Session 141

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Chapter 16

[INFO] Now logging to [file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/vkdq2mtf.default/chatzilla/logs/].
[INFO] Channel view for ``#nobilis opened.
[Angelo] Hi!
[Angelo] How do you do?
[Knockwood] Hiya Angelo
[Angelo] :-) "Hiya" fell like an old west salutation. It’s pretty!
--]| Random_Nerd ( has joined #nobilis
[Angelo] Hi RN!
--]| BethE ( has joined #nobilis
[Knockwood] Hi RN, Beth
[BethE] Hi guys. *HUGS*
[BethE] Please pardon anything I say that is wrong tonight, as a nest of virus badgers have taken up residence in my sinuses.
[Angelo] Hi Beth, *dive for the hug, sneak back and counter hug!*
[Knockwood] uhoh, what kind of badgers?
[Angelo] uhoh too
[Random_Nerd] We... do not currently believe them to be swine-flu badgers.
[Angelo] (knock on wood)
[Knockwood] hey! :)
[BethE] Although there have been 100 cases of swine-flu on campus confirmed so far.
[Random_Nerd] Four days ago, it was one.
[Angelo] @Knock: :-PpPp
[BethE] (I believe that there are about 40,000 students (under and grad) on campus when in full session.
[Random_Nerd] By next week, it will be THE ENTIRETY OF NORTH AMERICA!
[Knockwood] 0.25 percent? OH MY GOD! IT"S THE END OF HUMANITY!
[Angelo] (and you'll conquer the remnant of the nation?)
[BethE] They think that at least a third of the campus will be affected by the end of next semester.
[Random_Nerd] Oh, and I hear that yesterday the President of Madagascar has shut down all of his ports.
[Random_Nerd] That'll teach the swine-flu guy to add so many symptoms this early in the game. Noob.
[Knockwood] you laugh, that was the last bastion of humanity against my Ultimate Creeping Crud once.
[BethE] But I am at least upright tonight. I should eat something or other too.
[Random_Nerd] Okay, anything before we start?
[Angelo] (little plant: "Eat meeee!!! No, Eat meee! pretty please, eat meeeeeeee!)
[BethE] (I would prefer to have plant minions cooking me noodle soup right now...)
[Knockwood] When are we? Still in the hospital?
[Angelo] none? but we return to the hospital? or cut to the meeting in the groove?
[Random_Nerd] It seemed like you were about done there.
[Random_Nerd] Were there other things that you wanted to do, right there and then?
[Angelo] there is the Gnomely show, but is a side thing
[Knockwood] Depends, any plot points left uncovered? :)
[Angelo] we can touch it next session a la hospital in this one. What do you think?
[Random_Nerd] There wasn't going to be a hospital scene at all, if you had wanted to do it off-screen.
[Random_Nerd] And look at the blood-drop guy as... I was going to drop him in somewhere soon, I know, and the hospital just fit.
[Angelo] you just grab the requested scene as a good opportunity then
[Knockwood] OK. So, do we have a bunch of cured kids running around?
[Angelo] and a mini transmogrifier set on
[Random_Nerd] That very afternoon? No. Just the issue of how to do the consents will take them most of the day.
[Random_Nerd] But within the week, yeah, there will be.
[Random_Nerd] Does that work for Dante?
[Random_Nerd] (Heh. Unfortunately, there isn't an Amyran version of Dr. House. If there was, I'm sure the "Well, this machine will either cure you completely, or go horribly wrong and turn you into a giant salmon" scene would get in somewhere.)
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
[Theresa] (MRI of DOoooooom!)
[Knockwood] hm... OK, I think he can contain his inherent impatience long enough for that... since it does change the zap-ee a bit
[Random_Nerd] (The MRI is a bane.)
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
[Theresa] (Is House a Noble or an Imperator?)
[Ftisk] (an anchor)
[Random_Nerd] (Noble.)
[Random_Nerd] (Cuddy is the Imperator.)
[DanteE] (That puts an interesting spin on the season finale...)
[Random_Nerd] So, then, to the Diplomacy Grove?
[Ftisk] (but House is rebellious against her! How is possible?)
[DanteE] Sure
[Ftisk] Sure!
[Theresa] Theresa will already be there, soaking up the sun with the Maple.
[DanteE] (BTW, Angelo, can you get there?)
[Ftisk] And Gnomely is busy at the studios
[Random_Nerd] (Oh, many Nobles are. But ultimately, she does have the power to shut him down, if she wants to.)
[Ftisk] (none DanteE)
[DanteE] (Not without the board behind her... and, going by the Vogler arc, she'd need the _entire_ board, including Wilson)
[Theresa] (A really strict Code?)
[Random_Nerd] The Maple looks a little nervous, Theresa. Just a bit, but you know it well.
[Random_Nerd] (I... like to forget the Vogler Arc.)
[DanteE] "Morning, Theresa."
[Random_Nerd] (Sam and William are both not there.)
[Ftisk] "Hiya!"
[Theresa] "How was the hospital? Sorry I wasn't there. The spirit of Moscow got email and is typing in all caps at me as to why I haven't brought urban-farming to him."
[Ftisk] "Was amusing, humanity is always... strange"
[DanteE] "They now have their own transmogrifier...
[Theresa] "You didn't leave the remote in the kids' ward, right? Some of those kids can be wicked first-person-shooters."
[DanteE] "And right now their lawyers are going insane. I'm debating whether that's good or bad."
[Random_Nerd] Dante, you hear a sound like a huge iron bell ringing.
[Random_Nerd] Another ring, and Theresa now hears it too.
[DanteE] "Did we move that cathedral?"
[Random_Nerd] A third, and now all of you there can hear it.
[Ftisk] "What was that? The door knocker?"
[Random_Nerd] Then, a door just shows up in the Grove, suspended in mid-air.
[Theresa] "Probably. Knocking is polite."

  • Theresa puts her hand unobtrusively on the Maple, comforting, in a way.

