Session 148

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Chapter 16

[INFO] Now logging to {file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/}.
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= No topic for channel #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by ChanServ on ven 06 nov 2009 02:59:46 CET

  • ChanServ* Welcome to the wonderful Amyran Nobilis channel!

{Angelo} HI Verithe
{Verithe} Hi, Angelo!
{Angelo} Is all fine?
{Verithe} Yes! You?
{Angelo} I too, thanks
--}| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.252.IP) has joined #Nobilis
{Knockwood} Hi guys
{Verithe} Hi!
{Angelo} Hi Knock!
--}| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} Hu RN
{Angelo} hi even
{Knockwood} Hiya RN
{Random_Nerd} May have to make this a bit shorter, as I have a memo due tomorrow.
{Verithe} Hi!
{Verithe} Eek!
{Angelo} Well, shorter is better that nothing at all!
--}| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
{BethE} Evening, all! *HUGS*
{Angelo} iif shorter is not rushed :-P
{Knockwood} Hiya Beth
{Verithe} Hello!
{Angelo} hi Beth! Hug back
{Random_Nerd} In this session, our Noble PCs fight 1000 orcs!
{BethE} Wrong game, dear.
{Random_Nerd} 1000... warmain shards.
{Verithe} Should be easy enough?
{Random_Nerd} Green ones. With axes.
{BethE} What _are_ we going to do this time?
{Verithe} :(
{Random_Nerd} The orc thing!
{BethE} (That go Waaugh? Isn't Waaugh against their code?)
{Knockwood} say hello to Kite
{Angelo} uhm... can be a metaroleplaying I can see Ftisk play a r-play game with Sam
{Verithe} And probably tell him that's his new name before he starts introducing himself as "Sid"
{Random_Nerd} So, let's see. Where were we?
{Angelo} naaa "el gringo" is more fitting
{Verithe} The grove.
{BethE} We just gave the angel blood to Ben Jan. I got a knuckle back and Ftisk lost an eye.
{Random_Nerd} You'd given the blood to Jan ben Jan, and gotten some information out of him.
{Angelo} I lose a eye... for 3 years
{Knockwood} and we were getting lunch
{Random_Nerd} Or until you spend a certain amount of time Outside.
{Verithe} Oh, yes! Lunch!
{Angelo} yay, 200 hours
{Angelo} that I plan to do asap
{Random_Nerd} Naturally.
{Random_Nerd} Now, we've pretty much exhausted the NPC-influenced stuff. So, we can really go one of two ways tonight.
{Random_Nerd} I could bring in an external mover, or one of you could have something to work on.
{Random_Nerd} Preferences?
{Verithe} Then what will Ja Phon say? "I told you to stop putting things in my mind and you wander there, yourself?"
{Angelo} Well we can go to Shadows , Ftisk have 2 words for him on Dollp.
{Knockwood} hm... we could try tying up loose ends
{BethE} I don't have a preference.
{Verithe} No preference here, either.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, let's go with player-motivated.
{Random_Nerd} Start with the PCs in the meeting room, then.
{Random_Nerd} ________________START_____________
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa

  • Ftisk cuddles Dollphanienl

{Theresa} "So, what brings you to visit, Kite?"
{Ftisk} "He likes you as much as I like you?"
{Verithe} "Is that my name, then? Kite?"
{Verithe} "I like it."
--}| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
{Theresa} (Well, if he prefers something else, now's the time to say it.  :) )
{Theresa} (Hi laz! *HUG*)
{DanteE} (Hi Laz!)
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
{Ftisk} (!___! The great ancient is coming!!! :-P Hi Laz!!!)
{Random_Nerd} Samuel walks in.
{lazarus} (hey guys ... I didn't forget, really! Just eating food, back here in a little minute or three. Or fifteen)
{Kite} (He is just excited about it. :) )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "We have the first reports on the effects of the transmutation ray on the terminal pediatric patients, Dante."
{DanteE} "Oh, good. Let's hear them."
{Random_Nerd} Sam looks through the papers he's holding.
{Ftisk} to Kite: "... I like this short name"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "In terms of correcting their conditions, it worked in all but one case, and in that case it did change the location of the cancer enough that they could operate normally."
{Ftisk} "Cool!"
{DanteE} "... what was special about that one case?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "All are undergoing some psychiatric treatment, for a combination of their changed appearances, and just the fact that they're needing to adapt to the idea that they can live a normal life again."

