Samsara:Samsara points

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Samsara points are a meta-game mechanic allowing the player greater control over the events of the game. Samsara points can be spent in the following ways:

  • 1 Samsara point allows an actor to bid for protagonist status, thus allowing him to control the sphere of action. This can occur at any point, whether the contest is about to begin, or is already raging. If he wins, he can determine the sphere of action. This is free if the conest has not begun, but costs 1 Samsara point otherwise (see below). If his opponent has Samsara points and also wishes to be the protagonist, that actor can counter-bid 2 Samsara points to retain control of the sphere of action. The first actor could then counter with 3 points and so forth until someone gives up. Actors who bid for protagonist status, and lose the bid, must still pay 1 Samsara point for having participated in the bidding.

  • 1 Samsara point allows the protagonist to switch the sphere of action in the midst of a contest. If the antagonist objects to this, he must attempt to take control of the contest by becoming the protagonist. In that case, the original actor is still committed to spending 1 Samsara point at least, regardless of the outcome.

  • On a 1 for 1 basis, Samsara points may allow an actor to disregard checks received in a contest for the duration of that contest. After the contest is resolved, the character will suffer twice as many checks as he has previously bought off. Note that this is not immunity from checks received in the contest after the Samsara points are spent. The actor may only ignore the checks received which he is paying off at this moment; if he receives more checks the next round, then they apply as normal.

  • On a 2 for 1 basis, Samsara points allow an actor an immediate bonus to his next roll, thus allowing him to exceed his usual limits. This is using the Force or calling on the aid of the gods or feeling the surge of adrenaline or however you care to characterize it. An actor may only buy such a bonus equal to his default modifier for the action.


“Tomakawk” McBride, the legendary gun-fighter is in a tough spot, he may use Samsara points to help his gun-fighting abilities. Normally, McBride rolls to fire his pistol with a + 8 modifier (DEX +2 + PER +3 + Gunfighting +3). he could spend up to 16 Samsara points to give himself up to an additional +8 for one contest roll. he can do this whether or not he has received any checks in the current contest; that is, even if his current modifier is only +3 because he has taken 5 checks already, he can still receive up to +8 from using his Samsara points.

Variation: Pay Now or Pay Later[edit]

There’s could be a price for using Samsara points. Maybe every action in the cosmos prompts an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe the Fates don’t like people messing with their territory and get revenge on those who change the odds.


Main Page



3.Modifiers and the Character





8.Character Generation

9.Samsara Points

10.Long Term Play

11.Examples of Play

12.Appendix A - Ultramundane Abilities

13.Appendix B – Settings