Morturi: Cult of Mithras

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Cult of Mithras

Keeper of the Seventh Element

  • Class: Medium
  • Move: 4
  • Attack: Sword - Roll 4+ to deal 4 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Keeper of the Seventh Element Special Rules

Web of Secrets - At the start of the battle roll a D6. Your School gains that many Web points to spend during this battle. Several of the tricks below require expenditure of Web points to use. Note that Web points are possessed by the school rather than by individual gladiators, but the Trick being used belongs to the Gladiator. Note also that Web points are not carried from one battle to the next, but randomly determined at the start of each battle. The same trick may be used multiple times in a battle, so long as you have enough Web points to spend.

Keeper of the Seventh Element Tricks

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Change in Loyalty

At the start of any battle round spend 12 Web points and select one enemy Gladiator. That Gladiator joins the Keeper's team until the end of the current battle.

  • Coerced Absence

Spend 6 Web points at the start of the battle and select one enemy Gladiator in the arena. That Gladiator is removed from the arena and may not participate in this battle. He is not considered to have been taken "out of action", however, and does not need to make a survival check.

  • Influencing the Mob

Spend 2 Web points at the start of the battle. Gain 1 point of Crowd's Favour.

  • Second Circle Mithraicist

The Gladiator's school starts with 1 extra Web point.

  • Secret Debt

Spend 3 Web points at the start of the battle and select one enemy gladiator in the arena. That gladiator may not attack the Keeper with any attack. If the Keeper attacks that enemy in any way, then the effect of Secret Debt ends.

  • Sign of the Taurus

Spend 2 Web point and 2 Movement Points. One enemy Gladiator must immediately make a melee attack targeting another enemy Gladiator of your choice. The attack target must be adjacent to the first Gladiator, and a legal target to attack.

  • Will to Live

The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.