Character:Sakura Hitachi

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Alternate Identity: Harikiri

Identity: Secret

Cover Occupation: Stripper

Base of Operations: New York City, NY




Abilities and Saves[edit]

Ability Modifier Total
Strength 1 12
Dexterity 5 20
Constitution 2 14
Intelligence 0 10
Wisdom 3 16
Charisma 1 12
Ability Total Base Ability Modifier
Toughness 8 = 6 + 2
Fortitude 5 = 3 + 2
Reflex 10 = 5 + 5
Will 5 = 2 + 3


Total Defense Bonus Dodge Bonus
Defense 22 = 16 + 6
Total Dexterity Modifier Feat Modifier
Initiative 13 = 5 + 8
Attack Bonus 12
Ranged Attack Bonus 12
Melee Attack Bonus 12
Grapple Attack Bonus 17


Key Ability Skill Bonus Skill Rank Ability Modifier
Acrobatics DEX 15 10 5
Bluff CHA 7 6 1
Climb STR 9 8 1
Disable Device INT 8 8 0
Escape Artist DEX 9 4 5
Gather Information CHA 5 4 1
Intimidate CHA 5 4 1
Language: Japanese, Chinese 2
Notice WIS 13 10 3
Perform: Exotic Dance CHA 7 6 1
Search INT 4 4 0
Slight of Hand DEX 9 4 5
Stealth DEX 15 10 5
Survival WIS 5 2 3
Swim STR 3 2 1


Effect Rank Notes
Strike 4 Martial Arts; Power Feats: Mighty, Usable with Weapons
Super Movement 2 Slow Fall, Sure Footed
Super Senses 2 Danger Sense [Mental]


Name Benefit
Acrobatic Bluff Roll Bluff to feint versus opponent's sense motive or acrobatics
Blind Fight
Choke Hold
Defense Attack
Defensive Roll 6
Elusive Target
Equipment 8
Evasion 1
Grappling Finesse
Improved Defense 2 +8 for total defense manuver
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple
Improved Initiative 2 +8 to initiative bonus
Improved Throw
Instant Up Get up as a free action
Precise Shot
Quick Draw Pull Weapons or reload weapons as a free action.
Sneak Attack 4 +5 dmg to sneak attacks
Takedown Attack
Uncanny Dodge 1 [Mental]