Spiderman Tomorrow (Malcolm Jacobs)

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Spider-man Tomorrow

Real Name: Malcolm Jacobs Occupation: Municipal District 4: Campus Bookstore Clerk Identity: Secret Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 6’2” Weight: 176 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Black (with a dyed red streak) Place of Birth: New York City Ethnicity: Irish/Spanish American Residence: 2319 S. 42nd Street; Apt. 4G Education: High School Senior (Municipal District 4) Legal Status: U.S. Citizen; New York, New York; juvenile Marital Status: Single Family: Evelyn Verdi-Jacobs (mother), Dylan Jacobs (younger brother-junior high), Serena Jacobs (older sister-college), Arthur Jacobs (father - deceased) Group Affiliation: New Redeemers, Avengers New York Allies: Prof. Peter Parker, May Parker, Daredevil, Urban Nomad, Hobgoblin, X-Man, the Federation Fantastic, various others. Enemies: Norman Osborn, the Goblin Gang, the Wrecking Crew, the Sinister Six, Komodeus, Filth, the Phalanx-Brood, various others. Base of Operations: The Website; New York City Powers: The proportional strength, speed, agility, and stamina of a spider. The ability to cast organic webbing. A precognitive spider-sense. Immunity to poisons and toxins. The ability to manipulate bio-electromagnetic energy. Pheromone emission. A streamlined computerized battlesuit. Strength Level: Can normally bench 20 tons in suit, and around 10 out of it. First Appearance: Spider-Man Tomorrow – The Webs We Weave Final Appearance: Spider-Man Tomorrow – Beyond Tomorrow

Physical Appearance: Whereas Peter Parker was once the model example of a young science geek, Malcolm Jacobs is the prime specimen of a high school athlete. Already possessing a well-built and somewhat acrobatic form before gaining his powers, Malcolm’s current physique is more similar to that once possessed by Captain America then the old Spider-Man. A child of a mixed marriage, Malcolm’s facial bone structure definitely leans toward his Irish heritage and grants him a strong chin and slightly broad nose. His skin tone and hair however lend themselves to his mother’s Spanish heritage. Malcolm's Spider-Man suit is based around Peter's old black costume. It has dark crimson lengths along its arms and legs like his traditional suit had in red though and has a metallic silver black widow symbol.

Personality: Malcolm is in many ways the star pupil of Prof. Peter Parker, having learned from his old mentor much of what it takes to be a hero. However, Malcolm and Peter in mindset are very different individuals. Malcolm is far more aggressive then Peter would ever have allowed himself to become; sometimes violent and prone to adrenaline-charged fits of anger, Malcolm can become his own worst liability at times and he knows it. He tries to reign in his rages and has grown better at it, but from an early age he’s known little not to be angry about, and some pains still fester inside him. Malcolm’s code of ethics still follows that of Parker, “with great power comes great responsibility”. However, Malcolm takes this axiom to heart in various venues that Parker wasn’t always so concerned about. Malcolm views the symbolic nature of Spider-Man to the city of New York and to a degree the world as a whole as far more “powerful” then any feat of strength or web-casting his spider-abilities allow him to perform. He thus takes the image of Spider-Man very seriously. Any would-be hero inspired by his actions to take action themselves is his personal charge; likewise any villains that arise out of his shadow are solely his to dispatch. Malcolm is as equally prone to internal monologues as his predecessor, constantly debating his own actions. Unlike Parker however, Malcolm tends to judge himself less analytically and scientifically and more in terms of sport and common sense. Perhaps the most defining element of his personality that Malcolm learned from Parker was the ability to put neither his mission nor his personal life above one another; they are equal and the same… no more… no less. Malcolm like Peter still feels deep emotions for those he cares about and combined with his tendency toward rages, it occasionally gets him into trouble.

Spider-man: PL 14; Init +9; Defense +14; Spd 30ft; Atk +9 melee (+7S punch), +9 ranged (+8 Snare, Energy Blast); HP: 7; SV Dmg +11 (+7 flat-footed, +2 out of armor), Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16 Skills: Acrobatics +15, Bluff +8, Computers +7, Drive +6, Knowledge (Culture-Street) +7, Knowledge (Current Events) +7, Knowledge (Trivia) +7, Notice +10, Profession (Clerk) +5, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +9 Feats: Connected (The New Redeemers), Defensive Roll x4, Evasion, Heroic Surge, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative, Inspire, Instant Up, Leadership, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Surprise Strike, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge Powers (Source: Mutation):

  • Emotion Control-Love 6 [Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent, Pheromones, Women Only; Dynamic Alternate Power – Emotion Control-Hate (Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Men Only, Permanent, Pheromones)], *Immunity [poison] 1, *Snare 8 [Power Feat: Tether], *Super-Movement: 5 [Swinging, Slow Fall, Sure-Footed, Wallcrawling x2; Alternate Powers: Immovability; Leaping, Speed], *Super-Senses 6 [Blindsight (Radius, Danger-Sense)], *Super-Strength 5, *Telekinesis 8 [Flaws: Limited-(Conductive Attract/ Repel); Alternate Power: Blast (Flaws: Dispersed Firepower)]


  • Device 4 (Suit) -

Protection 5, Enhanced Strength 8, Super-Senses 7 [Communication-Parker (Audio & Visual), Distance Sense, Radio, Tracking (Accurate, Acute)] Drawbacks:

  • Power Loss: Self-Doubt (Uncommon, All Mutation Powers)


  • Enemies. (Many)
  • Fame (As Spider-Man)
  • Obsession (Justice, Osborn)
  • Responsibilities (School, Job, Family, Friends)
  • Secret (Identity)