Solas heroes Session 2

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With the help of their most recent recruits, the Rogue Trader and his trusted allies have found what could be their fisrt major goal on their journy. A space hulk of unknown origin is making seemingly random warp jumps. Tracking this potential treasure trove down could prove to be just the kind of adventure the ship and her crew is after. Lets hope Esailia can catch up to the hulk before someone else. ::


using his John Goodman dunkin donuts voice:: Captain, shall I take us immediately to Warp, or would you like to remain in orbit?

Sola: MMMMmmmm.... to this warp

Sola: where every those bastards are


over the shipwide communications:: Prepare to enter the Immaterium! Activate the Gellar Field. Batton down the hatches. :;activates the "warp entry" alarm:: Repeat, prepare to enter the Warp! All crew to Alert Status!


The crew scrambles about hoping that this warp jump will be as uneventful as the last::


sits down with style::


removes his headscarf, his third eye opening just a bit, as he gazes through the fore viewscreen. Checks to make sure the Gellar Field is on, then double checks, and then gets an audible verification from whoever is in charge of the Gellar field, and then the guy whose job it is to check on that guy. And finally the guy it is whose job it is to chekc on the guy who checks.::


crumbs crinkle in the command chair::


is serious about the Gellar Field::


notifies the captain of the status, since he's really good at coordinating shit, and then his meaty paw moves to the slide-switch that controls warp travel. He slowly slides it up, and then guides the ship from reality to unreality, where horrors await beyond the edge of perception::

Sola: ....All systems go....


one hand on the control pad, the other shoving a grease muffin in his blubbery maw::


several crewmen glance at Macharius to see if he is gioing to do his pre warp calculations::

Sola: Macharius....are you still calculating?


does all that, but seeing as how they are following another ship's warp trail, figures he'll just fly by the fucking seat of his over-stuffed pants::

Sola: i'm ready when you are

Macharius: No. I am a Navigator, captain. Calculations are purely ... optional.



guffaws, shoves another donut into his waiting pie hole::

Sola: ((brian.... warp travel?)) Brian: ((I owe you guys 500 XP from last time ))

Sola: ((fucking sweet))


as the vessel begins to enter the warp, Macharius opens up his third eye just a bit, peering into the foggy reaches of the immaterium for the Light of the Emperor::

Brian: ((Nick we are on vent if you would like to join us again))

Macharius: ((Gimme a +10 Nick!))

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test


  1. Psyniscience # 8 vs. 50 (my skill) + 10 (nick) = 60.


munches the fucking donut down, gives a "finger wave" to the Emperor and his astronomicon bitches::

Sola: HA HA!

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Macharius: 16 vs 50+10+10=70.

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test


  1. Navigation Warp # 34 vs 50+10+50=110




  1. Warp Encounter# 36


Despite expert navigation, you have run afoul of some viscious warp formations::

Macharius: Captain, brace for impact! :;spits out his donut::


brace pose::


The jagged warp reefs are threatening to breach the hull if you do not act swiftly and desisivly::


thinks Sola could be a bit more pro-active but whatever::


acts swiftly::

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Sola: Pilot do your cool moves

Macharius: Helmsman!

Macharius: Act decisively!

Pilot Servitor: 41 vs Pilot 50

Sola: i knew you could do it

Pilot Servitor:

You avoid the threatening formations and prevent a dangerous hull breach::

Sola: YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Macharius do that voodoo stuff you do!

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Macharius: 55 vs 50


is good at only one thing really, this. Now that the ship comes out of warp, he's done for the rest of the adventure!::

Pilot Servitor:

In a close call, you exit the warp just a little to close ((about 5000 kilometer) to another ship. You are able to avoid it without too much trouble though::

Sola: HA HA!

Sola: Pilot WATCH IT!

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Pilot Servitor: 25 vs piloot 80

Sola: i'm so good

Macharius: Captain, permission to leave the bridge?

Sola: for what?


his third eye twitches, he doesn't answer the question::

Sola: ...oh potty break.... go ahead


is all fat, mysterious, and sinister::

Pilot Servitor:

You have located a massive void station, why the space hulk came out of warp here you have no idea. Unfortunatly the warp trail has gone cold, the ship apparently flew on sublight power for some time. Perhaps the inhabitants of the void station will be able to point you in the right direction::

Sola: lets board this hunk of junk... get some info... and loot if we have to


rises and shuffles out of the bridge. His lumbering form makes slow time, as he heads up to the observation dome to get a better look at space::

Pilot Servitor:

The void station could be a useful stopping point to find work, aquisitions or just beat up locals. ::

Pilot Servitor:

Your crew shows signs of having been on the ship too long, but since you can track the ship without the help of those in the station, you can choose to continue if you wish::


uses microbead:: Darrius get Sgt Harmon to the Bridge .... i'd be needed his men

Malechi Darrius:

over the microbead:: Aye captain.

