Invisible Crow Master

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Character in Once More With Feeling

Invisible Crow Hunter Night Caste Solar Exalt.

Motivation: To avenge his family on the Deathlords and their followers.


Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 5 Strength: 4

Intelligence:3 Perception: 5 Wits: 4

Charisma: 5 Appearance: 2 Manipulate: 3

Abilities: (42 dots) Archery: 5 *FAVOURED* (Essence Repeaters +3) (3 bonus points) Melee: 3 Martial Arts: 2 (4 bonus points) Resistance: 4 *FAVOURED* Lore: 4 *FAVOURED* (11 XP) Survival: 5 *FAVOURED* Occult: 2 *FAVOURED* (The Underworld) Linguistics: 1 (Old Realm) Awareness: 5 *FAVOURED* Dodge: 4 Athletics: 5 Ride: 2 *Favoured* Larceny: 5 (2 Bonus Points) Stealth: 5 (1 Bonus Points) Integrity: 3 (9 XP)

Backgrounds: Artifact 4: The Coronae (twin Essence Guns) Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage 14L, Rate 4, Range 300, Flame Type

  • Orichalcum Construction; Never Strikes Unintended Target; Generates Own Ammunition

Attunement: 10 motes for both. No activation cost. Lunar Bond: 5 (AUTOMATIC) (An automatic and modified version of the merit Eternal Vow from the 1E Players Guide is also in effect. Said modification allows for the communication of thoughts, emotions and sensations over extended distances) Manse 5 (level 3 Manse) (4 Bonus Points) (Gem of Holy Judgement: Level 5 Solar Hearthstone automatically does Aggravated damage to creatures of darkness when attuned to a weapon.)

Artifact 2: Essence-Woven Duster (same stats as Artifact reinforced Buff Jacket) Soak: +7/10B - Hardness 5L/5B - Mobility -1 - Attune 3 motes Resources: 4 (6 XP) Contacts: 3 (6 XP)

Artifact 4 - Essence Map of Creation. This palm-sized disk shows a map of Creation projected out of Essence when attuned. It can also be edited to show territorial lines, cities, etc. It gives the user's location in Creation on the map. (20 XP)

Attunement: 3 motes

Charms: (15) All Excellencies for Free Accuracy Without Distance There is No Wind Essence Arrow Attack (Fire Arrow Attack, Righteous Judgement Arrow) Durability of Oak Meditation Iron Skin Concentration Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit Spirit-Cutting-Attack Lightning Speed Keen Sight Technique Unsurpassed Sight Discipline Surprise Anticipation Method Shadow Over Water Seven Shadow Evasion Easily Overlooked Presence Method Trance of Unhesitating Speed (4 Bonus Points) Arrow Storm Technique (4 Bonus Points) Righteous Lion Defense (Negative Intimacy towards the Tyranny of the Deathlords) (10 XP) Temptation Resisting Stance (Conviction) (10XP) Body-Mending Meditation (8XP) Elemental Resisting Prana (8XP) Foe-Vaulting Method (8XP) Monkey-Leap Technique (8XP) Feather-Foot Style (8XP) Eye of the Unconquered Sun (8 XP) Door Evading Technique (8 XP) Mental Invisibility Technique (8XP) Graceful Crane Stance (8 XP)

Combo: Scourge of the Unholy (There is No Wind + Righteous Judgement Arrow) Cost: 3m 2 wp

Soak: 15B/9L Dodge DV: 7 Parry DV: 4

Attacks (without Charms or Excellencies)- Knife: Attack Roll – 9, Damage – 5L Coronae: Attack Roll – 13, Damage - 19L

Virtues: Conviction 4, Compassion 4, Temperance 3 (2 bonus points), Valor 3 (4 Bonus Points) Limit Break: Heart of Flint Willpower: 10 (2 bonus points) Personal Essence: 25 Peripheral Essence: 59 Health: 7 Essence: 5 (14 bonus points)

He's walked for so so long that sometimes it feels as if his feet would continue moving if he didn't will them to stop. He wears a long leather duster that's long been sapped of colour from exposure to the dust and rain and the wear and tear of life on the road. On his head is a broad-brimmed hat that keeps sun out of his eyes and the shadows on his face. It's a battered old thing, but still tough enough to hold the rain back. A rat once nibbled a piece of his hat off while the man was sleeping. It died an hour later in it's burrow.

Invisible Crow Hunter himself is a non-descript man in his mid-thirties, he could have been handsome, but his face is so weathered that it's hard to say. He wears an eyepatch on his left eye, but his right eye catches much more then others can with two. His hair is a dark brown that he keeps trimmed so it doesn't go below his ears, other then that he doesn't do much with it. His one functioning eye is brown as well. He wears simple pants that go down to his boots and a shirt underneath his duster. Really, it looks as if all his clothes were leeched of colour long ago. Except for his holsters. His holsters are a rich black that seem to stand out more then anything in people's vision. At his sides are a pair of guns, black as night with veins of it's orichalcum interior visible along their length.

He doesn't talk much about where exactly he's from. He just tells his story to those who ask without giving any specific location. He used to live as a regular man, farming with his family. his wife and children. They weren't rich and sometimes went hungry, but they were content. Until his farmstead was attacked by a pack of hungry ghosts somehow working in concert with each other. He stood and fought for as long as he could, losing his left eye in the process. Yet while blood covered his vision, he found that he could SEE through it still, he saw a 4-armed Sun God urge him on to victory and his destiny...then when he had cut a swathe through the hungry ghosts, he saw another ghost, one with pits of nothingness for eyes, leading and organizing them. This was not a random attack. It had been planned. Since then, Invisible Crow Hunter has been travelling Creation, trying to find out why. He's learned about dark masters of the Underworld, holding ghost and mortal alike under their heel. He knows they have something to do with it, and he won't stop until he finds them all and makes them pay. It is in pursuit of this that he changed his name and became the greatest shooter in all of Creation. Invisible Crow Hunter is a taciturn man who doesn’t like to make big speeches or trust pretty words, but when he speaks, it is with an unexpected authority that people can feel in their bones. Despite his rough exterior, his conviction is tempered with a soft heart towards those who are in need of aid. He will often help others, not asking for a reward if he can see that they can’t afford it.

XP remaining: 1