Ninjas and Demons:Kida Marabi
"Mine is the blade that will sunder Heaven and cut through Hell! You're 1,000 years too early to defeat my Tensatsu-Ryu!"

Kida Marabi is a scion of the Sojobo clan of Tengu, a tribe of Mountain tengu who pride themselves on their fighting arts, and are so named after the legendary Daitengu Sojobo, who taught Minamoto no Yoshitsune how to fight. Having been alive for several centuries, Kida developed her own sword style, called Tensatsu-Ryu (Sky Cleaver Technique), a quickdraw technique so sharp and precise that it was known to split clouds in half (a rumor circulated in local towns beneath the mountain that when storm clouds suddenly disperse, it was because of the tengu swordfighting in the sky).
Hearing of the Sojobo Tengu warriors, Koji traveled to the mountain in search of warriors to recruit into his clan. He came to the Tengu with a challenge. If Koji could defeat one of their warriors, the defeated tengu would swear fealty to the Black Tiger Clan. In return, the chief tengu bargained that if Koji lost, he would use his magic fan to blow away Koji's knowledge of martial arts. Koji accepted their terms, and was made to fight against Kida in a traditional tengu duel. The tengu, known for their perfect balance, challenged themselves by fighting atop an assortment of thin, vertical wooden poles, and the first to touch the floor loses. Koji, as a ninja himself, was perfectly suited for the task, but was at a disadvantage to Kida, who could fly, and whose Tensatsu-Ryu technique could draw blood without having to touch its prey. Seeing that it was impossible to outmaneuver his foe or defeat her sword-to-sword, he cleverly lept from pole to pole, cutting each one down until there was only one left that he stood upon. With a shrewd taunt, he goaded the proud tengu into attacking with an all-out dive, giving him an opportunity to perform a daring takedown, bringing Kida to the floor first.
As promised, Kida was taken back to the Black Tiger Clan as one of Koji's vassals. Kida honors the pact made between Koji and the Tengu clan chief, and serves Koji faithfully. As tengu are prideful creatures, she takes great pride in her fighting ability, and has great confidence that she can best anyone with a sword. Kida is almost glad to serve the Black Tiger Clan, as it is the smallest of the human clans, it offers the greatest challenge and the most opportunities to fight powerful opponents. Her ambition is to perfect her Tensatsu-Ryu such that its blade cleaves through the clouds of heaven and the fires of hell, and that all of Japan will know its might.
- Body: 8
- Mind: 4
- Soul: 6
- ACV: 6 (9 with Melee Attack: Sword or Melee Attack: Unarmed)
- DCV: 6 (8 with Melee Defense: Sword, Melee Defense: Unarmed, or Ranged Defense)
- DM: 8 (+3 from Massive Damage)
- HP: 70
- EN: 60 (+10 from Energy Bonus)
- Shock: 14
Basic Attack
Unarmed Strike Lvl 0 Weapon, Stun, Non-Penetrating Deals 9 damage per swing
Item: Katana "Getsuhane-Ken" (Crescent Wing Sword)
Lvl 4 Sword (melee) Deals 41 damage per swing
Hiken: Karatsume Maisou (Hidden Art: Black Crow Talon Burial)
LVL 1 (1 CP) (Deals 17 Damage)
- Range +1 (Range of 10m)
- Spreading +2 (-2 Defense for primary target, able to hit 2 adjacent targets)
- Quake +3 (Targets fall into 3 meter-deep crevices)
- Depleting -1 (Costs 10 EN)
- Equipment -1 (Must be done with a sword)
- Activation -1 (Cannot move or defend in the same turn this move is used)
- Environmental -2 (Can only be used on natural earth)
Hiken: Fuujin Fukumen (Hidden Art: Wind God's Veil)
LVL 1 (2 CP) (Deals 17 damage)
- Range +1 (Range of 10m)
- Irritating +2 (Defender rolls Body vs 12 -2; if failed, receives -3 to all rolls, lasts # of turns equal to the amount failed)
- Spreading +2 (-2 to Defend, strikes 2 adjacent targets)