Sola: Hey you crew guy #48... establish me communications with the station

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: Aye aye, Captain. It's my honor to serve! ::does his tech-use thing, as only a skilled communications crew guy can do!:: Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

  1. Tech-Use # 68 vs 50

Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: There's some interference, Captain!

Sola: MMMMmmmmm.....

Sola: not good.... Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: Perhaps if we diverted power from the life support I could boost the signal? Brian:

Several ships drift around the exterior of the structure. Perhaps they are jamming oyur signal, or they are just in the way of the magic voice box

Sola: VAL! (( servo skull)) go do what he said

Val: Beep Boop


attempts to override the life support::

Sola: ....wait VAL you suck..... get me my coffee...


stops, and goes to get coffee::

Sola: HEY you 48... what about those ships... are they interfering with us? Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

pushes the science crewguy out of the way and uses the ship's augur to detect any active jamming from those ships and what not::

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: 28

Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

detects no jamming frequesncies active::

Sola: mmmmm..... ::WAITS FOR COFFEE::


returns with a vacu sealed pouch of coffee powder::

Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: No jamming, captain. I suggest movig the ship and trying to establish LOS again. Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

shoves the helmsman out of the way so he can get the glory of that as well::


eats the powder::

Sola: MMM...Mmm.. VAL I want to establish L.O.S. Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

does it::

Sola: press some button for comunications with the station Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius:

jumps out of the helmsman spot and moves back to Comm::

Sola: VAL... now

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: 16 Crewguy #48, aka Julius "Sunwalker" Jaredius: Got it, Captain. Patching the signal to your station. :;beepbeepflashinglightbeep:: Brian:

The Vox crackles to life and a grufff voice welcomes you to Void Station Venrus.::

Sola: Hola....

Sola: This is Rogue Trader York... i'd like to dock on your station


A rogue trader huh :hacks and spits something large into something metal::

Sola: Yes, we would like to come aboard for some rest and provisions

Sola: ((thats the plan))

Sola: ((THATS the plan))

Guy: We don't get you guys out here much. You can dock at station 4, unless that ship of yours is a vruiser class. Most of the rogue traders Ive heard of have cruisers, do YOU have a cruiser???

Sola: When have a transport

Guy: OK then dock 4 buddy.

Sola: Thank you, kind sir


coughs again::

Sola: .....::end transmision::


finally arrives at the observation dome and scans space with his evil third eye, to see how much traffic this station gets and also where that space hulk thingy might have gone::

Pilot Servitor: Shall I initiate docking procedures Captain?

Sola: Pilot us to dock4...

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Sola: HA HA


  1. Perception, +10 for OD, +10 for Renegade, +10 for Adept # Target number is 80. The roll is 73


waits for Sgt Harmonto show up::


is a blubbery, hairless, albino, wiggly armed freak, but is good at one thing. This is it. He really is done now

Pilot Servitor:

Your ship docks with a grinding creak. You're pretty sure the ship is OK, but the old void station has seen better days. The crew has to double check all he air seals to make sure the airlock dosnt blow off when you open it.::

Pilot Servitor:

The station gets plenty of traffic, mostly small transports and other light ships. The space hulks trail stands out rather nicely::

Sgt. Harmon: SGT. Harmon reporting for duty SIR!

Sgt. Harmon: The men are assembled and awaiting your orders.

Sola: i be needing your men to investgate this station

Sola: My Common sense is tingling

Sgt. Harmon: Sir, we will investigate to the best of our ability.

Sola: good.... now gear up and be ready in 10 minutes

Sola: meet me by the door

Sgt. Harmon:

Harmon leaves the bridge to give the orders to the others.

Sola: so much clothing over armuor :: gets dressed ... fine clothes over armuor::

Sgt. Harmon:

assemles the 346th at the airlock leading to the void station. unlike when you pulled them off the planet, their boots are shines and their uniforms clean. Now they look like a real Imperial Guard unit.::


over the microbead:: captain, I've examined the space around the station. I can follow the space hulk whenever you're done on the station.

Sola: GOOD to hear... this shouldn't take long

Macharius: Also, it appears the station gets somewhat regular visits from light transports and other light ships.

