]Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (Mental Powers), Dodge, Evasion, Iron Will, Power Attack; Power Feats: Psychic Awareness, Mental Link (Forge)


  • Boost +10[Extras: All Attributes (Mutant Powers); Flaw: Tiring; Source: Mutation; Cost: 2pp]

Telekinesis +8[Extras: Energy Blast, Flight, Force Field, Grapple, Telepathy (Invisibility<Psychic>, Mental Blast <Sedation>, Mental Protection); Power Stunts: Lifting, Object Swarm; Source: Mutation; Cost: 11pp] Precognition +5[Extra: Postcognition; Source: Mutation; Cost: 5pp]

  • Nate Grey's Boost applies to all his powers at once. This power ignores the stacking rules in the M&M handbook because the lethal hits that he takes from the Tiring effect stacks. Quite a price to pay for power isn't it?

Object Swarm Prerequisites: Telekinesis 5+ Benefit: Allows the hero to pick up random objects in a radius of (power rank x 5 feet) and launch them at a character. The character must make a Reflex save DC 10+power rank to avoid damage. The GM may lessen the damage save depending on what's around.