{Random_Nerd} Sam: "They don't know, at least yet. But it is a very small sample size, with only eleven patients so far. They went with the ones in most severe condition first."
{Theresa} "What kind of cancer was it?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Ah... one of them now has blue eyes. As in, instead of white. Not just the iris, I mean. Like the demon's assistants, only blue instead of gold, and without the extra arm."
{DanteE} "You mean the sclera?"
{Theresa} "Interesting."
{Ftisk} "Well, is a little insignificant variance I believe"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Maybe. Whatever the white part is called."
{DanteE} "Hm... might go and investigate that."
{DanteE} (unless RN admits he pulled that detail out of his ass... :) )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I gather that's outside the range of normal human variation? They said it was, but I've met humans that looked that way."
{Theresa} (He never _admits_ such things.)
{Theresa} "Oh? Where at, Sam}"
{Random_Nerd} (The specifics of the detail, yes. But that there be changes outside the normal range of human variation, no.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "School."
{DanteE} "It occasionally happens with diseases, such as jaundice, but it's unusual."
{Ftisk} (why, we are all human being... is RN human? Beth can you double check?)
{Ftisk} ( @RN: :-P )
{Theresa} (I would check but a...thorough check would delay the game completely for tonight. ^^ )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I don't think they thought there was a disease, or at least not one they recognized. And I gather she can see normally. Well, with glasses. But in spite of the fact that the little black spots on her eyes aren't there."
{DanteE} "That... is definitely unusual."

  • Ftisk jump high and low "Interesting! "

{Kite} "Indeed..."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Oh, one other thing. How do you feel about involvement of the newspapers?"
{Ftisk} "Witch kind of involvement?"
{Theresa} "Did Brian make page 3 again when he went out without a shirt?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "They wanted to do interviews with the patients, with everyone who talked to you or saw you..."
{DanteE} "My inclination is to keep it under wraps, someone will get overwhelmed..."
{Theresa} "Have they asked to interview us personally?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "They do that all the time, but we've been saying no for the time being, telling them you'll call a press conference if you want one."
{lazarus} (back!)
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
{DanteE} "Do they ask about anyone other than Brian, though?"
{Random_Nerd} (The others are in the meeting room right now, but they may be heading out soon, so it may be good to wander in when you're ready.)
{Ftisk} (Brian, you can wander in as you please )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Sometimes. They often even remember your name."

  • Brian will wander in.

{Brian} (though I'm not sure what he's been doing in the mean time this time. Possibly one of his Epic Naps.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam nods at Brian.
{Ftisk} "Hi Brian!!!!"
{Random_Nerd} (We could say that construction is already partially done on the Accelerator, for instance.)
{Theresa} "Bah, I doubt they remember me..."
{Brian} "Ftisk. Sam. Dante, T. And ... someone I don't recognize. I guess I have to get caught up on something. What's going on?"
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, and Ftisk is missing an eye.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "The usual."
{Theresa} "You missed another talk with Jan Ben Jan. Ftisk donated body parts this time."
{DanteE} "Hey, Brian. Where have you been?"

  • Ftisk pointing to Kite "This is my brother Celestis!!! is really cool!"

{Ftisk} "... Was for a good cause! Not good as peace on earth but still..."
{Brian} "Working on that collider. We're making progress. It's going to be fascinating, that's for sure."
{Brian} "What did JBJ say this time?"
{Ftisk} "Can I go A trip inside the collider?"
{Brian} "When it's done, probably."

  • Kite waves a wing to Brian. "A pleasure to meet you! My name is Chyto...KITE! My name is Kite!"
  • Brian turns to Kite "Greetings, Kite. I am Brian, lord of Numbers."

{Theresa} (... Great, now I'm imagining a tiny Ftisk going around at high speeds yelling 'Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!')
{DanteE} (He does that anyway. :) )
{Brian} "Physics finds me irritating" he says with a smirk.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Shall we have your mail delivered? We've been holding it."
{Ftisk} (totally! Spot on the weeeeeeeeeeeeee thing)
{Theresa} "Or, reminds me, Patterns is freaking out. This is apparently normal for him."
{Brian} "I suppose - is there any more than usual?"

