RTB: Magos Hal Echo Sawyer

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Magos Hal "Echo" Sawyer

Player: Nick

Path: Exploator

Rank: 1

Motivation: Renown

Description: A monstrous bionic creature that has a somewhat humanoid shape.


Weapon Skill: 37

Ballistic Skill: 30









Common Lore Machine Cult(Int): Trained +10

Common Lore Imperial Creed(Int): Untrained -10

Common Lore Tech (Int): Trained +10

Forbidden Lore Archeotech (Int): Trained +10

Forbidden Lore Adeptus Mechanicus (Int): Trained +10

Literacy (Int): Trained +10

Logic (Int): Trained +10

Scholastic Lore Chymistry (Int): Trained

Speak Language Explorator Binary (Int): Trained

Speak Language Low Gothic (Int): Trained

Speak Language Techna-lingua (Int): Trained +10

Tech-Use (Int): Trained +10

Trade Technomat (Int): Trained

Talents and Traits

Basic: Universal, Melee: Universal, Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus, Academics, Void Born)+ 10 Fel, Good Reputation (Adeptus Mechanicus)additional +10 Fel = +20 total, Unshakable Faith (reroll a failed Wp test VS Fear), Resist (Fear)+10 Wp VS Fear, Logis Implant (As a reaction, until end of my next turn +10 to Ws & Bs tests. Gain one level of fatigue.) , Technical Knock (once a round as a 1/2 action, touch, effect: unjam a gun), Mechanicus Implants (Electro Grafts, Electoo Inductors, Respiratory, Cybermantle, Potenia Coil, Cranial Circuitry), AutoSanguine (Always count as lightly wounded, Heal 2 wounds a day)








Bolt Gun, Good Power Axe, Omnisian Axe, Enforcer Light Carapace Armour, Multi Key, Combi Tool, Void Suit, Microbead, Vox Caster, Injector, Sacred Unguents, Data Slate, Data Loom, 2 Servo Skulls, Aupex, Best Quality Tech Priest Robes


Bionic Arms (Both): Left Arm is basic. Right Arm is Good Quality (+10 Ag with fine manipulation and +10 Str tests with this arm)

Bionic Locomotion ( Legs, Hips, Pelvis, etc.): Basic

Bionic Respiratory System: Good Quality. Full Life Support System ~ For any reason my own respiratory system fails the bionic lungs will keep my blood oxygenated.

Mind Implant Unit (M.I.U.): +10 to Tech-Use, Pilot, or Drive with any devices with M.I.U. linking.

Respiratory Filter Implant: Ignore Toxic Gasses & Atmospheric Contaminations.

Void Skin: Resist damage from Void Exposure 1D10+3 rounds past normal duration.

Auger Array: Inbuilt Auspex. 50m, +20 Awareness & may use Tech-Use to spot things that can not detectable to humans. (invisible gasses, Nearby bio-sings, Radiation)

Augmented Sight: Heightened Sight (+10 to all Sight Tests)

Bionic Heart: +1 armour to the body location (stacks), Sprint (Gain one level of Fatigue if used 2 turns in a row. Full Move: move additional meters = to Ag bonus. Run: move additional meters = Double Ag bonus)

Character History

Area of Focus: Echo's researches into Archeotech. His goal is to restore the Imperium to its Technological glory during the Dark Ages of Tech.

Breakthrough: After many years of trail and error he has unlocked the secrets of Nanotechnology. Though they are capable of great deeds (Regeneration, GPS Tracking, replicator, etc.) there are some issues he must extensively test out (effects on xenos, Mutations, spying, etc.). Many are concerned that the extensive testing is mainly his sadistic desires.

Darrius Prime: A planet that had an apocalyptic event (The Sangre Muerta Virus drove people mad as they rotted away and lead to a brutal civil war amongst the survivors). With the help of the Adeptus Mechanicus (Whos only intentions are to use this planet for its natural resources and lost technology.) the virus is gone (nanotech)they are finally back to a " Feudal State ".

Echo uses Darrius Prime as a personal lab full with test subjects.

Rival: Crisis Alt, a fat short tech-priest who has been trying for years to use Echo's research for his own goals. But Echo has managed to keep Crisis in check through the classic use of black mail (Crisis specialty is creating familiars and is always trying to improve them. Echo has dug up evidence that Crisis has been using Noble born corpses for his experiments with out the proper paper work or permission from the correct authorities).

Servo Skulls

Ws 15, Bs 15, Str 10, T 20, Ag 30, Int 15, Per 35, Wp 20, Fel -

Awareness (per) +10, Concealment (Ag) +10, Dodge (Ag)+10, Silent Move (Ag)+10,

Darkvision, Flier 6, Machine 2 (armour 2 ALL), Size (puny), Fearless, inbuilt vox & cogitator.

LUNA: Echo's first wife. Who shared his same goals. Died of infection from a bad implant (Echo now has her bionic heart replacing his own heart). Security (Ag) +20 and inbuilt Multi-key.

Astra: Echo's second wife. A guards-woman who fought mutants on regular occasions. After her death he mounted her favorite Hellpistol to her skull. Shadowing (Ag) +20 and GOOD Hell-pistol. Range 35m, s/2/-, Damage: 1d10+4 E, Pen 7, Clip 40, Reload 2 full, Reliable. Red-dot laser (counts as sight and +10 Bs)