Morturi: Arcane

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Arcane


  • Class: Medium
  • Move: 4
  • Attack: None - The Pyromancer has no basic attack.
  • Life Points: 8


Arcane Energy - A Pyromancer must spend Arcane Energy to cast spells. He starts each battle with 0 Arcane Energy, and can have a maximum of 4 Arcane Energy at any time. Arcane Energy can be saves up from turn to turn.

Inner Fire - A Pyromancer can spend 4 Movement Points to attempt to tap his inner fire. Roll a D6. On a roll of 3+, the Pyromancer gains 1 point of Arcane Energy.

Firebolt - A Pyromancer can spend 1 Arcane Energy and his attack to cast the Firebolt spell. This spell is a ranged attack that has a range of 6 squares, and hits on a 4+ to deal 4 damage.

Pyromancer tricks

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Will to Live

The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.