Macharius: Easy pickings if you're in a larcenous mood.

Macharius: Macharius out.

Sola: you guys enter first then i will enter



shuffles off to his private chambers. Isn't sure who Sola left in charge, but is fairly certain the guy isn't that much of an asshole as to not leave someone in command::

Sola: VAL come along

Sgt. Harmon:

The airlock opens directly into a heavy traffic area on what looks like a trade floor, with merchants shouting over each other tryng to sell their own version of mashed slop or burnt out junk. Neon lights light the way up to what could be a mor promising area.::

Sola: hope #48 has everything under control

Sola: ((look for who is in control))

Sgt. Harmon:

There does not apear to be any control on this floor, only yelling and stale air. Traveling upstairs there seems to be more order. You can test inquiry to find out who is in charge::

Sola: inquiry 2 vs 24

Sola: Damn i'm good

Sgt. Harmon:

you arre told a few stories about the Lord of the nearby planet being in charge of the station. But in the end Only one name stands out, Godwinne. The local crime boss owns half the shops on the upper deck and is well known to be in charge.::

Sola: Godwinne .... sounds nice... ::looks for him::

Sgt. Harmon:

You heard he hangs out in his bar, not far from where you are.

Sola: MEN... time for a lil Commerce


go there::


the bar's air is thick with lho smoke. You see a large man at the far end of te bar, two hulking behemoths of men behind him. They start eyeing you as soon as you walk in.::


with my men i walk up to the man's table::


The two large ones take a step towards you, the man at the bar stops them as they reach for weapons on their belts.::

Sola: You Godwinne?

Godwinne: I appologise for these two. They have no formal skills whatsoever.

Godwinne: I am, an you are the Rogue Trader, Yes?

Sola: yes

Godwinne: An honor to meet you sir. What brings you to my void station, supplies, or looking for a bit of excitement?

Sola: since you are the boss of almost all the shops i thought it would be good to go directly to you... for a trade deal

Sola: But i am a sucker for excitement

Godwinne: trade huh? well what kind of trade, were not much of an exporter, and everything we need comes from the planet.

Sola: well since i am venturing into some unknown space... i'll be someone to pawn off whatever i find... xeno or other wise

Sola: I'll need someone*

Godwinne: Mostly folks just stop off here to fuel up and restock some supplies. But we do get the occasional rich crazy bastard trhough here every now and then. You bring me things worth a pawn, and yo'll get your end.

Godwinne: I do require a little, proof of purchase though. Perhaps you'd be willing to take care of a litte problem for me, if it's not to much trouble.

Sola: ...good... something to establish a lil trust...

Godwinne: You have a ship that can travel to the surface of the planet below I asume, most ship come with one from what I remember from my void faring days.

Sola: ....go on.....

Godwinne: Well there is a drug cartel down there thats been pushing there product on the local farmers, driving down my prifits in the process.

Godwinne: I need them, dealt with. And I want to send a message, sometihng the others gangs will think of before trying this again.

Sola: Well then you have asked the right person.... no one will even dare mess with you after i'm done

Godwinne: Excelent. And don't think youre doing this jsut to prove yourself. No job for Godwinne goes unpaid. A handsome sum will be your upon your return.

Sola: Any conditions i should be aware of?

Godwinne: Those crazy bastards probebly have the place riged up with all kinds of unstable chemicals. Don't say I didnt warn you about the odd explosion here and there.

Godwinne: Oh, and here are the coord's for the lab.

Sola: Thank you.... i will have this done as soon as possible.... no on will ever bug you again

Godwinne: I have absolute faith in you good sir.

Sola: May this be a start to a powerful friendship


orders two drinks, and toasts to thatwtih you::


toasts and what not::


polietly bow and leaves::


goes back to drinking::


goes back to the ship::


crew are sesling leaks in the shoddy void stations airlock with oyur ship


nothing too serious, just trying to avoid explosive decompresion::


Microbead:: Macharius.... can we Lance this coordinces i have for some hillbilly lab?

Sola: ...

Macharius: I'm no weapons expert, Captain.

Macharius: What's in the lab? ::is interested in Labs, he's a mad scientist of sorts, after all::

Sola: or should we just blow up this rust bucket.... oh.... some Scum who are supplying the local farmers with drugs or something

Sola: we take them out and we get in good with the station's crime lord... then we can come back here for trade

Macharius: Drugs or something. If they're not welcome in this system, maybe we could sell them in another system.

Macharius: Perhaps instead of blowing up the lab, we could loot it instead?

