Rufus Hillsfar
Linkback: E6 3.5 The Motley Crew
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Paladin|Cloistered Cleric 1
XP: 375 Next: 1500
Alignment: Lawful Good
Image from the WotC Image Gallery for Martial Power
Str: 17 [+3]
Dex: 10 [+0]
Con: 14 [+4]
Int: 10 [+0]
Wis: 13 [+1]
Cha: 16 [+3]
Hit Points: 12 (1d10+2)
AC: 20 (+0 Dex, +8 armour, +2 shield), Touch: 10, Flatfooted: 20
Init: +0
BAB: +1, Grap: +4; Melee +4; Ranged +1
Speed: 20' in armour (30' base)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +3
Bastard Sword +5 melee (1d10+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 ranged 60' (1d6, x3)
Trained Skills:
- Climb +7* (4 ranks +3 Str)
- Concentration +6 (4 ranks +2 Con)
- Diplomacy +7 (4 ranks +3 Cha)
- Handle Animal +7 (4 ranks +3 Cha)
- Knowledge (religion) +4 (4 ranks +0 Int)
- Listen +3 (2 ranks +1 Wis)
- Perform (oratory) +5 (2 ranks +3 Cha)
- Ride +4 (4 ranks +0 Dex)
- Sense Motive +5 (4 ranks +1 Wis)
- Survival +3 (2 ranks +1 Wis)
- Swim +7** (4 ranks +3 Str)
Languages: Common
H Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
1 Protection Devotion
Paladin Class Features
- Aura of Good (Ex; 1HD)
- Detect Evil (Sp; at will)
- Smite Evil (Su; 1/day, +3 to hit, +1 damage)
- Favoured Enemy (monstrous humanoids)
Cloistered Cleric Class Features
- Spellcasting (Known and per day: 3/2+1; save DC 11 + spell level)
- Domains: Knowledge, Strength, Good
- Lore (Ex; 1d20+1)
- Turn Undead (Su; 6/day, check +3, damage 2d6+4)
- Spontaneous Casting (Strength Domain)
Spells prepared
Caster level 1st
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Resistance
- Mending
1st level
- Bless
- Cure Light Wounds
- Domain: Enlarge Person
- Champions Panolpy
High quality steel, Masterwork, Dwarfwrought [Races of Stone]. A Breastplate with 10% mithril. [weight -10%] to this can be attached chain sleeves with gauntlets, a krtle of plates, chain leggings and greaved boots. [edit, also a helm] This is the equivalent of plate mail [-10% on weight] with the masterwork and dwarfwrought properties. It is not magical. It was made in Bladhame.
- Bastard sword
- dagger
- shortbow
- 20 arrows
- heavy wooden shield
- flint and steel
- 4 sheets parchment
- torch
- waterskin
- whetstone
- holy water x1
- tindertwig x4
- wooden holy symbol
- traveller's outfit
- courtier's outfit
- cleric's vestments
- explorer's outfit
- scholar's outfit
- potion of cure light wounds
- scroll of lesser vigour x2
26gp 1sp 7cp
Linkback: E6 3.5 The Motley Crew