  • Ftisk weave "And now... Hi Pattern! "

{Brian} (T: )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Not really. Shall I have the old warehouse cleaned and your usual secretary ready?"
{Brian} "Sounds good."
{Random_Nerd} (Gonads & Strife?)
{Brian} (yep)
{Theresa} "Oh and Shadows got drunk."
{Brian} "Surprising."
{Random_Nerd} S: "Oh, and I have a report from the Bureau about the success of the 'scared so straight that they'll never even jaywalk again' program."
{Brian} "Or perhaps not"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "And, uh... do you want the other demon back?"
{Brian} "..."
{DanteE} "Oh, the imp! Where is it?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I... would rather not say. But I can get it back for you if you want."
{Theresa} "How's the scared program?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I think it was the new girl's idea. But it does seem to be having some effect on the juvenile recidivism rate."
{Kite} "Imp? Scared program?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Ah... my employers seem to collect demons."
{Kite} "Oh! I see! I'll remember that, if I see any demons."
{DanteE} "Yeah, we got an imp along with a bunch of hell-souls. They were out of garlic knots."

  • Ftisk does a holoprojection of imp for Kite

{Random_Nerd} Sam: "With the 'Scared Straight' program, they take teenagers convicted of violent offenses, show them pictures of what happened to the Three Kings gang, and then they have a half-hour talk with the bigger demon."

  • Kite cocks head at the holoprojection.

{DanteE} "Why don't you go ahead and bring back the imp, if you can do so without undue danger."
{Kite} "Ah."

  • Theresa ponders. "New girl...oh, yeah, now I remember. I still need to give her an interview. Can you set that up, please, Sam?"

{Random_Nerd} The imp is about a foot and a half tall, more or less humanoid, with a greyish-blackish skin and a perpetually nervous face.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I will go get it, after I'm done here."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "And yes, I can set that up."
{Theresa} "Thank you, Sam."
{Theresa} "Have there been any complaints about Lesson or the Bureau? "
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "No more than usual?"
{Theresa} "Okay. And how's the show with Alan?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Oh, that reminds me. Remember the dead king you bought? I have a report that he's engaged to be married."
{Theresa} *to Brian* "You remember Alan? The walking tree that liked to make triffid noises? They're trying to do a tv show with him."
{Theresa} "Did we get invited?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "The show is... plagued by problems in production."
{Ftisk} "my fault, my fault" *grin*
{Theresa} (Yes, Theresa's first thought _is_ did we get invited to the wedding.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "If invitations have come in, we haven't gotten to them yet."
{DanteE} "... who's the bride?"
{Brian} "The tree that made triffid noises? The walking tree I remember is Red"
{Ftisk} "Well we can go to the marriage in each case"
{Ftisk} "no one is going to stop a Noble in his fief!"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I don't know her. Young, 19 or so. Rich, or at least upper-middle-class. Medical student."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Ah... not the same girl that he was seeing earlier."

  • Ftisk data lDiv to ascertain of there are double intention on the to be lady kind

{Theresa} *to Brian* "Alan's one of the people transformed through the Enchancellement. He was turned into a tree and he was given movement to help with the transition back. But he prefers being..silly."
{Brian} "Ah."
{Brian} "I may remember that."
{Ftisk} "I can fell some sympathy to him"
{Random_Nerd} (Double intentions of what kind?)
{Theresa} "He doesn't waste time, does he...and a med student, nice. Any idea of her specialization?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I can have someone find it out, if you want."
{DanteE} "... yeah, Sam, see if you can discreetly get us her records."
{Theresa} "No hurry on the info. But feel free to slip them some information that I would be glad to do the flowers for their wedding, if they would like it. Reminds me that William's wedding will be sooner or later too."
{Random_Nerd} (Her thoughts on the matter: He's attractive, in a vaguely-dangerous organized-crime-boss kind of way. The kind of guy who seems in charge the moment he walks into a room. He's older, but clearly in really good shape for his age. He seems vaguely foreign, but he speaks good Amyran. And he clearly knows what he wants, and that seems to be her.)
{Ftisk} "A lC on her, show: (repeat RN post above)"
{Ftisk} "ops a divination not creation"
{Theresa} "Awww, how sweet."
{Random_Nerd} (Pretty good grades, top third of her class or so. Wants to be an optical surgeon, but she may not have the manual dexterity to do it well.)
{DanteE} "While we're at it, what's the word on the people from Chancel Jaris?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "William has those reports. Want me to call him?"
{Kite} "Jaris?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Serpentine chancel. We took on some refugees from there after an Excrucian attack."
{Kite} "Ah."
{DanteE} to Kite: "We got her Chancel's population evacuated to ours when she was attacked by an Excrucian."
{Ftisk} "Some fish folk"
{Theresa} "Some fish people mostly. Their Nobles went back to try and reconstruct."
{DanteE} "Yeah, Sam, let's get everything."
{Kite} "Talk of fish makes me hungry..."

