Opend20: Traits and Talents

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Traits and Talents[edit]

There are many abilities and characteristics that are difficult to emulate with either the skills or powers systems. It is normally possible, because the rules are extremely flexible. But it is not always practicle. For example, 'size' exists as an "enhance body" power with enhance defined as change-minor intensity, permanent, or something like that. But noone should have to go to that much trouble to make a large character.

So instead, all those 'difficult' or fiddley Traits and Talents are listed here.

Size - sizes smaller than human can be taken just as a disadvantage, although if the character seeks to derive the benefits of small size (bonus to defense, for example), then it costs 5 points. Similarly, being large costs 5 points. To be huge costs an additional 10 points, and so on. Note that the size categories function differently in OpenD20 - large size is large 'for a human', whilst Huge is legendary for a human, like Andre the Giant. You couldn't have a human larger than Huge in a real-world setting.