Colby PL10

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Str: 18 (+4), Dex: 17 (+3), Con: 20 (+5), Int: 15 (+2), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 37pp

Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 12 Ranged: 12 (with guns) Total: 24 pp

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +3 Cost: 14pp

SAVES Damage: +7 (toughness) Fort: +7 (great fortitude) Ref: +5 (lightning reflexes) Will: +4 (iron will)


Combat Sense +4 [source: training, cost: 4pp]


.45 [+5L, flaw: device; source: science; cost: 5pp]

total: 9pp

Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Expertise, Point blank shot, Toughness, Iron Will, Connected, Precise shot, Stoic (from crooks), Dodge, Great fortitude, Lightning reflexes

Cost: 22pp


Acrobatics +5, Climb +6, Demolition +3, Diplomacy +4, Drive +, Gather information +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (SPBs) +7, Listen +4, profession (agent) +7, search +7, Sense motive +5, spot +4. Total: 45pp