Heartstone Codex
Sam's Fantasy Craft game. Currently for discussion.
Campaign Qualities & House Rules
Temporary qualities will later on be set up on the same page as action dice
- Ancient
- Miracles & Sorcery exist
- Hyper-fast feats - Characters take an extra feat at each level (including 1st)
- Characters take a third feat at third level, Blessed (i.e. one step along an Alignment Path). I will explain this later - it will be based on birth.
- Illiteracy: No-one is literate unless they have the specific feat, Literacy. Note that there will be alternatives to writing. E.g. a fetish could substitute a scroll. I aim for one or two characters only to be literate.
New feats:
- Literacy. Can only be taken at character level 1. Available to: Keeper, Mage, Priest and Mage classes, or to Witch race.
- Lock of Hair. Some spells which are directed at an individual can be cast without the individual being present, provided the caster has in his/her possession an item belonging to that character, such as a lock of hair. Available spells are those of the following types: Curse, Blessing ...more? Trick: The caster can delay the spell so that it occurs only following some predefined trigger. This costs 1 action die and the associated spell points cannot be recovered until the spell has been triggered.
Races available as PCs
- Humans
- Humans: Giants (use giant stats), predominantly male - more on this later
- Humans: Witches (use elf stats), predominantly female - more on this later
- Humans: Pygmies (use pech, but it will need tweaking if used)
- Goblins: I may fiddle with the stats to make them more like crafty little buggers than strong little buggers - suggestions?
- Underfolk: Use dwarf stats, but they will be more like Norse dwarves
- Would need discussion: Saurians, ogres and orcs
- Not allowed: Drakes, treewalker thingies