Torfi Kleykir

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A player character in D&D 3.5: Wyrdpunk.

Contents [hide] 1 Character Information 1.1 Background 1.2 Description 2 Level and XP 3 Abilities 4 Class Features 4.1 Rogue 4.2 Ranger 4.3 Proficiencies 5 Skills 5.1 Languages 6 Feats 7 Combat 8 Favoured Enemy 9 Animal Companion 10 Equipment 10.1 Weapons 10.2 Armor 10.3 Gear 10.4 Total Weight 10.5 Carrying Capacity 10.6 Money 10.7 Notes

[edit]Character Information Name: Torfi Kleykir Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Character Level: 3 Bard: 3 Age: 23 Height: 5'8" Weight: 160lb. Skin: dark Eyes: blue Hair: black [edit]Background Torfi is the son of the village drunk, and his family has been marginalized by most of the rest of the village, until Torfi turned 9, and was discovered to have a wonderful singing voice, and the ability to memorize the great epics of the people. He was apprenticed to a skald, and spent some time wandering the area in tuteledge.

The tuteledge was closer to the life of a personal servant, and after two years, Torfi was back in the village, hanging out with the other youths in the area, and causing trouble on his own. This lead to his assumption of the name Keykir - meaning one in disgrace, as a story eventually returned to the village about what had happened to his mentor, and why he was in town.

Torfi and his mentor were between towns, when set upon by giantkin, His mentor, dying of the cough, gave Torfi his instrument and told him to run, while he fought off the giants. The old man managed to defeat 2 of the 3 giants when he was struck down. A hunter from another town saw the boy run, and the old man struck down before managing to kill the giant with arrows. The hunter assumed that Torfi had stolen the instrument and left the old man to die, and that's the story that has spread.

[edit]Description Torfi is thin and dark, leading some people to think has dwarf or giant blood somewhere in his history. Given to dark moods and darker rages, most people avoid him, something he's happy with, as most of the people in the town are only interested when he performs at the feasts.

[edit]Level and XP Level: 3 (Bard) XP: 3000 [edit]Abilities Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (0) Charisma 16 (3) [edit]Class Features [edit]Rogue Sneak Attack (+1d6) Trapfinding [edit]Ranger Favoured Enemy (1st) Track Wild Empathy [edit]Proficiencies All simple and martial weapons Light armour, but no shields [edit]Skills Total skill points 50. Class skills are italized.

Appraise - Balance +4 Bluff - Climb +5 Concentration - Craft (furrier) +1 Decipher Script - Diplomacy - Disable Device +1 Disguise - Escape Artist - Forgery - Gather Information - Handle Animal +2 Heal - Hide +4 Intimidate +3 Jump +5 Knowledge Dungeoneering - Geography +2 Local +1 Nature +3 Listen +7 Move Silently +4 Open Lock +4 Perform - Profession - Ride +4 Search +2 Sense Motive +5 Sleight Of Hand - Speak Language - Spellcraft - Spot +8 Survival +7 Swim +5 Tumble +5 Use Magic Device - Use Rope - [edit]Languages Norse [edit]Feats Blind-Fight Dodge Mobility Two-Wepaon Fighting (per 2nd Level Ranger Combat Style)

[edit]Combat Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 ft. Saving Throws Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +7 Will: +3 AC: 16 Touch AC: 12 Flatfooted: 14 BAB: +2 Melee: +5 Ranged: +4 Damage bonus Melee: +3 (Sneak attack +1d6) Ranged: +2 (Sneak attack +1d6, max. 30 ft.) Hit Points: 16 Current: 16

[edit]Favoured Enemy Jötunn (Giants) +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks.

[edit]Animal Companion -not yet-

[edit]Equipment [edit]Weapons Morningstar, mwk (+1 to hit, 1d8 bludgeoning/piercing, crit x2, 6 lb.) Morningstar (1d8 bludgeoning/piercing, crit x2, 6 lb.) Short sword, mwk (+1 to hit, 1d6 piercing, crit 19-20/×2, 2 lb.) Short sword (1d6 piercing, crit 19-20/×2, 2 lb.) Dagger (1d4 piercing, crit x2, 1 lb.) Shortbow (range 60 ft., 1d6 piercing, crit x3, 2 lb.) 2x Arrows (20x, 3 lb.)


Tjalbjørn_Askelson: Morningstar, mwk Short sword, mwk Dagger Shortbow Arrows (20) Mule: Morningstar Short sword Arrows (20) [edit]Armor Mithral chain shirt (+4 AC, 12,5 lb.)

[edit]Gear Explorer's outfit (8 lb.) Pouch, belt (1/2 lb.) Antitoxin (1x) Chalk Fishhook Signal whistle Tindertwig (10x) Thunderstone (1x) (1 lb.) Backpack (2 lb.) Rope, silk (50ft) (5 lb.) Bedroll 5lb (1) Rations (2x) (2 lb.) Waterskin (4 lb.) Everburning torch (1 lb.) Flint/steel Candle (2x) Sack (1/2 lb.) Waterskin (4 lb.) Thieves' tools, masterwork (2 lb.) Mule Pack saddle (15 lb.) Tent (20 lb.) Rations (4x) (4 lb.) Waterskin (4 lb.) Rope, silk (50ft) (5 lb.) Grappling hook (4 lb.) Pole (10ft) (8 lb.) Climber's kit (5 lb.) Healer's kit (1 lb.) Lantern, hooded (2 lb.) Oil (10x) (10 lb.) Flint/steel Tindertwig (10x) Crowbar (5 lb.) Soap (1 lb.) Sack (2x) (1 lb.) Whetstone (1 lb.)

[edit]Total Weight Arms/Armor: 37,5 lb. (26,5 lb. on character, 11 on mule) Belt: 1,5 lb. Backpack: 16,5 lb. Mule: 86 lb. Everything: 141,5 lb.

[edit]Carrying Capacity Tjalbjørn Askelson Light: 76 lb. or less. Medium: 77-153 lb. Heavy: 154-230 lb. Mule Light: 230 pounds or less. Medium: 231-460 pounds. Heavy: 461-690 pounds.

[edit]Money GP: 409 SP: 9 CP: 5 [edit]Notes -not yet-

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