Morturi: Dwarves
Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Dwarves
- Class: Heavy
- Move: 2
- Attack: Warhammer - Roll 5+ to deal 5 damage.
- Life Points: 10
Shieldbearer Special Rules
Fully Armoured - Attacks against this gladiator receive a -1 damage reduction. This is an armour effect.
Scutum - Melee attacks against the front facing of the dwarf receive a -1 damage reduction. This is an armour effect.
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Courage of the Mountain
The Dwarf is immune to Fear effects.
- Dwarvish Persistence
The dwarf may spend 2 movement points to push back an adjacent enemy in his front square. The pushed enemy is moved directly backwards by one square, and the dwarf steps into the previously occupied square.
- Hammer Rhythm
The dwarf may spend 2 movement points to make a melee attack against an adjacent enemy. This is in addition to his normal attacks this round.
- Last Stand
If he is the only Gladiator of his school active in the battle, this Gladiator gains a +1 damage bonus against all opponents.
- Orc Enmity
Against Orcs, this Dwarf rolls 2D6 to attack, and picks the higher dice to use as his attack roll. The other dice is set aside and not used. Also, when an Orc attacks this Dwarf, he must roll 2D6 to attack, and use the lower roll. If the opposing Orc has the Dwarf Enmity trick, the two tricks cancel each other out and have no effect.
- The Unbreakable Anvil
Attacks against this gladiator receive a further -1 damage reduction. This is an armour effect.
- Will to Live
The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.