Seraph´s Signature Style

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Iron Seraph Signature Style

- also known as the Jin Shen Style, for obvious reasons.

Signature Skill: Learning

1: Inviolable Sanctity

With a quick quotation of the sutras Iron Seraph fills his being with sancrosanct power that wards off demons.

  • Double your Chi Aura for this round. These extra dice may only be used to resist damage from a demonic origin; an attack from a person with demon chi is not enough. It must be an attack supplemented with corrupt kung fu, the attacks of a demon itself, with a Weapon of the Devils, or similar sources.

2: Frown Upon the Wicked

Yanluo, God of Death who sends evildoers to Naraka, can not always be patient. Sometimes the death of a sinner must be expedited so judgment can begin promptly. In these cases Iron Seraph is his tool in the mortal world.

  • Your attack is Disorienting.
  • Principle of Yi: This technique does not work against those with four or more Deeds in Yi.

3: Exorcism

By planting a prayer strip upon a person Iron Seraph can purge them from malevolent influences.

  • This technique only works on “foul” beings. That includes demons, people with high (four or more) Hell Reputation scores, people with any Void chi, and a whole host of lower spirits.
  • Your prayer strip has stats of Speed +0 / Strike +15 / Damage +15.
  • The target struck suffers breathloss in his Demon Chi for this round.
  • If the target has changed its body is must revert to true form. In the modern world few shapechangers remain, making this function mainly reserved for fox-spirits.

4: Everywhere, You Stand Before God.

With a quick prayer strip sent heavenwards Iron Seraph draws the gaze of Heaven. Upon seeing an abomination in the world Heaven will surely strike them down.

  • This technique only works on “foul” beings. That includes demons, people with high (four or more) Hell Reputation scores, people with any Void chi, and a whole host of lower spirits.
  • You may not make a Secondary Attack in the round you use this technique due to the focus required of the prayer that guides the paper strip.
  • Roll your Learning skill as an attack with your White Chi Modifier as a bonus. Your target defends with Awareness.
  • On a standard success you Stun the target.

5: Jin Shen (Pen-)Ultimate

The greatest of all prayer strips Iron Seraph has on him is not written down on paper, but upon his very body. Tattooed upon him are blessings of fortitude and long life according to Daoist principles only the All-Seeing Eye can begin to comprehend.

  • Activating this prayer requires spending 1 Xia Joss.
  • It takes your full action to use this technique.
  • You may not make a Secondary Attack this round.
  • Each point of Jade Chi you spend heals you of 5 points of damage. You do not need to make any roll for this.

6: Perfection of the Silver Soul (6 White + 4 Any)

This power has been known only but a select few of the Jin Shen line – White Eyes Lei, who founded the clan, Hidden Voice Pei, who was awarded the Two Silver Saint by one of the Hell Hunters of the Celestial Army, and now Iron Seraph. By internalizing the twenty-six sutras of the Jin Shen and speaking them with their ”mind´s mouth” (a phrase that is mystifying to all but the most accomplished of worldly scholars), the Daoist soul tattoos come alive with silvery light – the Jin Shen Heavenly blood revealed in all of its´ glory! Theatrics aside, this bestows the demon hunter with a Major Chi Condition – all of his Chi gates open and flow power through his veins! While this state is ultimately harmful to the frailties of the mortal form, it grants immense power while active.

  • Major Chi Condition: Opening of the Gates – Grants an additional point of all the colors of Chi.(6)
  • Add +10 to Armor for as long as the technique is in effect. (2)
  • Add (White Chi) as a Mobility bonus. (2-1CM)
  • Investment: 2 Jade Chi to keep this technique active. (3)
  • Weakness: When this technique ends, the user takes one full Health Level of damage per scene that the technique has been active. (-3)
  • Weakness: Expended Fortune: Must spend 1 Joss to activate this technique. (-3)

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