[Random_Nerd] It's a thick metal one, but rather than looking like a safe door, it looks like one of those fire doors in elementary schools, with paint peeling and little dents bumped into it over the years.
[Random_Nerd] Then it opens.
[Random_Nerd] Two figures step in, one human-looking, one distinctly not.
[Random_Nerd] The human-looking one seems to be in his late thirties or early fourties. He's wearing a suit in a somewhat old style, that looks to have been pressed before he wore it, but seems to have developed a slightly rumpled look over the day. He straightens his off-white tie.
[Random_Nerd] And the other is about four feet tall, and appears to be an animated stick figure made out of brass.
[Random_Nerd] Stick Figure: "Are we on time?"
[DanteE] "Yes. Not that we stand much on ceremony."

  • Ftisk to the brass figure "Electricity and Copper, I believe?"

[Random_Nerd] The man in the suit looks at a large metal key in his hand, rubs it, and then puts it back in his pocket.
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Data and Machinery, I presume?"

  • Ftisk floats up and down in an affirmative pattern

[Theresa] "I'm Plants and this is my brother Courage."
[Random_Nerd] Suit: "And I'm the Viscount of Bone."
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "I don't really see why this is so important, but they insisted I come to meet you."
[DanteE] "They?"
[Theresa] "Please, come in. Would you like any refreshments?"

  • Theresa creates a few chairs and a comfy pedestal for Ftisk to sit on.

[Random_Nerd] E&C waves a hand at Dante.

  • Ftisk idly study E&Copper body

[Random_Nerd] (It's not mechanical, except in that it has joints and the like. Indeed, he isn't really "here." Rather, it's a piece of metal that he's manipulating with miracles. He's speaking by doing ghost miracles of copper to vibrate a metal disk, and he's hearing by doing a divination on another such disk.)
[DanteE] "So... I'm guessing you've heard about this?" showing HQ's mark.
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "I certainly did."
[Random_Nerd] E: "As most of you know, one of the rules which Most Divine Indra has set me to is keeping track of certain trends in Noble society."
[Ftisk] To E&C: "Nice telepresence system. I must try this one time"

  • DanteE sits
  • Ftisk floats to the pedestal

[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Much less troublesome than moving myself around, and I... never got the hang of forming the sort of emotional relationships that would produce Anchors."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Have you found it to be that way, too?"
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Look, are the two of you robots just going to talk shop all day?"
[Ftisk] "yes is a painful one but can give you deep satisfation"
[Theresa] (He made one! And then got it filled with locusts! ^^ )
[Ftisk] (yes is awesome I know ^^ )
[Theresa] "What kind of trend would you see this being as?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C, to Ftisk: "It's not that I don't /want/ to. I even tried, once. I just..."
[Random_Nerd] A two-armed metallic shrug.
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Something to do with that nutty angel."
[DanteE] "Which nutty angel?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C, quietly: "Barakiel."
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Barakiel."
[Theresa] "Ah, that one. Thank you for having a specific one."
[Ftisk] (/me facepalm)
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "I get that he's trying to cause the end of the world or something, and that it's bad. But what does your new body art have to do with all that?"
[Theresa] (We've met two angels. I'm surprised Ftisk isn't defending his chaste beloved. ^^ )
[Ftisk] (caught in mid typing)
[Theresa] (*checking notes*)
[DanteE] "No, he's trying to avoid the world ending. But that's another matter..."
[Ftisk] "Well Barakiel conclusions are perfectly reasonable... by his perspective"
[Theresa] "There is some disagreement about how or if the Age should end."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "At any rate, your new role is connected to that, right? I know one of his nobles, the nerdy one, got called on by the Council."
[Ftisk] "And on the methodologies to prolong this age or to skip the next"
[DanteE] "Only peripherally, actually."
[Theresa] "We are to investigate the Wall, the end of the Age and what is Outside."
[Random_Nerd] B: "Well, that's what Barky is on about, right? The end of the world?"
[Theresa] "He wants the world to be on his terms."
[DanteE] "Everyone does."
[Ftisk] "The end of the word and the end of the age are not the same matter"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Leave Barakiel out of this. We wanted to know about the other angle, anyway."
[Theresa] "And yes, that's one of the reasons we've been visiting him. Shadows, his Noble, is interested in the Wall and what's Outside as well."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Okay, I'll just ask. Please give me an honest answer. Do any of you have any reason to believe that Ymera Kudzu, Councillor Ha'Qadush Berakha, or Ymera Attaris Ebrot Appeka is a mimic?"
[DanteE] "Just got his crown, in fact."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Or any other Magister of the Wild you've met."
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Crown? A bit old-fashioned, don't you think?"
[Ftisk] "I suspect of Kudzu"
[Ftisk] "a little bit"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Go on, please."
[Theresa] *to Bone* "His crown is connected to his studies of Outside. It's like our own crowns of status."
[Ftisk] "well... There are some signs that can be read in this way but... I prefer to not explain until further evidence"
[Ftisk] (He have a friend excru!!!. RN is perv on Imperators and so on.. :-P )
[Theresa] "Personally, I do not believe that my Imperator is a mimic. I haven't met the Councilor or the Age Imperator to really make any sort of opinion on them."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "On a scale of 0 to 1, how certain are you that he is a Mimic?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "All of you, please."
[Theresa] "The fact that they are both Wild can skew judgment calls to either side."
[Theresa] "Which number means what?"
[Ftisk] "now is 0.500001 if 0 is not mimic and 1 is mimic"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Zero is no chance at all. One is absolute certainty that he is."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Interesting."
[Ftisk] (can we change it to 0.55 ?)
[Random_Nerd] E: "Nobles of Chancel Amyra. Does he enforce any codes on you, whether those of Creation, the Cants of the enemy, or some corrupted code?"
[DanteE] (Hm... what about Hope's div? You know, the 'vision'?)
[Theresa] "0. If Kudzu is a Mimic, he is one that wishes to not destroy the Universe. It is possible that there are Nobles who do wish to destroy the Universe and are hiding that agenda, making them more the Mimic than our Imperator."
[DanteE] "Well, the Wild code. Not really 'imposed' per se...
[Theresa] *to E* "Bwah?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Hmm?"
[Ftisk] ( )
[Random_Nerd] B: "If they're mind-controlled servants of the enemy, they're not going to /tell/ you..."
[DanteE] "Technically we have the option of not following it, and incurring his displeasure.
[Theresa] "I am Wild by Imperator and Serpent by choice. I'm not sure if you think Serpent might be corrupted or something..."
[Theresa] *to Bone* "I can swear on it, if you want." *smile*
[Random_Nerd] E: "No... no. I mean the ones a few of the Strategists try to encourage in us."
[Theresa] (Hmm? Don't know if I've heard that one.)
[Random_Nerd] B: "Serpents. Them, I trust. Much more than Wildlords and Angels. Either kind."
[Theresa] "What codes are you talking about, Electricity?"
[DanteE] (Actually, I goofed, I was thinking of her div into Kudzu's past)
[Ftisk] "Excru are not automatically enemy until they do something against creation"
[Ftisk] "!"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Well, They don't want us to act like them. Their Cants tend to make them better at their jobs. What they is for us to be lazy, or overly angry. Stuff like that. So they can, you know, poison our Precious Bodily Fluids."
[Random_Nerd] E waves at himself and Ftisk: "Present company excepted."
[DanteE] "You mean things like, say, a pointless animosity toward another Noble?"