  • Ftisk whispering to Kite: "Maybe you can like to haunt some of them Kite?"

{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Fish-/humans/. It's a Dark-influenced chancel, so the distinction is important."
{Kite} "Then we should probably change the subject."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Okay, I'll go... let's see, get the other demon, get the stuff on the fish from William, set up the meeting for Theresa, and... set up Brian's mail. Be right back."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Oh, and get the records of the med student."
{Random_Nerd} Sam glides out the door.
{Brian} "It's a little risky eating anything here in-Chancel. There's no small chance that it may once have been human. Though most sentients still complain when you cook them."

  • DanteE hadn't thought of that...

{Theresa} "But Brian knows the best cheeseburger place in town."
{Brian} "One of these days I'll talk the Noble of Meat into giving us a device that creates it sentience-free. That way, we can be sure."
{Kite} "Cheeseburgers are good too."
{Ftisk} "Or sustain yourself with some kind of energy as I do :-P"
{Random_Nerd} William strides in the door.
{Brian} "Well, that's all good for us magical folk."
{Random_Nerd} W: "Sam's busy, but he told me to bring you these."

  • Ftisk floats to Will shoulder

{DanteE} (Hey, just thought of something... (pause for uhohs))
{Random_Nerd} W: "In general, they've been doing well. Two deaths to illness, one to animal attack, three to consensual suicide. Three births."

  • Ftisk lc an air pushing Ftisk size cushion to stay comfy on William shoulder

{Theresa} (I prefer to save my uh-ohs for that phrase when we're in really deep stuff, Dante.  :) Sitting around, not as nerve-wracking. )
{DanteE} "Animal attack? We have dangerous animals in our waters?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "Ah, let's see. They have several experts lecturing on aquatic engineering at Kaerkoven University..."
{Random_Nerd} W: "And one's currently working as a consulting expert at an aquarium."
{Random_Nerd} William flips through the papers.
{Random_Nerd} W: "I don't know what kind of animal it was. They just said it was bigger than a person, but not a lot bigger."

  • DanteE starts writing up little theories on index cards...

{Ftisk} "A shark? ... Amyra have shark?"
{Theresa} (LDiv of Realm would tell what it was.)
{DanteE} (Things like 'X is an Excrucian', 'X is working against us', et cetera.)
{Random_Nerd} William: "It might be a shark. When I asked, they didn't seem to understand the concept. I don't think they had them at home."
{Theresa} (You mean like the random chance cards that RN so totally does not throw up into the air when he wants to do something to us?)
{Random_Nerd} William: "I am also to tell you that the idea of big angry fish with cartilage instead of bones is, ah... 'really stupid'."
{DanteE} (Exactly!)
{DanteE} (then another separate set with actions, like 'fight him', 'work with him', 'avoid him')
{Random_Nerd} William: "Anything in particular you wanted to know?"
{DanteE} "Well, we didn't have anything to do with that decision."
{DanteE} "How is Chancel Jaris itself doing?"
{Theresa} (Was the really stupid from the fish people or Sam?)
{Random_Nerd} (He didn't say.)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Almost fully repaired. I think they wanted to make some changes while they were remaking parts of it."
{Random_Nerd} William: "And they've been, ah... busy."
{DanteE} "Of course."
{Theresa} "There was a pause."
{Random_Nerd} William: "With the whole vendetta thing, you know."
{Theresa} "No, we don't know. or at least, I don't."
{DanteE} "They're still fighting the Excrucian?"
{Ftisk} "Yeah, explain please!"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Well... excrucians in general. Warmain shards. They've killed eleven of them, and injured a full warmain."

