NPC Cheatsheets

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The Valley of Cradles

 Ruric HP 15, Loc 6hp, DSR0,SZR2, AP 7/8 [11/12]
 IH spear 105%/65% Lge Shield 55%/100%, Shortsword 85%/50%
 Bladesharp 3, Fireblade, Protection 3, Dispel magic 4.
 Sec: Archer comp bow. 95% speedart, firearrow.
 Notes: Allied spirit Int 14 pow 18 shield 2, Sunspear, detect gold, detect enemies, detect magic, countermagic 4,disrupt.    
 Bound spirit int 11 pow 13.

 Cintri. HP 13 Loc 5hp, DSR1,SZR2, AP 4/5 [7/8]
 Main: Flanker. Rapier 60%/50% Lh parrying dagger 45%/50%. bladesharp 2, 
 protection 2, countermagic 2.
 Sec: Melee. 1hShort spear 95%/35% Large hide shield 35%/65%
 Notes: Poison on blades Pot 6 blade venom.
 Andexter  HP 16 Loc 5hp DSR2, SZR1, AP 5/6 [7/8]
 Main: Melee. 1h lg spear 70%/35% Lge shield 50%/55%,1h pick 55%/30%
 Bladesharp 2, bludgeon 3, Befuddle, Countermagic 2.
 Sec: Missile Darts 60%.
 Wexlin: HP14 Loc 5hp DSR1, SZR 2, AP 5/6 
 Main: Melee guard Shortsword 55%/35% lge shield 30%/50%.
 Light, bladesharp 1, Shieldblock 2, dispel magic 1.
 Sec: Missile 1h xbow 45%, sling 40%, thrown fire [2 pots] 55%.
 Notes: Pot 8 blade venom on crossbow [5 shots]
 Ariella HP 15 Loc 5hp, DSR1, SZR 2, AP 5.
 Main: Spellcaster. Detect spirits, enemies, detection, life.
 Countermagic 4, dispel magic 4, disruption, befuddle, harmonise, 
 [healing 6, strength 2, mobility 2, silence 1, protection 2.]
 [speedart, mutimissile 3, ] 
 Sec: missile Thrown axe 55%, Crossbow 60%
 Bound spirits: Int 13 Pow 12, int 11 pow 11