  • Ftisk "ihih", sorry I'm doing some laughing training lately

[Random_Nerd] E: "More generalized than that. More like a tendency towards forming such pointless animosities say."

  • Theresa gives a slight giggle. "Although I thought being human gave us that tendency."

[Random_Nerd] E: "No comment."
[Random_Nerd] B: "I still don't think they'd tell us..."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Even if these codes were imposed on them, they wouldn't control their every action. Just... slant them a bit."
[Theresa] (Electric Sliiiiiide! Sorry, virus badgers talking...)
[DanteE] "Barakiel... is trying to preserve creation. Just doesn't know how."
[Theresa] "What would convince you, Bone?"
[Ftisk] "I must disagree, Barakiel have his vision on how preserve creation and is by killing the 4th age Imperator"
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Don't know. If we caught you plotting to kill Entropy, stuff like that?"
[DanteE] "Kudzu... he's given creation Hope and Courage."
[Theresa] "That would convince you that we were for Creation or against?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Nothing like killing the living embodiment of murder?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "But wouldn't that be a clever idea on Their part? If hope and bravery were just things they made up to distract us at the wrong moment?"
[DanteE] "3rd age, Ftisk."
[Random_Nerd] Bone starts.
[Random_Nerd] B: "I thought they were plotting to kill Ananda."
[Ftisk] "Right Dante"

  • Ftisk start a system check on my memory

[Random_Nerd] (No, Ftisk is right.)
[Random_Nerd] (But killing Ananda was their old plan.)
[Random_Nerd] (These guys don't know the new one. Well, until now, of course.)
[Theresa] "And...I want to hear how Plants distract people, although if you use the plant blessed with our Imperator's name, that's a low blow." *smile*
[Theresa] :Ananda was a previous target. Plans appear to be flexible while waiting for the end of the Age."
[Ftisk] (so scrap on the "right Dante"
[Random_Nerd] Bone: "Well, they're... pretty?"
[Ftisk] )
[Random_Nerd] Bone waves an arm at the Maple.

  • Ftisk switch to mythic view

[Random_Nerd] (The Maple looks like he's trying to seem calm, but is on edge.)
[DanteE] "I shouldn't have to mention that everything said here is confidential, right?)
[Theresa] "Angels like beauty."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Uh... no it isn't?"

  • Theresa pretty much expected that it wouldn't be confidential.

[Theresa] (Because we didn't state so at the beginning. Nobles is rules-lawyers!)
[Random_Nerd] B: "But flowers... flowers are in your estate, right? Not the thing itself, but part of it?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Interesting point. Theresa, flowers were around before Plants were. Do you know how they came to be part of your Estate?"
[Theresa] "I think sex was involved."
[Theresa] (Great...this is the episode where Theresa is told that she's adopted, huh?)
[Ftisk] (You a least have yuor family in the show. I'm the kid from another family come to visit...)
[Random_Nerd] B: "And the friggin' /Ash/. I really hope /that/ isn't part of your Estate."
[Random_Nerd] (It isn't.)
[Theresa] (But everyone knows that the new kid on the show in the later seasons is always cool.)
[DanteE] "Wouldn't that mean that if Kudzu was a mimic, he wouldn't have managed to 'grab' something so fundamental to creation?"
[Theresa] "_No._ It is not. It is the progenitor of Imperators. I swear by it. I don't control it."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Or that he was made out of a really crucial dead Imperator, that they killed right at the start."
[Ftisk] "Depends, he (Kudzu) if a mimic can have had a success doing just this (incorporating flowers)"
[Theresa] (Crap. What were the Estates of the first dead Angel?)
[DanteE] "If that's true, the entire cycle of ages is a lie."
[Random_Nerd] E: "You got it."
[Theresa] "If you wish, I could divine when or how flowers were connected to my estate."
[Ftisk] "Is an interesting hypothesis"
[DanteE] "If _that's_ true, why have a war? They'd have already won."
[Random_Nerd] E: "But only the part after Plants came in could show up. And none of the parts with Imperators."
[Random_Nerd] E: "It'd be interesting, but it wouldn't settle things."
[DanteE] "Actually, it might, depending on _how_ they became attached..."
[Ftisk] (A gDiv can't show things from before the estate creation?)
[Random_Nerd] B: "This is pointless. If they're deep-cover enemy agents, they won't tell us jack. And if they aren't, they don't know anything..."
[Theresa] (See, this is why the India died. So people couldn't ask him questions about this sort of stuff.)
[Random_Nerd] (Nope. Because there was nothing of that Estate to Divine about.)
[Ftisk] (and said an hypothetic alchemical being or a summoned external thing can do this divination?)
[DanteE] (Well... like they said, there were flowers before there was an Estate of Plants.

  • Theresa checks on the Maple, sees how he's doing.

