Once more with feeling/Denandsor Council/Cabinet/Ministry/Defense & Logistics/Navy/Hailstorm

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Hailstorm-Class Warbird Bomber

  • Shaped as giant crystal four winged birds of prey, these Warbirds are made of Adamant-coated Quartz. Its huge surface area are criss-crossed with carved essence channels and each wing is tipped with tips Blue Jade. These warbirds are an experiment weapon devised by De'anair'a Sera Vestra and Ziyad Antarah, to be mounted on the Sky Carrier Imperator of the Land, Sea and Sky. They are termed bombers for the payload of bombs they drop on the opponent via a clever tracking system. This system awakens the little god of the bomb which guides it to its designated target and then triggers the whatever destuctive payload the bomb contains. Most bombs are not reusable.
  • Speed: 60/120mph (180/360mph in a steep dive)
  • Manueverability: +1R (Lore 3, Ride 2)
  • Endurance: Requires a Level 2 Hearthstone to operate.
  • Crew: /1
  • Cargo: Bomb payload (5 bombs)
  • Armour: 15L/20B
  • Health Levels: Ux12/Mx6/Cx4/Ix2/D
  • Armament:
  • Other Notes:

Bombs Availible

Five Devil Screaming Powder Airbursters

Quagmire Perimeter Bombs


Sun Fist Explosives

Soulbreaker Orbs

PSV Bombs