Iron Man PL23

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INIT: +6, DEF: 24/18; Base Speed 30/60/120 Flight 60/120/983040; MELEE +11 (12S Fist), RANGED +11 (12S/L Energy Blast). SAVES: DMG 0, FORT 0, REF +6, WILL +2; ABILITIES: STR 10 (+12), DEX 10 (+6), CON 10 ( 0), INT 20 (+10), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 18 (+4)

SKILLS: Computers* +15/5, Craft: Mechanics +15/5, Craft: Electronics +15/5, Demolitions* +15/1, Disable Dev* +15/3, Knowledge: Busiess +13/3, Listen +10/0, Open Lock* +8/0, Pilot* +9/3, Proffesion: Industrialist +7/5, Repair* +17/5, Science: Electronics +15/5, Science: Physics +15/5, Science: Metalurgy +15/5, Search +18/0, Spot +10/.

FEATS: Aerial Combat, Accurate Attack, Connected, Fame, Far Shot, Headquarters, Identity Change, Move-By Attack, Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Takedown Attack, Technical Analysis, Lightning Repair.


SUPER INTELLIGENCE +5; source: Super Science ARMOR +12, Immunities: Suffocation, Pressure, Radiation, Heat, Cold, Magnetism, Exhastion, Electrcity, Light; [extras: Super Strength, Energy Blast, Multi Ammo:(Dazzle, Disintigration, Peircing, Binding, Energy Shift), Area, Scatter, Flight, Protection, Blending, Stun, Area,Super Senses +8Super Dexterity +8, Boost: Energy Blast +8, BAB +8,Telescpoic Senses: Sight, Hearing +5;Stunts: Super Flight, Dual Damage; Features:Ultra Hearing, Radio Hearing, Radio Broadcast, Penatrating Vision, Blindsight, All Around Sight; source: Super Science

WEAKNESS: Addiction [mod] - Alchohol.