  • Ftisk ponder "uhmmm"

{Random_Nerd} W: "They took the attack on their chancel badly. And one of the first few shards had a minor Abhorrent Weapon."
{DanteE} "... minor Abhorrent Weapon?"
{Ftisk} "I like their reaction Is right and energetic!"
{Theresa} "How can one be minor?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "Nothing that can kill an immortal. Ah... they found that out, as it were."
{Brian} "Minor is relative"
{DanteE} "hm... any chance it's a blade?"
{Kite} "But the shard who had it is dead, right?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "A spear. Or a glaive, or a lance. Something that's got a long stick and something sharp on the end. Why?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "Yes, very dead."
{Brian} "Guisarme?"
{Brian} "Bardiche?"
{DanteE} (OK, checking something against Nobilis Lore: if it is a blade or blade-like, could I possibly reclaim the Estate that it was created from?)
{Random_Nerd} (*mentally goes through list of acceptable Nobilis answers*: How?)
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, wait. This isn't one of the big ones.)
{DanteE} (By using Domain abilities to un-make the blade while retaining whatever's left)
{Random_Nerd} (We aren't talking about a Colbrand or something here. Just a focus that has a middling-low level of the Negative Gift on it.)
{Random_Nerd} (This is one of the little ones, the ones the warmains made based on the big ones.)
{DanteE} (Oh.)
{Ftisk} (Is a d.i.y. one :-P)
{Random_Nerd} (Shards don't get the big ones, except maybe under very rare circumstances.)
{DanteE} "I do still seem that 'minor' and 'Abhorrent Weapon' just doesn’t go together, though. What happened to it?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "They still have it, as far as I know."
{DanteE} (you realize something with Negative Gift could be REALLY USEFUL... :) )
{Theresa} "What is it doing to them?"
{Random_Nerd} W: "And when I say 'minor', it could still probably kill any of you as easily as a normal spear could kill a normal human. It just isn't up to killing gods."
{Ftisk} "I would like to get a fresh killed excru... these can be the right people to ask"
{Theresa} (I...massively distrust that smiley face.)
{Ftisk} (trust me no bad thing can happen from Dante plan ... *whistle*)
{Random_Nerd} W: "As for the psychological effect... I don't know. They'd already been on their crusade a little while when they got it."
{DanteE} "Not that it matters unless someone can think of a decent place to put it."
{Random_Nerd} W: "I think they've come up with one. It is 'inside the next warmain-shard to come to Earth'."
{DanteE} "Good place."
{Theresa} "Yeah, but that kind of sheath rusts so easily."
{Ftisk} "Nice place!"
{Kite} "Well, that defined location is changing often enough that they can clean it in between."

  • DanteE writes 'Abhorrent Weapon in Chancel Jaris' on a card...

{Brian} "..."
{Brian} "you're not going to go all Hiro and string 'em up in a timeline, right?"
{DanteE} "As for the eternal question, what to do next...
{Random_Nerd} Sam walks in, holding a smaller set of sheets of paper.
{DanteE} "What, the cards? Not quite."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "What's with the cards?"
{DanteE} "Well... it occurred to me that we're not sure just what we can do because we don't have data.
{Ftisk} "we can go to Shadows... I like to ask some question on the work modalities of Dollphaniel"
{DanteE} "Except, we do have Data."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Oh? What can he do?"
{DanteE} "He's sitting on William's shoulder."

  • DanteE spreads out his cards on the table...

{Ftisk} "Is not correct Dante. I'm on an air cushion on Will shoulder :-P"
{Theresa} (Saves on the dry cleaning.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Oh, and the little demon... ah, got away from me when I was... getting him back. He nearly took one of my fingers off, too."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Wait, he can do that?"
{DanteE} "OK, now some of these are crap, and a select few are Vitally Important. Ftisk, you may be able to tell us which ones are which."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I'm not invulnerable, I'm just vulnerable to /different/ things."
{Kite} "Fingers? Let me see!"
{DanteE} "Were you hurt at all, Sam?"

  • Ftisk eccitately "Let me see too"

{DanteE} "though, if anyone else wants to add a card first..."
{Random_Nerd} Sam pulls the scraps of silk off one of his arms, and holds out... ah, nothing visible.

  • Ftisk lc a sonar to check on Sam body
  • Kite cocks head.

{DanteE} "Hang on, I can heal that..."
{Brian} "Um. I'll add a card."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "It's still attached."

  • DanteE zap-heals Sam.