Macharius: Or kidnap their lab techs and get them to work for us on our ship.

Sola: true.... keep what we find...

Macharius: Drugs are a perfectly respectable trade good, captain.

Sola: maybe even a new trophy?

Sola: HA ha

Sola: a good old raid

Macharius: I'd be willing to lead the assault on the planet, sir.

Sola: HA HA lets get this show on the road!


goes to his chair::

Macharius: It takes me a little extra time to get geared up. I'm fatter than a grox before the Mislix Day Feast.

Sola: sexy


gears up. Armor, weapon, staff of authority::

Sola: 10 steel legions a pilot and spare pilot... and VAL shall accompy me


heads to the shuttle bay or whatever::

Sola: make that 12 steel Legions

Sola: We all set!? Brian:

You land upon the dusty planet easily compared to your last drop. In the far distnace you can see crops growing defiantly on the horizon. Closer, however, is a group of deranged twitching maniacs::

Sola: what a cozy lil piece of crap this is

Macharius: Yes, they should beg to join us on the ship! Their lot would be much improved.

Drug Crazed Lunatic 9:

between tciks and twitched:: who the hell is that fat guy with the personal army? HEY, GET THE FUCK OUT



his fat jiggles as he yells::

Drug Crazed Lunatic 10: Wakes up from a semi coma:: We don't sell drugs to off worlders's. It's bad for buisness, now get out before we make you. ::draws a pistol::

Sola: nicely done

Macharius: You don't sell drugs because its bad for business? Seriously?

Macharius: What sort of business is selling drugs bad for?

Drug Crazed Lunatic 10:

chuckles uncomfortably:: yeah, come here and I'll show you why.


to Sola:: Perhaps we should have just annihilated this place from Orbit as you first suggested.

Sola: MEN! kill this asshole :: air of Ath. 9 ... Command 33 vs 49::

Macharius: Very well. Show me. ::lumbers forward:: I am interested in your business here. I want to offer you all a ... oh, never mind, I suppose.

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Sola: for trooper 3

Drug Crazed Lunatic 10: 2 vs ballistic skill 60

Drug Crazed Lunatic 10: ((that was for the guardsman

Veteran Storm Trooper 3:

guns down the maniac in a flury of las cracks::

Macharius: Does anyone else wish to be a wise-ass?! If so, step on up and get gunned the fuck down!

Macharius: Otherwise . . .


Drug Crazed Lunatic 9: Cripes. You're serious! You wanna play with the big boys huh!


points at him:: Him next.

Sola: now i don't know how many there are but kill em.... unless they surrender by dieing

Drug Crazed Lunatic 9:

hollars out to his buddies in the lab, you see fire bombs being lit through the windows::

Sola: kill em all

Sola: !!


draws plasma Pistol::

Sola: all who exist gun them down... me and Macharius will go inside

Macharius: Come out! We mean you no harm! We simply wish to negotatiate a trade agreement!

Drug Crazed Lunatic 3: Yeah Right. You probebly work for the Govenor. You won't take us alive you bastards.

Macharius: I am Lord Navigator Macharius, sworn in service to Captain Sola of the Rogue Trader Transport Esailia.

Macharius: 12

Drug Crazed Lunatic 3: 4

Sola: 8

Sola: You'll miss all the fun!


double move::

Drug Crazed Lunatic:

Throws a fire bomb at long range:: 66 vs BS 15

Drug Crazed Lunatic: Deviation 2 at 3 meters

Drug Crazed Lunatic: hit no one


  1. Hellpistol # 26 vs my skill of 34

Macharius: 10 damage, penetrating 7


Sola: 55 vs 37 (vs lunitic 3)

Sola: FATE POINT ( 10)

Sola: so 15

Sola: or 51 body...

Sola: Plasma Pistol Damage 15E PEN 6

Sola: ((done))

Sola: HA HA

Drug Crazed Lunatic: 100 vs BS 45

Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: 21 vs BS 45

Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: 12 damage to the arm

Sola: Tb 3 and armor 6 so 3

Sola: ?

Macharius: 60 vs Skill 43



Sola: Aim +10 .....50 vs now 47 vs drug crazed




Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: 98 vs BS 55

Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: 33 vs bs 35


semi-auto burst::

Macharius: 78 vs 44


  • PEW PEW*


draw my power sword as i charge::

Sola: 23 vs 66

Sola: Power Sword Damage 16

Sola: PEN 5

Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: 72 vs bs 35


  1. Semi Auto Burst #

Macharius: 37 vs skill 44

Macharius: 11 Penetrating UBER Drug Crazed Lunatic 7:

a lone worker cowers behind a table covered bubbling concoctions, he covers his head and crys a little::

Sola: come on out.... i wont kill you... i promise on my ship

Macharius: Men! Secure the perimeter!