[Random_Nerd] Maple blinks at Theresa.
[DanteE] (Therefore, a GDiv of Flowers might just give us something...)
[Random_Nerd] (But, uh, you can't do that.)
[Random_Nerd] (Theresa can no more do a GDiv of Flowers than Dante can.)
[Theresa] (Just of Plants. Flowers is someone different but similar.)
[DanteE] (But you can create flowers...)
[Random_Nerd] B: "I still think this is pointless."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Then just leave."
[Random_Nerd] B: "Maybe I will!"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Fine!"
[Theresa] "I'm sorry that your visit wasn't pleasant, Bone. Is there anything you might like to see about our Chancel?"
[DanteE] "Stop.
[Random_Nerd] B: "Nice to meet you, hope you aren't evil enemy spies. Goodbye."
[Random_Nerd] Bone slumps to the ground, and then gets up again.
[Theresa] "Ditto and safe journeys."
[DanteE] "... what happened?"
[Random_Nerd] Now, his face looks slightly different, and he says in a somewhat changed accent: "I thought he'd never leave."
[Theresa] (What's Noble for Don't let the Anchor hit you on the way out?)
[DanteE] "Oh."
[Theresa] "My guess, Dante, is that this is an Anchor of Bone?"
[Random_Nerd] "Pleased to meet you. I'm Luc Ginneas."
[Ftisk] "is reasonable"

  • Theresa 's Jaw Drops.
  • Ftisk float toward the might be anchor"

[Theresa] (My birthday present came early!)
[Ftisk] float even
[DanteE] "I've ... heard about you."
[Theresa] "_The_ Luc Ginneas? Wow. Your Aides do marvelous work."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Sorry about the charade. We wanted to make him feel like he was part of this."
[Ftisk] "I'm honored of meet you"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I'm just a servant."
[DanteE] "And suddenly William's apprehension makes sense..."
[Random_Nerd] L: "William? Ah, one of the members of my organization?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "If it helps, I didn't tell them to set this up. But... he would have known who Bone was likely to use."
[DanteE] "Yes. We have 2 Aides."
[Theresa] "Why you in particular?"
[DanteE] (What's E&C doing?)
[Random_Nerd] L: "I hope you don't think too badly of him. The Dominus of Bone is an unquestionably brave fighter against the Enemy, and is more or less incorruptible."
[Random_Nerd] (Looking at the Maple.)

  • DanteE checks out the Maple himself...

[Random_Nerd] L: "He's just no good at this cloak-and-dagger business, so I elected to handle it for him. William would have known this."
[Theresa] (Be right back. Must make drink for badgers. DOn't hurt my Maple!_
[Random_Nerd] (What are you looking for?)
[Ftisk] "cloak-and-danger?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Counter-espionage, and the like."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Spy stuff."
[DanteE] (Want to see if he was apprehensive about Luc, Bone, or E&C)
[Random_Nerd] (None of the above. He's most apprehensive of, in order, Theresa, E&C, Luc, Ftisk, and Bone.)

  • Ftisk with a bit of disbelief "What do you sharre of Bone's opinion on Kudzu?"

[Random_Nerd] L: "Unusual. If he is a Mimic, we're all in trouble."
[Theresa] (Why me?!?!?)
[DanteE] "Can't argue with that..."
[Ftisk] (you are the flower connect demigod remember?)
[Random_Nerd] L: "And the business with the Power of Urbanization..."
[Random_Nerd] Luc shivers.
[Ftisk] "_That_ is weird
[Theresa] "It was interesting. We go through many Urbanizations."
[Ftisk] "
[DanteE] "How much of that have you heard?"

  • Ftisk revise mimic possibility to 0.60

[Random_Nerd] L: "I may just be the help, but I have been doing this for a few years, and I've never seen anything like what I've heard. I've heard that he vanished, and came back with amnesia, and looking like a Warmain-shard."
[DanteE] "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Herb in a while..."
[Ftisk] "We believe he is the alternate herself from out of the wall"
[Theresa] "I saw his ninja the other day. He let me see him on purpose."
[Random_Nerd] L: "New Nobles... don't always do well, in the first years."
[DanteE] "Anyway... yes. James got re-constituted right in front of us, but with starry eyes."
[Theresa] *smile* "We're the newbies and thus the easiest to take down?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "There is that, too."
[Theresa] "You have also heard about the new Imperator on Dionyl?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Only what was said in the Council. I don't have as many contacts there."
[Theresa] (LDiv on the Maple for why he is apprehensive about Theresa.)
[DanteE] "The demon the original James Anchored is still connected to us, so something about James would seem to have survived."
[Ftisk] "That, I'm sure is an excrucian!"
[Random_Nerd] L: "The Aides really aren't a spy organziation, and I am not in direct control of them. But they do tell me things."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Does he seem to be a danger?"
[DanteE] "How much of our last visit with the Council has been propagated?"
[DanteE] "Lesson? Only to gangbangers.
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "A fine distinction, here. Is he an Excrucian in the sense of being a Shard of one of those four types we've identified? Or in the sense of being from Outside?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "No, no. The returned former Urbanization."
[DanteE] "We're using a carrot-and-stick approach... while he's here protecting the Chancel he can sleep."
[Theresa] "In that sense, all of the Wild Lords are Excrucians, Mimics or not."
[DanteE] "Oh...
[Theresa] (Where did we put James? Who's turn is it to dust him?)
[DanteE] "We suspect he's a fetch of the original James.
[DanteE] (he's on the Moon, remember?)
[Random_Nerd] L: "I beg your pardon?"
[Ftisk] "As already said being an excrucian not automatically mean being against creation"
[DanteE] "The last we heard of the original, Kudzu was sending him outside the Wall."
[Random_Nerd] (Using Penetration on that Lesser Div?)
[Theresa] (Yes. +2.)
[Random_Nerd] (Because, as it happens, Electricity & Copper is standing with the Maple in his Auctoritas.)
[Random_Nerd] (2 does it.)
[DanteE] "Then Kudzu told us he killed him...
[Theresa] (Darn it...oh, okay.)
[DanteE] "Then the new James appeared."
[Random_Nerd] (The Maple is nervous that Theresa will be suspicious of him.)

