Scions of Heaven/Act 1/Session 2 (Idyllic Caradeen: Part Two)

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(19/11/09 13:02:18) Myllinnia: Its as the small group of teens reach the road that enters the typically unentered Shadow Forest when the twins Lao and Tai Zi spot the two after having come to get some supplies from one of the farmers. The twins were told in passing that no one is to enter the Forest this day.

(19/11/09 13:02:45) Myllinnia: There is no telling if they might enter. But regardless, the whisper, soft like the wind teases the young people.

(19/11/09 13:05:58) Lao Zi is hardly carrying anything, though the same height as his sister (both 4'6", a pair of Djala), he is not nearly of the build of his 'twin', slighter, wearing a loose simple tunic, baggy pants, and a pair of boots.

(19/11/09 13:06:08) Myllinnia: Of note, Scarlet Ruby is nowhere to be seen perhaps she went back to the Hill. But the farmers are all up in arms weapons displayed as they talk amongst themselves in fields.

(19/11/09 13:06:13) Tai Zi narrows yellow eyes silently standing to the side of the road, the short pale girl's skin molted with the occasional black spots. Her slim body well toned as she carrys a travel pack across her back.

(19/11/09 13:08:51) Fox: Fox begins talking to the farmers asking what they expect here. He is dressed in the same rags he was found in the southern desert wearing.

(19/11/09 13:10:23) T`zaran uses his walking stick -- which the twins would know doubles as a martial arts weapon that he's fairly proficient with -- as he travels along, his Omen Dog Eos at his side. To Fox, he shrugs. "You never know what might happen."

(19/11/09 13:11:09) Priide Kittee waves to Tai as she approaches the short Djala.

(19/11/09 13:12:05) Gale is of course wary, taking the lead of the group since he's one of the few properly armed for a fight, his sword and shield both adorning his buff jacket.

(19/11/09 13:12:26) Myllinnia: The farmers mostly mention that the forest is aggressive this day. There is no mention of Shadow Scythes or odd spirits that you don't know. The day is a nice one regardless of the early mess with the currently damaged caravan.

(19/11/09 13:12:34) Lao Zi is wearing a pair of nanchaku, of all things, looped through is belt.

(19/11/09 13:14:00) Myllinnia: To note, even to the twins the Adults are being particularly careful of their answers.

(19/11/09 13:17:06) Gale: "Oh, Tai, Lao, what are you two doing out here?" Gale asks, shifting his stance. "Its dangerous out here right now."

(19/11/09 13:17:38) Lao Zi shrugs, "What? Oh, just doing some errands, need to look over crops, and the like." (Note: Lao is a burgeoning Thaumaturge)

(19/11/09 13:20:22) Tai Zi nods her silent agreement watching over her brother. A slight movement behind her reveals its self to be a pair of hounds. A gleam of quils runing down there backs>

(19/11/09 13:22:04) Myllinnia: Unmistakeable to all there is a horrible sounding howl, and everyone up to the village gates turns to the Forest. Several farmers lower spears in a more defensive stance than before.

(19/11/09 13:22:26) Gale: "I see, well, you guys aren't hurt are you?" Gale sounds slightly concerned, his body instantly turning to the source of the sound as he draws his blade. "What?"

(19/11/09 13:22:46) Priide Kittee frowns. "That doesn't sound good."

(19/11/09 13:24:12) T`zaran pivots toward the noise, stick raising to a two-handed posture for better defense. Meanwhile, Eos gets a firm 'Hold!' as her hackles raise and she lets out a low growl.

(19/11/09 13:24:31) Tai Zi frowns and shakes her head rolling her shoulder and droping her pack, opening it up and diging out a ribbon of cloth slowly starting to wind it about her wrists and hands. Her Quil hounds growling softly the spines along ther back pricking up as there hackels rise.

(19/11/09 13:25:10) Fox: Fox stands stock still and tries to listen for smaller betraying sounds.

