Enchantress PL16

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Enchantress (Amora) Power Level: 16 Concept: Asgardian Temptress (36)Ability Scores: Str 12,Dex 16,Con 12,Int 18,Wis 18,Cha 20

(15)Base Attack Bonus: +5 (10)Defense Bonus: +5

(21)Skills: Bluff +22, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +19, Innuendo +17, Knowledge (Occult) +8, Knowledge (Asgard) +6, Perform (dance) +17, Sleight of Hand +5, Taunt +17.

(18)Feats: Attack Focus (knives), Attractive, Dodge, Iron Will, Quick Draw, Sidekick, Skill Focus (Bluff), Suprise Strike, Talented (Diplomacy/Bluff).

(138)Powers: Super-Strength +5(Extras: Super-Constitution; Power Stunts: Durability, Immunity (Aging/Disease); Flaws: Super-Strength doesn't add to melee damage; Source: Alien; Cost: 36pp); Super-Charisma +10(Extras: Amazing Save (Will); Flaw: Men Only; Source: Training; Cost: 20pp); Mind Control +10(Extra: Mind Blank; Flaws: Only on Men/Love Only; Source: Mystical; Cost: 10pp); Sorcery +10(Spells: Telekinesis, Force Field, ESP, Illusion, Energy Blast, Shapeshift, Dimensional Travel;Power Stunt: Paralysis; Source: Training; Cost: 72pp)

SV Dmg +6, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +14; Init +3;Spd 30ft.; Attacks +7 melee (+3L, knife)