Bulldozer PL-10

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Harold Herbert was a small time car-jacker and with a love of Italian cars. However, one day his love became his worst enemy. When attempting a bust of a very expensive sports car… Harold ran afoul of the latest in automotive protection… a powerful electrical defense system. While non-lethal in normal use, the device malfunctioned when while tooling around to hot-wire the car, Harold stabbed directly into the power core. The resulting electrocution almost killed him and completely fired his nervous system. Harold was left a paraplegic. Harold was Elias’s first recruit and most grateful underling.

Bulldozer: (PL 10)

Init +11 ; Defense 22 (15 Flat Footed); Spd 50ft; Atk +7 melee (+8S), +8 ranged (varies); SV Dmg +6/+9 Evasion [Protection +6/+10], Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +0; VP: 5; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

Skills: Drive +8, Knowledge (Culture-Crime, Trivia-Locksmithing, Trivia-Cars) +7, Open Lock +8, Profession (Criminal) +5 Feats: All-Out-Attack, Dodge, Durability, Evasion, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Instant Stand, Lightning Reflexes, Move-By-Attack, Power Attack, Toughness

Powers/Cybernetic Equipment:

  • Cyber-Reflexes – Super-Speed +4 [Extras: Strike (Extras: Protection; Flaws: During Charge Attacks Only); Flaws: Upkeep; Source: Cyber-Tech; Cost: 4pp; Total: 24pp],
  • Super-Strength + 6 [Extras: Protection; Source: Mystical; Cost: 6pp; Total: 36pp]