NWoD Fantasy:arcane order merits

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To Arcane Order Spell-List

Arcane Order Merits[edit]

Members of the arcane order have access to special merits that hone and shape their magical abilities. These merits cost the same as normal merits but apply only to spells of the Arcane order exclusively.




Arcane Touch

Deliver touch spells at a distance


Empower Spell

Increases a spells damage


Enlarge Spell

Increases the range or area of a spell


Extend Spell

Increases the duration of a spell

Fast Learner

Adds an extra spell to your repertoire

● to ●●●●

Meditative Mind

Grants the mage an extra willpower after meditation


Shape Spell

Morphs a spells area to exclude specific targets

Spontaneous Spell

Cast spells one dot higher once per day or use meta magic for free


Arcane Touch (●●●)[edit]

Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the range of a touch spell. For the affected spell, the range temporarily becomes 100 yards. If the spell is an attack, armor applies unless the spell notes otherwise.

Empower Spell (●●●●)[edit]

Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the damage of a spell. When rolling damage on the affected spell, the damage gains the 8 again trait.

Enlarge Spell (●●)[edit]

Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the area-of-effect of a spell. For the affected spell, double the area.

Extend Spell (●)[edit]

Effect: For 1 willpower, you can up the duration of a spell. Rounds become minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days, days become weeks, and so on.

Fast Learner (● to ●●●●)[edit]

Effect: For each dot in this merit, you learn another spell of a different tier. At the 1st dot you gain an extra 2nd dot arcane order spell, the 2nd dot gives you an extra 3rd dot arcane order spell, and so on to a max of 4 dots or 4 spells.

Meditative Mind (●●●)[edit]

Effect: After using the meditate cantrip to rest for four hours, the mage recovers an extra willpower.

Shape Spell (●)[edit]

Effect: For 1 willpower, you can alter the area of a spell so it excludes your allies.

Spontaneous Spell (●●●)[edit]

Effect: Upon taking this merit a mage may use their spontaneous casting to channel a spell with a dot rating one higher than their current Arcane order dots. Casting a spell in such a way still requires a activation check.

When the mage reaches 5 arcane order dots she may use this merit to instead utilize the Arcane touch, Empower spell, Enlarge spell, Extend spell, or shape spell merits once a day without expending a willpower for doing so.