Aguila PL6
Aguila fancies himself a swashbuckler in the Errol Flynn style. He thinks of himself as a modern day Zorro, righting wrongs and fighting for the poor. He is flamboyant and fancies himself a ladies' man.
Aguila (Alejandro Montoya) Concept: Mutant Swordsman Power Level: 6
Ability Scores: Str 14,Dex 18,Con 14,Int 10,Wis 10,Cha 14
Base Attack Bonus: +4 Defense Bonus: +6
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Bluff +4, Craft (Swords) +7*, Knowledge (New York) +2;
Feats: Attack Finesse, Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes, Move-By Attack, Quick Draw (Swords)
- Energy Blast +6 [Power Stunts: Dual Damage; Flaw: Device Only*; Source: Mutation; Cost: 8pp]
- Super-Skill +5 [Extra: Combat Skill (Swords); Power Stunts: Improved Critical, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Strike; Source: Training; Cost: 15pp]
- Sword +3L [Cost: 3pp]
Attacks: melee +8 melee (+2S, punch); +13 melee (+3L/+6L*), sword; +13 ranged (+6S/L, energy blast) SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0