Sola: you want to be rich?

Macharius: Dont' just stand there like a bunch of slack jawed imbeciles! You're giving imbeciles a bad name! Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: P...p...ppp please don't hurt me, they made me work for them. I would never go against the govenor

Sola: i could give you a clean bed...clean lab....and as much drugs you want.... and i don't for the govenor.... he is a bitch Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: sshhh, he might her you. He has eyes everywhere. Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: ((charm))

Sola: CHARM 54 vs 49

Sola: FATE POINT 9 Drug Crazed Lunatic 7: I don't know... wait AAAAHAHHHHH!!!!

Sola: HM?

Drug worker 5:

runs and hides in the corner::

Sola: Take my hand if you want to live

Sola: GET OVER HERE AND OBEY ME! Command 81 vs 49

Drug worker 5:

he laughs a little::

Sola: fuck you :: charge and punch:: 53 vs 66

Sola: 36 vs untrained 20

Drug worker 5: AAAGHHH!!

Sola: MEN!!! arresst the this man

Drug worker 5:

attempts to flee, but sees that he is surrounded with guardsmen

Jason has connected.


john goodman voice:: We mean you no harm. We simply wish to negotiate a trade deal!

Macharius: You have nothing to lose in trusting us. if we meant you harm, we could have killed you easily.

Macharius: 23 vs 19

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Drug worker 5:

OK, Ill trust you, but you have to protect me from the govenor. He'll kill me if he finds out about all Ive done.

Macharius: Yes go to the man there. He will protect you. ::poitns to Darius::

Drug worker 5: I trust you most of all, strange ball of flesh hiding amongst car parts.

Macharius: And tell him what you need to make more drugs.

Macharius: And why you think the governor will kill you.

Sola: get this asshole to the ship... and search the lab... grab anything interesting... then burn it

Macharius: So that we can better thwart this governor with our giant space ship and our imperial warrant.

Drug worker 5:

describes the rudamentary ingredients used to make the crude drugs in the lab, you arent sure, but you think that at least two of the things are slang for grox poop.


lumbers to the ship, he's done with this place and its dirt and its scabby people::

Veteran Storm Trooper 1:

searches the lab for useful information or materials:: 34 vs search untrained 17


goes afk on the shuttle::

Sola: i'm gonna shower in high price wine... this place sucks.... so why didn't we lance it again? darius since you are so late search it too

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Veteran Storm Trooper 1:

over Minrobead:: Sir we haven't found anything useful, comenceing incineration on your mark.

Malechi Darrius: I thought you wanted me to stick with this lab guy?

Sola: hey you anything in there that you want to keep?

Drug worker 5: I never want to see that place or anything in it again.

Sola: BURN IT David has disconnected.


hand singnal for BURN::

Veteran Storm Trooper 1:

The guardsmen surround the building, shooting their lasguns into the open windows, hitting the explosive chemicals and igniting a chain reaction, The builing goes up in a briliand green fireball, and now the entire area smells of grox poop

Sola: and crucify the bodies as a warning

Malechi Darrius:

Waves his hand in front of his face:: Whew, that smells worse then the public stalls back home.

Veteran Storm Trooper 1:

crucifies bodies::

Sola: and that is what happens to assholes who don't pay thier tab on my home world

Sola: HA HA


action pose::

Malechi Darrius: What're we crucifyin' them for, I wasn't paying much attention. Veteran Storm Trooper 1: As you lift off, you glance down at the spectacle you have left behind. A still burning crater and a row of crucfied corpses, Godwinne should be pleased with this.


Grabs you by the ear:: we are establishing atrade with a crime lord.... who we might just kill for the hell of it.....

Sola: if he gives us a reason


is fatness::

Malechi Darrius: Sounds like a hell of a good time!

Sola: good

Hangar Crew Guys:

over the Vox:: Esailia deck crew to transport ship, ready for docking

Malechi Darrius: When do we start? ::Starts twirling one of his bolters in his hand::

Sola: HA HA .... time for trade....

