Taura and Taya

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Taura & Taya, Eaters of Masters

235 character points, 14 Companion points each.


Two hulking, huge black dogs with permanently lolling tongues and the stink of meat on their breath, Taura and Taya act with intelligence and sadistic forethought out of sync with their bestial form.


[40] Mind 4

[80] Body 8

[30] Soul 3

Combat Value: 5 (8 on attack and defense in melee)

Health: 80

Armor: 10

Energy: 35

Weapon Attack (Fang): 30 damage, 6 damage/round for 5 rounds.

Weapon Attack (Howl): 0 damage, Aura, Area 30m radius, Soul or Body vs TN 12 or incapacitated for 1 minute.


[15] Extra Actions lvl 1

[4] Special Movement: Fast x 2

[10] Heightened Senses Smell x2, Hearing x2, Sight

[9] Melee Attack: Fang lvl 3

[9] Melee Defense: Fang lvl 3

[10] Tough lvl 5

[10] Armor lvl 5

[15] Weapon Attack lvl 5. Continuing x5

[10/2] Weapon Attack lvl 0. Aura x3, Area x4, Incapacitating x3.


[2] Urban Tracking (blood) lvl 1

[2] Wilderness Tracking (blood) lvl 1


[-4] Easily Distracted: Fleeing Humans

[-2] Marked: Huge, scary, vicious dog.