  • Theresa whispers to Luc. "Lesson the demon is the carrot/stick approach.)

[Random_Nerd] L: "Interesting. Where are his loyalties?"
[DanteE] "Survival."
[Ftisk] "I suspect Kudzu will eat him if they meet again"
[Random_Nerd] L: "He does that a lot, does he not?"

  • Theresa deliberately 'misunderstands' and says to the Maple, "It's okay. You won't get hit by lightning again while Electricity is here."

[Ftisk] "Is in his nature"
[DanteE] "Kudzu does have a thing for consumption..."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Do any of you have the same urges, to devour and absorb?"
[DanteE] "Does pizza count? There's a place on Fifth Street... :) "
[Random_Nerd] The Maple shrugs at Theresa, but his mythical arm shakes a bit when he does so.
[Ftisk] "I'm in visit.. you know ... these are interesting nobles..."
[Random_Nerd] L: "No, no. To eat gods, or similar things. Nobles, Anchors, Shards."
[DanteE] "Not on my part..."
[Theresa] "Nope. It could just be that I haven't found the Noble of Hamburgers, yet."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Sandwiches. I know him."
[Random_Nerd] L: "He is not, himself, very appetizing."
[Theresa] (He's an Earl of Estate, huh?)

  • Theresa notices the arm shake. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

[Random_Nerd] L: "Ah, sorry about that. Nothing personal, we just wanted to check."
[DanteE] "Lots of people seem to have suspicions...
[Ftisk] to E: "I know our imperator know each other"
[Theresa] "No problem."
[Random_Nerd] E: "I think they were in a pantheon together once, way back."
[Random_Nerd] (Which is mythologically true only if you like to say that two similar gods from different cultures that have some shared history are "really" the same guy.)
[Ftisk] "And that we both are construct. Can you show me your true appearance?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "I don't have it with me."
[DanteE] "You've been around long enough to not freak out when I tell you that the tree my Sister is talking to is watching our Ymera."
[Random_Nerd] L: "He wasn't, really. He was watching you. Well, we didn't know it would be /you/, but he was to watch Kudzu's Nobles."

  • DanteE blinks...

[Ftisk] "Well, nevermind E, was just curiosity to compare desigh choices"
[Ftisk] "was what? You placed Maple???"
[Theresa] "What did you do to him?"
[DanteE] "... which means he may have heard that we may be aligned against Creation... no wonder it's apprehensive."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Well, he was here already. I just changed him a bit. Made him a lot smarter, for one thing."
[Random_Nerd] E: "Even in the prosaic world, he's at least nearly humanly intelligent."
[DanteE] (E&C tweaked our Maple?)
[Ftisk] (maple sit, maple catch level of smart?)
[Random_Nerd] (Yep! Before the game even started!)

  • Theresa smiles. "Yes, he is very intelligent."

[DanteE] to E&C: "When, and why?"
[Theresa] "How did you know the Chancel would be here?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "You can talk now, if you want."
[Ftisk] (ohhhh)
[Random_Nerd] Maple: "Okay. And... I trust them. If they had allegiances to outside Creation, I think I would have noticed."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Kudzu has always loved this place."
[Random_Nerd] L: "We heard he was thinking about making a Chancel, so we made a bit of a guess and tried it out. We got it right."
[Ftisk] "and seem a reasonable choice for his chancel then..."
[DanteE] (Kewl, our tour prices just went up! :) )
[Theresa] (What does his voice sound like?)
[Theresa] (Hey, my Maple is not a tour attraction! :P )
[Ftisk] (he have eyes and a mouth?)
[Random_Nerd] (The Maple? Deep, matching his mythic view. A bit guilty-sounding.)
[Random_Nerd] (Mythically, he looks like a tall human with brownish skin and somewhat leaflike hair.)
[Theresa] "What do you know about Kudzu's connection with this place before enChancelling?"
[Random_Nerd] (But Ftisk is looking at the Mythic now, right?)
[DanteE] "Wait... that means you knew of Kudzu from ...

  • Theresa smiles at the Maple. "I'm glad that you can talk on your own now. That you're not cooped up anymore."

[Ftisk] (yes, but me/Angelo is curious if in prosaic he open eyes and a mouth move when he speak)
[DanteE] "... did he have a Chancel before this one?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "We don't know why he likes it. But he does."
[Random_Nerd] (Nope. He isn't speaking, prosaically.)
[Ftisk] (ahh, ok)
[Random_Nerd] L: "If he did, I know nothing about it. If it was in the last hundred years, I'm nearly certain I would know. Before that... most of the people loyal to me aren't that old."
[Random_Nerd] M: "I wasn't cooped up. I just... wasn't breaking character."
[DanteE] "ah yeah. We're so used to dealing with the ageless..."
[Ftisk] "But no one of us is ageless"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I'm pretty sure I'm older than any of you, by at least a few decades. Even a little older than my friend Electricity. Dominus Ftisk, your age is not known to me."
[Theresa] *to Maple* "I'm glad that you did your job well."
[Ftisk] (Brian's immutable count as ageless?)
[Random_Nerd] L: "But by the standards of gods, even a slightly long-lived human is a mayfly."
[Theresa] (Nah, he still has an age.)
[Random_Nerd] (Depends in what sense you mean.)
[DanteE] (I meant Ymera, Angels, et cetera.)
[Theresa] "You look well for a man of your age." *smile*
[Ftisk] "Just call me Ftisk as anyone"
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah. I mean, Angels, Wildlords... they don't have ages in the sense that it is not a meaningful statement to say that they came into being at a particular time.)
[Random_Nerd] (Because some Angels were around before Time was invented, and Wildlords came from a place they still don't have it.)
[Random_Nerd] (Mocking quotes around "still," there.)
[Ftisk] "Also, I was created 3 years ago"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Just before me, then. But wasn't there an earlier version of you, before that?"
[Ftisk] "Yes, I'm Ftiskaaaahk Sn'Gnok my previous version is Ftiskaaaahk Sn. It is also my anchor"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Your predecessor impressed my Imperator, I think. The previous Noble of Electricty was the classic stormgod type, and he got killed, so... Indra wanted to try something new."
[DanteE] "You mean a God of Thunder type?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Yeah. Used to be the Estate of Lightning. I just... made a few changes."
[Ftisk] "Vulcan have full the chancel of mechanical inhabitants now, we have some one that have human level intelligence (that are creating troubles)"
[Ftisk] "You acquired the copper piece?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "Which one?"
[DanteE] (You whacked all those Orcs for one copper piece? Damn, your GM's stingy... :) )
[Ftisk] "there is the HRIM (Human Rights to Intelligent Machines) that is creating social problem in the chancel at times but is mostly an annoyance. A bit of brainstorming and everything go smooth"
[Ftisk] (they a re stupid machines so don't have rights.. right? :-P )
[DanteE] "Anyway... Electricity, all we know about you is your enmity with Consequences. What did you want to talk about?"
[Random_Nerd] E: "This a human thing? I mostly watch Nobles."
[Theresa] (IT's your chancel. If your Imperator decided it, the machines have all of the rights and the humans are slaves.)
[Ftisk] ( )
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Consequences is... I almost think he's running Barakiel the way that Luc here is running Bone."
[Random_Nerd] L: "I am /not/ running..."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Fine, the way Luc /isn't/ running Bone."
[Ftisk] "Is a channel folk thing"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "I've never been to Locus Vulcan. Is it to folks like us the way a place like this is to human Nobles?"