Sola: lets dock first


is going to spend time with the drug worker while the other idiots are dealing with crime lords::


you dock with your ship smoothly, and soon you are on the merchant concourse again::


me, darrius, and 12 steel legions go to see Godwine::


In Godwinne's bar, the buisnesss is a little livelier, you have to fight your way through the croud, but once your troopers start to push, the way parts like some kind of magic sea.


then York stops for a pee at the loo::


has the drug worker write up the mystical formula for his drug, and tries to find out why he's so afraid of the governor specifically::

Drug Worker: The gov'na's a tyrant, barely lets the farmers keep one quarter of what they earn. It's all some of us can do to make a living for our families. Lately, a lot of people have had to turn to the gangs for help.

Drug Worker: Not to say that the gangs are all that great. They'll help you out, but only for a price. I was traded to the one you found me with by my father.

Macharius: Hmm. ::gives the drug worker a donut::

Drug Worker:

eats it as if he hasnt eaten in years::



Macharius: What do you know about Godwinne's gang? Anything?

Drug Worker: Only that his is one ones the farmers crop gets sent to.

Macharius: He's allied with the governor then, you think?

Drug Worker: Most likely,


another donut::

Drug Worker:

Mmmmmm, Donut::

Macharius: You're smart. You have potential. Do you want to work for me, or would you rather try to find work on the underdecks?

Sola: (( by underdecks you mean shot out of a air vent))


isn't evil like that::

Drug Worker:

I think I would rather stay with you, I dont really like the rest of your crew mates. They are a little scary.

Malechi Darrius: ((the giant man blob with the 3rd eye isn't scary?!))

Macharius: Good. I'll pay you in all the donuts you can eat. You'll have to find your own place to sleep.

Drug Worker: ((aparently))

Drug Worker: Im used to sleeping on the dirt, so Im curious to try a metal floor.

Macharius: In exchange, you do whatever needs doing.

Drug Worker: deal

Sola: (( under your folds of skin... warm and soft... GREAT BED))

Godwinne: Ahhh, Mr. York, you have returned already, with some good news I hope!

Sola: Burnt to the ground... and the cowards who shot at me Crucfied

Macharius: Great. We're going to make more of that drug, for starters. You'll have to train some people to do it, since you're going to be busy handling tasks for me. Can you do that?

Godwinne: Excelent indeed. I believe all we have to settle now is your paymeny.



Drug Worker: I can try, my duties at the lab on the planet were similar

Macharius: Good. Are you literate or do I need to get a vox recorder for you?

Godwinne: There are a few crates of valuable supplies and materials ready to be loaded onto your ship. I hope we can work together again in the future.

Drug Worker: I can't read or nothin. If thats what you mean.

Sola: it was fun.... of course i'd like to do it again...

Macharius: Yes. Brian: You've completed an Endeavour, +1 profit factor for your group


bows and leaves::

Macharius: (Yay! Profit factor!)

Sola: (( YAY))

Macharius: (Does that make up for the loss we had from the last session?)


toasts you on the way out::

Brian: ((Yeah))

Sola: ((YAY))


check creates.... MINON +10 from me::

Malechi Darrius: ((yay, we've broken evn))

Sola: Attention Crew... you have 3days to relax and get what ever provisions yuo want

Sola: ...correction.... 2weeks.... i need me some lovins

Sola: ((BIG CREW))

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Sola: HA HA HA


  1. Acquisition Check # (1 week time) 4 vs a difficulty of (38+10)=48


  1. Acquistion check# 55 vs 38

Sola: last fate point 1

Sola: OMG!

Malechi Darrius: ((What are we doing acquisition checks for?))

Sola: this is in the the bargin bin

Sola: (( what i roll for weeks)) Brian: ((were on vent jay, theyre discussing aquissiitions

Macharius: (We're on ventrilo)

Sola: 5 weeks

Malechi Darrius: ((oh, thanks for teling me!))

Sola: fudge....air leeks

Sola: and those mini grox infestations.... ugh

Macharius: Inferno Pistol

Macharius: Range 10m

Macharius: ROF S/-/-

Macharius: Dam 2d10+8 E

Macharius: Pen 13

Macharius: Clip 3

Macharius: Rld FULL

Macharius: 2.5 kg

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Malechi Darrius:

  • Acquisition roll!* 51 vs 48*

Sola: 38 +10+10=58

Sola: you make it Brian: ((you have aquired power armor? Brian: no ?, you have lol

Sola: " I'm so cool my nipples are erect 100% of the time" +10 to test

Malechi Darrius: ((I"ll have to ask you the stats on that later, cause I dont have apencil with me, and dont want to write on my character seet in pen)) Brian: ok

Sola: I RULE!

Macharius: 89 vs 58 for 5 Heavy Flamers