RPGnet Fighters Group

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Revision as of 12:49, 4 November 2009 by (talk) (GMT +0)
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RPGnet Fighter's Group

This was a group put together so fighting game fans at RPGnet would have an easier time finding each other, talk about fighting games, and hopefully meet up with each other for online gaming. It does not favor one platform/system or game over another, preferring rather to embrace and further the genre itself.

There is an official thread for it in RPGnet's Video Games Open forum: [1]

Player List

This list is current as of 7/22/09. If you wish to include yourself or update your information, please edit your entry while abiding to the format above.

Player List Format

The listings will be in the following format: RPGNet Name / Systems / Time Zone / (Gamertag/PSN/etc) / Games

RPGnet Name is who they are on RPGnet's forums.

Systems are game platforms they own. The Xbox 360 (360), Playstation 3 (PS3), and Windows XP/Vista/7 (PC) are all common systems.

Time Zone is where a player is in relation to GMT. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmt

Gamertag/PSN/etc is the identification the player has on various gaming services.

Games is a list of fighting games the player has available in their library to play online.

Please keep to this formatting. All listings are sorted according to GMT, then under that alphabetically by name.

GMT +2

Fenris / PS3 / GMT + 2 / PSN: / SF4, BB

Guts / 360 / GMT + 2 / 360: Guts FIN / SF4

Juriel / 360 / GMT+2 / 360: The Juriel / SF4, MvsC2

GMT +1

Karanov / 360 / GMT + 1 / 360: Karanov / SF4, SSF2HD, SC4, MKvsDCU, MvC2

Murazor / 360 / GMT + 1 / 360: DOA4

GMT +0

Ubermonkey / 360 / GMT / 360:

durecellrabbit / 360 / GMT / 360: durcellrabbit / UMK3, DOA4, SC4, SF2:HF, SSF2HD, SF4, VF5

Wizball / 360 / GMT / SC4

GMT -5

Brandon Schmelz / 360 / GMT-5 / 360: Kithkar / SF4 (and others, I assume...)

Clayton Wick / 360 / GMT - 5 / 360:

CroixLancer / PS3 / GMT - 5 / PSN: ZOE2nd / SF4, SSF2HD, SC4, BB

Eric E. / 360 / GMT - 5 / 360: Mongoose Zombie / SF4

Mostlyjoe / 360 / GMT -5 / 360: Mostlyjoe / BB

nonsense / PS3 / GMT - 5 / PSN: Rattlejaw / SF4, BB

Peter LaCara / 360 / GMT - 5 / 360: z0mbiepete / BB

ReallyBored / PS3, 360 / GMT - 5 / 360: ReallyBored, PSN: ReallyBored0 / SC4, T5: DR, SF4, BB (PS3) & VF5, DOA4, SF4 (360)

rgalex / ? / GMT - 5 / BB

The SkaerKrow / 360 / GMT - 5 / 360: SkaerKrow / SF4

vagrant_winds / PS3 / GMT - 5 / PSN: vagrant_winds / SC4, SF4, BB

GMT -6

CodexArcanum / PC, 360 / GMT -6 / 360: Codex Arcanum /SF4, SF2:HDR (360)

taleswapper / PS3 / GMT - 6 / PSN: / SF4

GMT -7

DrZombie / 360 / GMT - 7 / 360: /

MoogleEmpMog / PS3 / GMT - 7 / PSN: / SC4 (at some point)

GMT -8

Mr. Sanity / PC / GMT - 8 / GFWL: Mister Sanity / SF IV

Spectrum / PS3 / GMT - 8 / PSN: MissGardenia / SF4, BB

GMT -10

Chikahiro / 360 / GMT - 10 / 360:Chikahiro / SF4, KOF98UM, Garou:MOTW, SF2:HDR, KOFXII, BB, VF5:O

Incomplete listings

J.H. Frank / 360, PS3 / ? / / BB (PS3)

bv728 / 360 / ? / 360: bv728 / BB

PSXfile / ? / ? / ? / BB

Celisasu / ? / ? / ? / BB

Ratoslov / ? / ? / ? / BB

GabrielK / PS3 / ? / ? / SF4

Darkeus / 360 (?) / ? / 360: Darkeus1 / SF4 (at some point)

External Resources

www.gamefaqs.com For game and character FAQs.

www.worldtimezone.com A world map using GMTs and showing the current times world-wide.

www.xbox.com Home of the Xbox 360.

www.playstation.com Home of the Playstation 3.