  • Ftisk ponder "Well now is a technological advanced place but started as a heart clone place"

[Theresa] "Is it possible for a Noble to puppet an Imperator?"
[Ftisk] "Is possible for an anchor to puppet a noble?"
[Ftisk] Noble
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Not... literally."
[Random_Nerd] L: "I think he means more the Jeeves and Wooster way."
[Random_Nerd] L: "But with me... I'm not getting Bone to fufill my goals. I'm fufilling /his/ goals."
[Random_Nerd] L: "It's just that some of those goals are best pursued without his knowledge, or even by persuading him to certain courses of action."
[Random_Nerd] L: "It's like all Anchors do, really. I'm just... good at it."
[Ftisk] to E: "When you want to visit you'll be welcome, this is valid to each of the present, naturally."
[DanteE] "By the way, I've been wanting to ask... we've heard the litany of the Nobles who have Anchored you... including the 3 that are missing. Any idea what happened to them?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "I'll have to go there some time."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Which three?"

  • Theresa rubs her forehead. "Now I'm picturing Consequences looking like Stephen Fry..."

[DanteE] "Let's see... Oceans...
[Random_Nerd] L: "I wasn't there, and he didn't drop into my head when he was dying."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Oh, and none of my Nobles have had Thought Records. I do insist on my privacy, in certain matters."
[DanteE] "We were considering going to look for them, actually...
[Random_Nerd] L: "And who are the other two?"
[DanteE] "Ah... ah yeah. Silver and Dance."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Ah. That's private."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "He means their imperators ate them because they were a couple of noobs."
[DanteE] (considering I live in the Silver state which is full of Dancing girls... :) )
[Random_Nerd] L: "I don't mean that!"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I don't mean anything. Deliberately so."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Just... I insist on my privacy? Well, so did they."

  • DanteE checks Luc out with the Sight, as well as using Aspect and psych training to assess that statement... ]:]

[Random_Nerd] (To the sight... he's an Anchor, yep. Pretty shiny one, as Anchors go.)

  • Ftisk ldiv Data on luc Silver, Dance fate +2 pen

[Random_Nerd] (What level of miracle of Aspect are you using?)
[Theresa] "I'm sure you've seen many things over your time involved with Noble Society."
[DanteE] (Just the base, I think. The main thing is, did E&C tell the truth, as far as Luc knows?)
[Random_Nerd] (No living human or humanlike being who isn't immune to direct miracles remembers how they died. No books, or other nonliving records store it. This is unless either of the above are inside the Auctoritas of someone with Spirit 3 or better. But relatively few Nobles have that much Spirit.)
[Random_Nerd] (Luc is suppressing his reactions well enough that you can't tell.)
[Random_Nerd] (At least, without spending MPs.)
[DanteE] "... but you do know what happened to them, right?"
[Ftisk] (ach! :-( )
[Random_Nerd] (He's picked up a few Gifts, the way high-placed Cams sometimes do. That's one of them, along with the unaging thing.)
[Random_Nerd] L: "I do, yes."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "And he won't tell you, nah nah nah nah nah."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Ah, yes."
[Theresa] "I believe that someone in your position is entitled to a Neener.":
[Random_Nerd] L: "Sadly, that is privileged information."
[DanteE] "... can't help but think that someone should know. Their families, maybe. Their Ymera, so they can be replaced if necessary."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Such a thing wouldn't be my call."
[DanteE] "They’re listed as 'Fate unknown', and sometimes that's more cruel than knowing the worst."
[Random_Nerd] Luc shrugs.
[Ftisk] "And I'm dying to get that information... Being the Data's Viscount don't help"
[DanteE] "Anyway... let me give you two a little tidbit of information in return.
[DanteE] "And this is need-to-know only, agreed?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I know of... if you count both, maybe ten people who know. Two Imperators, six Nobles, and two Anchors. They might tell. I won't."
[DanteE] ('...if you count both"?)
[Random_Nerd] L: "As long as what you tell me isn't something my Noble needs to know, or something that needs to be acted on to save the world, I won't divulge it."
[Random_Nerd] (Both Nobles.)
[Random_Nerd] (The ones that Luc knows how they died.)
[Random_Nerd] (The other, he doesn't know, nor does he know who does.)
[DanteE] "Well, it's part of the latter category. Maybe it's better to say You Didn't Hear It From Us."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Acceptable."
[DanteE] "We did talk to an aspect of Attaris while on Jupiter...
[DanteE] "Now, she did not give us any details on what will happen, just when...
[DanteE] "Whatever ends the Age, it starts [when], or immediately if Ananda dies."
[Random_Nerd] L: "As if things weren't complicated enough."
[DanteE] "And, Attaris being Attaris, if anyone asks us what happens we're obligated to lie."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Ah, but if nobody asks, you can tell them what you want?"
[DanteE] "That is definitely confidential."
[DanteE] "Well, what I've been doing is telling the nothing we know."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Okay. Hmm. So... are you going to ask any of the Questions I Always Get? I'd like to get them out of the way, if you are."
[DanteE] "You mean like 'Are you really the Devil'? :) )
[Theresa] "Nah, I don't care if you're Lucifer or not."
[Ftisk] "What are these questions?"
[Random_Nerd] "That was one of them. And I'm not, incidentally."
[Random_Nerd] "I'm also not Joktan, Lord Entropy, or the Power of Consequences. And I'm not ruling all of Noble society with a puppeteer's hand."