{Kite} "He did say 'almost.'"
{Random_Nerd} (And you can't, unless you put extra points in your Gift. It doesn't work on people who aren't made of meat at the current degree of flexibility.)
{DanteE} (Oh. Retcon that bit?)
{Brian} "I can't really figure out how to word it, but it's the Shadow-Shadow on the outside. The effects and results of his and our experiments to this point"
{Random_Nerd} (Sure.)

  • Ftisk add to the cards "Get outside WW domain"

{Random_Nerd} (Similarly, you can't heal cars, or information, or plants.)
{Random_Nerd} Ftisk, a sonar machine appears.
{DanteE} "You mean Shadows' Fetch?"
{Brian} "Yeah, partly"

  • Ftisk operate the sonar on Sam

{DanteE} (and after Ftisk does his thing, I've got something for Kite as well. :) )
{Theresa} "How would you be healed at home, Sam?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Aaaaaght!"
{Brian} "I'm also thinking the writing programming thing - active writing? Was that it?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam flings himself to the ground.
{DanteE} "Whoa! Ftisk!"

  • Ftisk add to the card "Find a girl for shadow"

{DanteE} "Sam's made of vibration, remember?"

  • Ftisk stop the damn thing!

{Ftisk} "Ops sorry!"
{Random_Nerd} (Hitting Sam with a high-energy pulse of vibrating air is about the same as hitting a human with a cow going at about fifty miles per hour.)
{Theresa} (This game and cows...)
{Ftisk} (But pardon me, sonar don't catch sound /vibration and render them on a display?)
{DanteE} (Damn, I was hoping for something more on far with a pie fight...)
{DanteE} "Sam, are you all right?"
{Random_Nerd} (Well, most sonar is active sonar. I don't think passive even works in the air. Does it?)
{Kite} "Do you have an infirmary for Dionyl?"
{Brian} "Did we ever do our active writing between Outside and here experiment? Also, Gnomely is card-worthy, possibly. ... actually, the Card that I'm looking to have is the more the fact that we have an increased knowledge and curiosity about Outside."
{DanteE} (Hm... would it be +1 point to add to my gift so it can heal Sam, cars, buildings, et cetera?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I'm alive. I... can I go to my apartment and lie down for a bit?"
{Random_Nerd} (What's the current Flexibility?)
{DanteE} (Well, last time I tried to lick my elbow... oh, the gift. :) )
{Theresa} "Sure, Sam. Do you want a taxi or one of us to drive you home?"
{Ftisk} "Ohh Sam , I can carry you home"
{Ftisk} "Awww Sorry"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I can get a taxi. It's okay."

  • Ftisk lc a taxi

{Ftisk} (yes in the room)
{DanteE} "Sam, I'm sorry, and I sincerely hope the Aides are giving you danger pay."
{Kite} (no driver? :) )
{Brian} (automobile)
{Ftisk} (no, no driver, Ftisk is here for something no?)
{DanteE} "... not _here_, Ftisk..."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Stupid Noble Tricks are par for the course. And it wasn't all that energetic, it just really knocked the wind out of me."
{Random_Nerd} William looks at the car.
{Brian} "... Sam, nice pun. I think you're getting better at that."
{Theresa} (Stupid Noble Tricks...I have an urge for a Gift with that name.)
{Ftisk} "Uhm ok, try to help but..."

  • Kite stares at his reflection in a hub-cap.
  • Ftisk destroy the taxi

{Random_Nerd} (How would that be different from the Dollphaniel one?)
{DanteE} (Does it even need a Gift? Isn't it SOP with us? :) )

  • Kite blinks.

{Ftisk} (SOP?)
{Random_Nerd} (Standard Operating Procedure.)
{DanteE} (Standard Operating Procedure)
{DanteE} (jinx)
{Theresa} (I didn't think Dolly was stupid. It fulfilled its purpose perfectly.  :) )
{Random_Nerd} (Means "the way things are usually done.")
{Ftisk} (ahhhh, :-) )
{Random_Nerd} Outside the room: *loud scampering noise* "You can't catch me! You can't put me back in the box!" *lout scampering noise*

  • Ftisk lc the taxi _outside_ the bulging

{Random_Nerd} William sighs.
{DanteE} "Ah, the Imp's here."
{Brian} "... we keep our demons in boxes. Right."
{Random_Nerd} William: "No comment."
{Kite} "Really?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "REALLY no comment."
{Ftisk} "Here Sam, The taxi is ready"
{Brian} "We got Lesson in a box. I think the Imp lives in a box. Though I think he doesn't like it there."
{Theresa} "Dante, he's your pet. You said you'd be responsible for him."
{Brian} "I don't actually know much about the Imp. I was away at the time."
{Random_Nerd} Sam nods at Ftisk, opens the door, and pokes his head out into the hall.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Good, I think he's gone."
{Kite} "Ah."
{DanteE} "Yeah, but if I put a leash on him he eats it."

