NWoD Fantasy:Introduction

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nWoD Fantasy follows most of the same basic rules set in place by the core World of Darkness rulebook. What is covered below are the fundamental differences of this rule-set and the core World of Darkness rulebook.

  • Character Creation

Creating a character in nWoD Fantasy is similar to creating a normal mortal with some minor differences.

Races in nWoD play an important factor on your characters final outcome. Anyone creating a nWoD fantasy character must choose a Race Template and apply it at creation.

Merits have been expanded. In addition to the standard merits from the core rulebook, a number of general 'feat' merits have been added.

  • Skills

The names and functions of certain skills have been changed to suit the fantasy setting, the changes are as follows:

Firearms skill is now "Ranged weaponry". Ranged weaponry exclusively applies to crafted weapons fired or thrown at long range. Improvised objects and such still use a base Dexterity + Athletics check when thrown. Default range values have also been added to all ranged weapons.

Weaponry has been renamed to "Melee weaponry" to reflect the skills associated with close range weapons.

Computer skill has been renamed to "Augury". Augury deals with matters of a magical or arcane nature. Augury can be used to read magical scripts, activate arcane devices, or identify a spell being cast.

  • Equipment and Resources

Major changes have been made to the equipment and resource system.

Equipment has been completely overhauled and expanded. A comprehensive list of weapons, armor, and other items has been made specifically for the setting with costs and functions listed.

Resources merit has been changed to reflect the new currency system. Resources now gives your character an income of 100 gold pieces per month. Starting characters must still take this merit to buy starting gear.

other stuff:

Recources (money)

The order system

gear (weapons)