Player: Tony
Name: Tony
Age: 25
Bio: Wanna be scientist, guitar player and master of forms 2,4 and 7 of nerddom.
Birthday: 25 September
Q. Why RPG gaming?
A. I had been interested in RPGing for a while. I play a lot of table top games and wanted to get into the story driven aspect of RPGs.
Q. What attracted you to this particular game setting?
A. I became hooked on the Firefly t.v. series. It allows for some very interesting stories and scenarios to unfold.
Q. What has kept you interested in this particular game and setting?
Q. Which character in Mutineers do you play?
Q. Where did you get the idea for your character?
Q. Name one way your character is not like you.
Q. Name one way your character is like you.
Q. Do you mean to say that role playing involves taking real-life experiences and using them?
Q. This Serenity campaign seems to generate a lot of outside-game writing. Where did you get the ideas for the journal entries you've written?
Q. One last question. Do you think you will tire of the game and the setting, and go on to something else entirely?
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