Crimson Dynamo PL14

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Crimson Dynamo (Dmitri Bukharin)

Concept: Russian Armor-Wearing Spy Power Level: 14 Ability Scores: Str 14,Dex 14,Con 14,Int 14,Wis 14,Cha 14

Base Attack Bonus: +7 Defense Bonus: +6

Skills: Bluff +6, Demo +4, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4, Gather Info +9, Intimidate +4

Feats: Aerial Combat, Attack Focus (energy beams), Connected, Dodge, Expertise, HQ, Improved Initiative, Move-By Attack, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Gather Info), Surprise Strike, Talented (Gather Info/Bluff), Whirlwind Attack


  • Armor +10 [Extras: Super-Strength, Dexterity, Energy Blast, Flight, Immunity, Super-Senses; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 110pp]

Attacks: +9 melee (+2S/12S, punch) or ranged +10 (+10L, energy beams)