  • Ftisk giggle

[DanteE] "I've got it! You're Elvis! :D "
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "And he's not telling the truth about at least one of those."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Nonsense. I am."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Telling the truth, I mean. Elvis, no, although I did see him perform live once."
[Theresa] "How was he?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Drunk, or maybe stoned. But the man did have talent, in spite of it."
[DanteE] "Anyway, this (indicating HQ's mark) means he wants us to investigate two things:
[DanteE] "One, all about the Wall--what happens when someone crosses it, and maybe if that's getting easier.
[DanteE] "Two, what the hell happens when Attaris cuts loose.
[Random_Nerd] L: "They get killed. Either by Us, or by Them."
[Random_Nerd] L: "The shit hits the fan."
[Ftisk] "Not entirely true, my anchor made 2 brief excursus outside"
[DanteE] "More detail, Luc. :) "
[Random_Nerd] L: "And he came back alive?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Lucky anchor."
[Theresa] "Yep. We even got recordings and a postcard."
[DanteE] "We could definitely use your help on those. And considering the importance of those questions..."
[Ftisk] "Yes, he is busy making is show now"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I told you what I know, which isn't much. That's /Imperator/-level stuff. I know an awful lot of anchor-level stuff, and quite a bit of Noble-level stuff. But Imperators rarely talk with me."
[Random_Nerd] L: "If I come across it, I may tell you if I'm allowed and I think it's a good idea. But no promises, and I doubt I will anyway."
[Ftisk] "well spoke freely"
[Ftisk] "BTW it have a bit of locust inside now... don't ask ùEntropy was involved"
[DanteE] "Understood. Then again, we could get a little help just through your Aides that help out powers of Wildlords."
[Random_Nerd] E&C "Oh, I had a question. How many overlapping secret groups trying to figure this stuff out are there? I mean, there's Luc and me and some people we know. There's Ha'Qadosh and you guys, there's Consequences and his lot, there's probably something involving Attaris..."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "But did I miss any?"
[DanteE] "Well, we're not that secret, are we?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "That's exactly what you want me to think."
[Ftisk] "We was appointed publically by HQ"
[Theresa] "Probably double the current number and add 3. We're not very good at being secret."
[DanteE] "Actually, that reminds me. Electricity... what is the source of your enmity with Consequences?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "But I bet he has other lackeys... do you know about them? If you did, would you tell us?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "I think it's because he's PLOTTING TO KILL THE IMPERATOR OF AN AGE. TWO DIFFERENT ONES."
[Ftisk] "I don't know of other groups..."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "So, that."
[Ftisk] "BUR is for a good cause!"
[DanteE] "That's his boss."
[Ftisk] BUT even
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "I think it's him.
[Random_Nerd] "
[DanteE] "And that's part of his desperate plan to end the war. It does make some sense... this age correlates with the Valde Bellum."
[DanteE] "But I don't think it will work."
[Ftisk] "Me too"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "But that's why. I don't trust him or his Angel, and I have doubts about the kid."
[Ftisk] "kid?"
[DanteE] "Shadows, Ftisk."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "The new Shadows. Clearly he's up to something, and the last one was too."
[Ftisk] "ohhh"
[Theresa] "Well, so far, all that we've seen that he's been up to is high summoning."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Oh, is that all? And he's pretty far up, isn't he?"
[DanteE] "Like I said, he just got his crown."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Yeah. Up to something."
[Ftisk] "The first one"
[Theresa] (Note to self, don't tell them about Brian's curiosity about Outside.)
[DanteE] "But... you just said, you're trying to figure out what's going on, we're trying to figure out what's going on, he's trying to figure out what's going on. Also a way out.
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Even so. So he basically admits that he's connected to some being Outside, and that he brings things in from Outside. Powerful things."
[DanteE] "Don't you see if you just cooperated you could figure it all out so much faster?"
[Ftisk] "Anchor level being I must say"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "But I can't trust any of them, to cooperate with them."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Could make it faster, sure. But it could also make it all go wrong."
[Random_Nerd] L: "We actually do cooperate with quite a few people. Just not everyone."
[DanteE] "By not cooperating and not communicating you may be helping the enemy!"
[Ftisk] "But you know personally Barakiel nobles?"
[Ftisk] " Maybe a meeting to exchange notes can be arranged?"
[DanteE] "Don't you see getting Nobles to mistrust and suspect each other would be a great strategy?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "I have met them. Some of the people from the Society work for them, too."
[Random_Nerd] L: "But so would getting Nobles to trust and not suspect each other."
[Random_Nerd] L: "Hence, our dilemma."
[Random_Nerd] (We need to stop soon. I have a bit of studying to do before I sleep.)
[Ftisk] (Ok boss!)
[DanteE] "Actually... what do you know about 'Breach Day', the day Jeris was attacked and Sakharoth appeared?"
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Something big went down. Big."
[Random_Nerd] L: "About half the Warmains in Creation went nuts and attacked random targets."
[Random_Nerd] L: "And several breached, only to get in direct fights with Imperators or Nobles in the prosaic world."
[Random_Nerd] L: "The shards did the same thing, on a smaller scale."
[Random_Nerd] L: "And it was all Warmains that we've seen before. Not a single new one acted odd that I've heard of."
[DanteE] "That doesn't sound planned."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Shit went /down/."
[DanteE] "More like someone yelled 'PANIC!'"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Something like that.
[Random_Nerd] "
[Random_Nerd] L: "At first, I thought it was like an Excrucian version of D-Day. But I really think it did them more harm than it did us, and it was so random..."
[Ftisk] "Like there was a treat to excrucians outside and they tried to escaper here"
[Random_Nerd] L: "So I think something happened to them, something they weren't expecting, that influenced their behavior. And I don't think it involves the Strategists."
[Random_Nerd] L: "I don't think it was a threat. Warmains don't run from danger unless death is both certain and pointless."
[DanteE] "... wait, Warmains only?
[Random_Nerd] L: "As far as I know."
[Ftisk] "No mimic no Strategist not Deceivers?"
[DanteE] (OK, how important is that little fact?)
[Ftisk] (If is true then Suebi is not an excrucian otherwise he must be a warmain and not a mimic)
[DanteE] (Good point!)
[Random_Nerd] L: "Well, nothing unusual from them."
[Random_Nerd] L: "The usual few small Flower Rites, run by shards."
[Random_Nerd] L: "But no running up to the gates of Heaven and asking the Angels to come out if they think they're hard enough, so to speak."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Wait, did someone actually do that?"
[Random_Nerd] L: "Not literally, no."
[Random_Nerd] E&C: "Dang. That would have been awesome."
[Theresa] "Yeah..."
[DanteE] (Can we pick it up here next week?)
[Ftisk] (ok from my brain)
[Random_Nerd] __________STOP____________
[Ftisk] *Awesome!!!!*
[Random_Nerd] So, what'd you guys think of this?