  • Ftisk move protectively before Sam

{Ftisk} "You can try a preserved one"
{Random_Nerd} Sam walks over to the elevator, and presses the button.
{Kite} (Pickled leashes come to mind...)
{Ftisk} (the leash comment reminds me of a old game Black and White where there was a godly cow on a leash)
{DanteE} (When did we put in an elevator?)
{Random_Nerd} (I liked that game. It had its problems, but... gigantic god-cow.)
{Ftisk} (right!!!)
{Theresa} (The god cow...I remember that cow. Back when RN and I started dating...)
{Random_Nerd} (Well, you are on the second or third floor.)
{Brian} (B&W 2 was more functional.)
{DanteE} (I've got that. And #2, too.)
{Random_Nerd} (The clock tower is a bit tall to be just stairs.)
{Random_Nerd} (Never played #2.)
{Ftisk} (I have 1 still around)
{Theresa} "If you need anything, Sam, let us know."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Just the afternoon off."
{Ftisk} "No problem, He is in good hands"
{DanteE} "Take it, Sam.

  • Ftisk go into the taxi driver seat

{Random_Nerd} William goes out of the room, opens a closet, and rummages around in it.
{Random_Nerd} William comes back with a set of football pads and a large net.
{Random_Nerd} William: "In case you change your mind about the demon."
{DanteE} "It's not our minds you need to change. Kudzu is the one who doesn't like cages or restraints."
{Kite} "What about punishments?"

  • Ftisk aspect brum brum to Sam place

{Random_Nerd} William: "Well, I like having ungnawed shins. I made a judgment call."
{DanteE} "Those he likes..."
{DanteE} "William, anyone put together a guide to training Imps?"
{Theresa} "If he's causing harm to the Chancel, he needs to be disciplined."
{Ftisk} (of course, with Sam in the taxi)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Probably. But... maybe not with a mindset you would approve of."
{Random_Nerd} Sam opens the door at his home.
{Ftisk} (I would approve! :-P )
{Kite} "It could be something to start with."
{DanteE} (Next week on Demon Planet, the Imp Whisperer! :) )
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just feel rather sick."
{Kite} (Hehe!)
{Ftisk} to Sam: "Is there something I can do for you?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Fair warning, these /are/ the kind of books where the deluxe edition is bound in human skin."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Make a realistic doll of the little demon with eyes that glow in the dark, and put it in William's bedroom."
{DanteE} "Hm... considering this country's history we'd better pass on _those_ books."
{Brian} "oooo. Dead humans weren't using their skin anyway..."
{Kite} "That's why humans should stay away from book binders."
{Random_Nerd} William: "I'll just order the trade paperback, then."
{Kite} (._.)

  • Ftisk pats Sam and grin. "Ok!"

{Random_Nerd} (And yes, you can make one with a LC of Machinery. You can even make one that cackles when triggered by the sound of a human scream.)
{DanteE} (OK, so where's Ftisk?)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Anyway, see you tomorrow, Ftisk."