- Depleting -1 (Costs 10 EN)
- Equipment -1 (Must be done with a sword)
- Non-Penetrating (Armor resists 4 damage, Force Fields resist 8)
- Exception -1 (Does not work against other Tengu) *Unique
Hiken: Tenkuugari (Hidden Art: Heaven Cloud Hunter)
LVL 4 (4 CP) (Deals 41 damage)
- Range +1 (Range of 10m)
- Penetrating +1 (Ignores 4 Armor)
- Depleting -1 (Costs 10 EN)
- Equipment -1 (Must be done with a sword)
- Exception -1 (Does not work against other Tengu) *Unique
Tensatsu-Ryu Ougi: Majin Tsuihouken (Sky Cleaver Ancient Art: Demon God Exile Blade) **Signature Move**
LVL 7 (21 CP) (Deals 65 damage per hit)
- Accurate +3
- Autofire +3 (Extra hits for every 3 above target number)
- Incurable +1 (Damage cannot be healed with external healing or regeneration)
- Penetrating +2 (Ignores 8 armor)
- Piercing +1 (Ignores 8 Force Field)
- Equipment -1 (Must be done with a sword)
- Activation -1 (Cannot move and/or defend in the same round this move is used)
- Condition -2 (Cannot be used unless at 1/2 max HP)
- Depleting -2 (Costs 30 EN)

- Extra Attacks (Rank 1, 15 CP, Kida gets 1 extra offensive action per round)
- Massive Damage: Sword (Rank 3, 12 CP)
- Melee Attack: Sword (Rank 3, 9 CP)
- Melee Attack: Unarmed (Rank 3, 9 CP)
- Melee Defense: Sword (Rank 2, 6 CP)
- Melee Defense: Unarmed (Rank 2, 6 CP)
- Ranged Defense (Rank 2, 6 CP)
- Energy Bonus (Rank 2, 4 cp, +10 total EN)
- Combat Technique (Rank 5, 10 CP)
- Critical Strike (If Kida lands an attack within an Outrageous [12 over the required number] margin, she instead deals triple damage, and deals quadruple damage if the attack strikes a Monstrous margine [18 over])
- Dead Eye (Penalties to strike fast-moving targets are reduced by 1 grade)
- Deflection (A successful Defense against a ranged attack can let Kida simply bat away projectiles)
- Dive Attack (If Kida has higher initiative than her opponent and is able to move, she can perform a Dive Attack. If successful, she receives +1 to her DM. If unsuccessful, she receives -3 to defenses until her next turn).
- Steady Hand (Penalties to attacking while moving at high speeds are reduced by 1 grade)
- Organizational Ties (Rank 4, 0 CP)
- Wealth (Rank 1, 0 CP)
- Flight (Rank 4, 24 CP. Restriction: Spread, Depleting. Kida needs room to accommodate for her wingspan. She flies at 300 kph, roughly 180mph! Kida loses 1 EN per minute of flight)
- Heightened Sense: Sight (Rank 2, 4 CP, +6 to sight-based rolls)
- Special Defense: Age (Rank 2, 4 CP, Kida doesn't age)
- Superspeed (Rank 1, 12 CP, runs at 100 kph, roughly 60 mph)
- Special Movement (Rank 3, 6 CP)
- Balance (Tengu are famous for having inhumanly perfect balance)
- Wall-Crawling (Claws and talons let Kida perch upon vertical surfaces)
- Features: Appearance (Rank 2, 2 CP. For a Tengu, Kida is as beautiful as she is fierce.)
- Item: Katana "Getsuhane-Ken" (Rank 4, 4 CP. see above for details)
- Weapons (27 CP total spent, see above for details)
- Acrobatics Rank 3 (Tumbling) - 9 CP
- Area Knowledge Rank 2 (Forests) - 2 CP
- Area Knowledge Rank 2 (Mountains) - 2 CP
- Intimidation Rank 2 (Dramatic Staredown) - 4 CP
- Stealth Rank 3 (Hiding in High Places) - 6 CP
- Marked: Tengu Wings (-2 CP. Concealable only underneath a full-body cloak)
- Ism: Female (-2 CP)
- Ism: Tengu (-6 CP. Seen as a harbinger of war and an enemy of Buddhism. Hated fiercely by monks and devout Buddhists)
- Area Restrict: Buddhist Temples (-2 CP. Unable to enter Buddhist temples, sanctuaries, or facilities constructed solely as places of prayer) *Unique
- Quirk: Frequent Bather (-1 CP. Kida bathes constantly to keep dirt out of her wings. If she hasn't bathed for longer than a day, she begins to feel uncomfortable and irritable) *Unique
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