  • Ftisk like like like like....

[Random_Nerd] Some of this stuff I've been planning for over three years of realtime.
[Theresa] 3 and a half years and I get my Maple story. ^^
[Theresa] And we got Luc visiting! Awesome!
[DanteE] OK, how many plot points were in there? :)
[Ftisk] 10/20 thousand?
[Ftisk] the warmain bit strike me
[Ftisk] and I like to profess my ideas on kudzu the mimic
[Random_Nerd] There were a lot of plot points there, yes.
[Random_Nerd] Oh? Let's hear it, Angelo.
[Ftisk] and point finger at RN: you plant a whispering voice in my head the say "Excrus are the good guys... "
[Random_Nerd] Hmm. Interesting.

  • Random_Nerd steeples his fingers.

[Ftisk] Theresa, he is smiling?
[Theresa] yes
[Ftisk] uhoh... /me take cover!!!
[Theresa] He's always smiling when he steeples. I suspect that his fingers are connected to his mouth.
[DanteE] It's the evil laughing you need to watch for
[Theresa] I can also do a decent imitation of his "Interesting..." line.
[Random_Nerd] Whenever Beth asks me such a question about the game, I say "Hmm. Interesting.", smile mysteriously, and steeple my fingers.
[Random_Nerd] I... do this a lot.
[Random_Nerd] Like, at least once a month, for years.
[DanteE] Luc actually is Elvis, isn't he.
[Ftisk] naaaah, too lean to be Elvis
[Random_Nerd] He doesn't look like Elvis... but then, he wouldn't...
[Theresa] Sometimes at least once a week for years...
[Ftisk] is a lot of training
[Random_Nerd] GMing exercises!
[Ftisk] lol
[Random_Nerd] So, were the revelations disappointing, after the buildup?
[Theresa] I don't get to use it very often in my game because I can't keep secrets very well.
[Theresa] I thought they were awesome, dear.
[DanteE] just to check: do _you_ know what happened to those 3 Nobles?
[Ftisk] me too but the dear piece
[Random_Nerd] I know what happened to two of them.
[Random_Nerd] I doubt any of the three will matter to the plot directly, but they're relevant for Luc's backstory
[Ftisk] also your relmap how is going? do you have time to do it?
[DanteE] Ooh, reminds me, any luck retrieving that missing session?
[Random_Nerd] With law school? No. I should send you guys the incomplete first draft, though.
[Random_Nerd] If we find it, we'll tell you.
[Ftisk] also. we need a title for chapter 15
[Ftisk] and one for this one
[Random_Nerd] Nominations?
[Ftisk] eheh I like it
[Random_Nerd] 15 was the Council one, right?
[Ftisk] right
[Theresa] Entropy is Less Sexy This Time.
[Random_Nerd] "#47 in the Tattoos I Wasn't Planning On Getting list."
[DanteE] Called on the Carpet? (FROM HELL?)
[Random_Nerd] Entropy's House Of Ribs.
[DanteE] (Heh... the Nugget Rib Cookoff is currently happening in town...)
[Ftisk] uhm. me like the tattoo one better
[Theresa] " *Knock Knock* "Council-Shark.""
[DanteE] (Barbequers from all over America are barbequeing ribs downtown)
[Ftisk] ohh, nie competitio
[Random_Nerd] Hmm. For the current one "A visit from the Ghost of Backstory Past"?
[Ftisk] nice competition even
[Ftisk] ok, fine
[DanteE] Tpyo [3 Ftisk... :)
[Theresa] I like that title. And I'm sorry, guys, but I need to get some sleep. Loved the session, though! *HUGS*
[Ftisk] Ciao Theresa!
[DanteE] Your Mission, should you choose to accept it...
[DanteE] g'night Beth
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
[Random_Nerd] I need to brief two cases, see you guys later.
[DanteE] no, really, for #15: "Your Mission, should you choose to accept it..."
|[-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
[Angelo] ok, good studz RN. Ciao!
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
[Random_Nerd] I vote for that one.
[Angelo] for the 15?
[Random_Nerd] Yeah.
[Angelo] ok!
[Random_Nerd] But I have to go. See you guys next week.
[Knockwood] oyasumi-nasai
|[-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
[Angelo] well, g'night Knock!
[Angelo] Cioa!
[Angelo] ehm Ciao!
[Knockwood] g'night Angelo
|[-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
[--| YOU (Angelo) have left #nobilis

Chapter 16