  • Random_Nerd slaps Ftisk around a bit with a large trout

{Ftisk} (Why?)
{Theresa} (It's been a while since I've seen that emote. Ah, memories...)
{Random_Nerd} (Why not?)
{Ftisk} (I'm on my way back from Sam place)
{DanteE} (Anyway... part 2 of my cards plan involves the 'verb' cards.
{Random_Nerd} (Mind if I end the session here? I do need to do more writing tonight.)
{DanteE} (Basically, once Ftisk does his thing to determine what's what, we can have Kite throw in an Assembly miracle to come up with a decent plan. :) )
{Ftisk} (ok for me)
{Brian} (sure. I plan to be back regularly again :p)
{Kite} (Woo!)
{Ftisk} (Yay!)
{DanteE} (Kewl)
{Kite} (And here sounds like a good place to stop.)
{Random_Nerd} _____________STOP______________
{Random_Nerd} Well, with Brian back /and/ a new PC, the Curse is bound to strike.
{lazarus} once again we're sitting around trying to figure out what to do?
{DanteE} Now, how well would the card plan work? :)
{Angelo} Is nice to have you back Laz!
{Random_Nerd} Five bucks on "spontaneous human combustion."
{Random_Nerd} Depends on what you want it to do, and how you execute it.
{lazarus} I'm bound to find a job that lands me on night shift, without Thursdays off.
{Knockwood} Well, at the very least we could eliminate the parts that don't jibe with 'reality'
{Angelo} Well we can try to send Gnomely outside
{Angelo} or Dollphaniel
{Angelo} or both
{Random_Nerd} For science!
{Verithe} I don't know if Kite's domain will let him assemble a plan he doesn't already have in mind.
{Angelo} exactly RN, for Science!
{Knockwood} does that mean he has to know exactly how, say, a car works before he can assemble it?
{Angelo} also Would like to try, for science too, a *wild* ideal on a death excru... A freshly death one
{Verithe} So, the plan might just lead to doing whatever Kite sounds interesting.
{Verithe} *thinks sounds interesting.
{Knockwood} That'd still work. :)
{Random_Nerd} Hmm. Well... with car parts, he could do a divination to see various ways they could fit together, and what the results would be.
{Verithe} Rather, he knows that he wants a car before he can assemble it.
{Random_Nerd} Yeah, if he has the parts, and knows what he wants, relatively simple domain miracles could do the rest.
{Verithe} His idea of what kind of car and the materials available determine the results.
{Random_Nerd} But if he doesn't know what he wants... he could make lots of different kinds of things.
{Random_Nerd} Yeah.
{lazarus} I saw briefly in one of the logs talk of Google Wave? First, is anything going to happen with that? Second, anyone here have an invite available?
{Random_Nerd} Sure, what's your email address?
{Angelo} I can send you one
{Knockwood} oh yeah... RN, what are you doing with that?
{lazarus} I just need one.
{Random_Nerd} Haven't started with it yet, but it's been a very busy time with law school. I don't have a huge amount of time outside the game to do game-related stuff.
{Random_Nerd} But I'd intended to put some stuff like the character list on there, along with some maps and descriptions of various parts of Amyra, so people who have ideas can add to them.
{Random_Nerd} Did you have any ideas?
{lazarus} I barely even know what Wave even IS :p
{Random_Nerd} Devilish Google witchery.
{lazarus} I feel like an old man on the internet now. "What is it with this newfangled Google Wave? Why don't you kids get offa mah internet relay forum lawn!"
{Angelo} Ok, invitation send to laz
{Random_Nerd} Cool.
{lazarus} thanks Angelo.
{Knockwood} I was fooling around with it. There's a decent dice roller, not that we need one...
{Angelo} as an addon?
{Random_Nerd} More as a bot.
{Verithe} Unless we can't make a decision. It doubles as a coin toss.
{Knockwood} Also an Emoticon thingy
{Knockwood} Oh... it can simulate Kudzu if it's random enough! :)
{Random_Nerd} Heh.
{Verithe} Haha!
{lazarus} if it's not random for Kudzu, it could at least do a decent Brian impression.
{Random_Nerd} Anyway, I have to go.
{Random_Nerd} See you guys next week.
{lazarus} alright.
{Verithe} Good luck!
{lazarus} a la prochaine.
{Knockwood} good night RN
{Angelo} bye RN!
|{-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
{BethE} Good night! *HUGS*
{Angelo} night Beth
{Verithe} Good night!
{lazarus} 'night Beth. 'night everyone else. Verithe: good to see a new face.
|{-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
{Knockwood} g'night Beth
{Knockwood} you mean beak
{Verithe} G'night, Brian. Good to meet you. :)
{Angelo} Might Laz
{Angelo} ehm Night
{Angelo} :-P

  • lazarus is Mighty Laz!

{Verithe} :Laz
{Verithe} Yes.
{--| lazarus has left #Nobilis
{Knockwood} OK... see you guys next week
{Angelo} ok. Take care!
{Verithe} Take care and sleep well! :)
|{-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.4/20091016092926])
{Angelo} And Verithe how was your first session as an insider?
{Verithe} Fun. :)
{Angelo} good!
{Angelo} well I sneak into the bed now. Se ya!
{Verithe} Sleep well!
{Angelo} weave for me to your Spider of death!
{--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 16