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Toon: A.M. Phineas

HEX: William William William Rogers

WoD: Rebecca Saunders

TSR: 161, 162, 173, 177, 178, 189, 194, 197, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 213, 216, 220, 221, 223, 226, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 250, 251, 252, 255, 258, 260, 262, 264

WotC: 270, 272, 273

WotC/Paizo (3.x): 281, 315, 319, 348, 354

Move: 2d6 → [5,6] = (11): 15 Resiliency: 1d6+3 → [4,3] = (7): 8 Strength: 0: 1 Age: 1d100 → [30] = (30) Skill points: 1d6*10+380 → 400 Radiations: 1d6 → [6] = (6) Height: 6d6+48 → [1,6,5,2,4,1,48] = (78) Weight: 5d6 → [1,3,5,3,3] = (15), by fan formula: 15 * 67 / 4 = 251.25 H&W modifier to moves, resiliency, & strength: -, +2, +1 Maximum carrying weight: 30 + (strength x 10) pounds = 40lbs Gender: Male Natural Abilities: Drive Vessel, Intimidate, Tracking, WS Blade Paired Natural Inabilities: Medic, WS Thrown Bonus to move: 1d6 → [3] = (3) Skills: Radiations: 1d1000 → [592] = (592): Thyroid condition, 1d2;2d6 → [1] = (1) (Add), 1d2;2d6 → [5,6] = (11), +1 +1 +1 1d1000 → [671] = (671): Community, 1d1000;1d6 → [351] = (351), 1d1000;1d6 → [2] = (2) (351): Homesick 1d1000 → [234] = (234): Toxic freedom 1d1000 → [185] = (185): Sage 1d1000 → [278] = (278): Insect (Compound eyes) 1d1000 → [318] = (318): Microwave Renown: 0 Money: 3d6*100 → 1400$