Nobilis Strike while the Iron is Hot:Leviathan Jones

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Leviathan Jones, Explosions'-Regal.

Aka: The Defiant One, He of the Celestial Brush


  • Aspect: 0/5
  • Domain: 5/5
  • Realm: 0/5
  • Spirit: 0/5


World-Maker's Hand
Lesser Creation, Simple Miracle, One Target, Complete Flexibility, Uncommon, Affects Any Estate. 9 Points.
As Leviathan Jones clawed himself from the void, likewise can he bring other things into creation. By painting a totemic symbol of something onto the canvas of the world, it is spun from potential and made into reality. Whether it remains loyal is another matter entirely.
Diplomatic Immunity
Lesser Destruction (Harm), Automatic, Local, One Trick. 2 Points.
As Nobles do not lightly strike against their Imperator, so too do the things of creation not lightly strike against their creator. This gift renders it impossible for things its bearer has created (through either miraculous or mundane means) to harm him. The "one trick" is the ability of the harm to affect the gift-bearer. This gift provides no protection to the bearer's allies. (Note: I'm assuming this gift is common, because it seems like a lot of Nobles of dangerous estates would want to protect themselves from miraculous mishaps.)
Talking is A Free Action
Major Preservation of The Self (pumped to Level 9), Simple, Self Only, One Trick, Uncommon. 3 Points.
No matter what the odds or situation, a real man has time to make a badass speech to let the bad guys know just how hard they're about to get curb-stomped, or to inspire his army to battle. This gift allows its user to make just such a speech--and though volleys of gunfire, missiles and the lesser demons of Hell itself may assail him, they will do him no harm. So long as the Noble continues to make a speech, anything short of a Level 9 miracle is simply shrugged off, impotent in the face of raw badassery.
Lesser Change (Self), Simple, Self-Only, One Trick. 1 Point.
He pierced the walls between worlds. You really think a little thing like distance would get in his way?



Code of the Wild


Leviathan Jones fought off oblivion and annihilation through sheer tenacity, and this attitude has stayed with him since his arrival on Earth. He goes about things in the boldest, bravest and most bodacious way he can, and no force in existence can convince him to do otherwise.


Leviathan does not pussyfoot around. When he uses miraculous energy, he wants to leave an [i]impression,[/i] damn it. Besides, is there really such a thing as a subtle explosion?


  • 6: His Familia
  • 5: His Estate
  • 5: Public recognition of hot-bloodedness as a Good Thing
  • 3: Captain Aisha, the Duchess of Lightning. Their estates share a lot of territory, and the two Nobles have a good deal of respect for one another.
  • 1: Ganon, his loyal hybrid pterodactyl/motorcycle that he won in a bet with the Dominus of Unification.


None so far.


In a twisted version of floral symbolism, Leviathan's design consists of a Fire Flower (signifying his burning spirit) and a Piranha Plant (signifying both the danger and the growth his Estate represents). The fact that both of these stem from an imaginary world is an homage to his origins. They entwine around a key, representing the freedom of the Wild.


What happens when a Story is started but never finished? Most of the time it fades away into nothing. Sometimes the pieces of inspiration flow into another mind, or another world. But very rarely, the Story is seen so clearly before the fall, and is so close to completion, that it takes on a life of its own. Leviathan Jones was one of those stories. A grand tale of humanity's struggle against the overwhelming forces of an alien race, the story was never completed. The author wrote the story nearly to its conclusion, but he wanted the humans to win and could never decide just how to pull that off. Eventually, when inspiration swiveled its head to another tale, Leviathan Jones was discarded. The Story wouldn't have that. Kicking and screaming and fighting like hell, it broke through the raw potential surrounding it, and made its way back to the world of its creator. Once it was there, the inspiration that had never reached the Author reached the Story, filling in the empty gaps. There was only one thing that could have saved the humans in the saga of Leviathan Jones, one thing that separated them from their relentless and overwhelming enemy: Fighting Spirit. That most human of drives, to carry on in the face of the seemingly impossible. The Story was complete, and Leviathan Jones took the totemic form of its titular character: one of the most badass dudes ever written.

His Estate

In addition to the obvious, weaponized interpretation, Explosions are also symbolic of sudden bursts of anything. Brilliant insights and inspirations, eruptions, riots and revolutions spawned from singular events, and other similar concepts. In the context of his Affiliation, Explosions symbolize bursting from shackles both metaphorical and physical--benevolent anarchy at its revolutionary finest. In regards to the War at large, he sees it as only natural that the people of Creation will eventually stop playing defensively and burst through the Weirding Wall, taking the fight to the enemy.