(19/11/09 13:25:24) Lao Zi un-loops his nunchaku, holding them loosely, as he follows along, not getting too far from his sister, though, not 'jumping into action' either.

(19/11/09 13:27:12) Myllinnia: Bursting from the forest is that shadowy creature, a mixture of cat and insect with red glowing eyes. Strange dark blue liquid oozes from many wounds while a pair of scythe-like claws are raised and bloodied. But it doesn't attack in fact it takes a single step >

(19/11/09 13:27:34) Myllinnia: before roots and vines from the forest strike at it from the forest.

(19/11/09 13:28:16) Gale: "What in the hells is happening?"

(19/11/09 13:28:56) Gale: "Everyone, back to the village,slowly, *now*." Gale says calmly, heading backwards as he keeps his eyes on the forest.

(19/11/09 13:29:45) Myllinnia: The forest's various thorned tendrils grab and pull while the Shadow Creature slices and attempts to free itself. In agreement the farmers with spears step between the teens and the forest.

(19/11/09 13:29:47) T`zaran: "The forest knows its enemies," T`zaran says simply, as one who has spent a great many hours out in those same woods.

(19/11/09 13:30:35) Lao Zi looks in close, as he's told to get back, doesn't simply get back though... looks interrested.

(19/11/09 13:32:01) Tai Zi tugs the cloth at her writs nice and tight a hand on each of her hounds heads as she stands her ground a step or two ahead of her brother, her toned body slightly tense held at the ready.

(19/11/09 13:33:16) Fox: Fox takes a couple of steps forward craning his neck for a better view.

(19/11/09 13:34:34) Priide Kittee moves to stand next to Lao, watching the creature cautiously.

(19/11/09 13:36:45) Myllinnia: Eventually the peace of the day returns though many are unnerved. One of the spearmen turn to the group. "You should probably return to the village. We'll make sure nothing gets pass the forest."

(19/11/09 13:37:39) Priide Kittee nods slowly. "Okay."

(19/11/09 13:37:50) Gale: Gale nods. "Right, lets go. We're probably just a trouble to them as it is, we shouldn't be making things more difficult here, they might actually become impossible." he says with a smile.

(19/11/09 13:39:48) Myllinnia left the room (quit: Ping timeout).

(19/11/09 13:40:19) Myllinnia [~Myllinnia@208.83.194.IP] entered the room.

(19/11/09 13:40:46) Tai Zi laughs a bit and scraches her hounds along there jaw. Her laught is a rich powerful sound. "Nothing is impossible."

(19/11/09 13:40:47) Fox: I think we should stay awhile longer. If it is not safe here with the town's defenders then where is it safe really?

(19/11/09 13:41:07) Lao Zi shrugs a little bit and puts one hand behind his head, yawning.

(19/11/09 13:41:17) T`zaran nods his agreement with Gale. "You're probably right."

(19/11/09 13:41:57) Gale: "I think we need to leave." Gale says calmly. "Even here if there is an attack, we can be a liability."

(19/11/09 13:43:35) Tai Zi looks over her shoulder at Gale and her brother shruging her shoulder softly. "If your scared, then dont move past me, you can watch my back get farther away, I want to see whats going on in there."

(19/11/09 13:44:57) Myllinnia: It is afternoon now, the sky is a nice blue and cloudless, its bound to be at least a cool night this night.

(19/11/09 13:45:16) Lao Zi shrugs, then says, in Flametongue to his sister, "It's a Shadow Scythe, they hunt things with power... but, I don't think it'll bother us...", he says.

(19/11/09 13:46:22) Myllinnia: The forest continues to rustle and whisper to the group. A whisper that is not understandable and faint. Eventually it falls still.

(19/11/09 13:46:35) Gale: "Fools live to regret their actions. Wise men live to regret their inaction." Gale continues towards the village proper after his comment.

(19/11/09 13:47:11) Priide Kittee: "I wonder which Gale is supposed to be."

(19/11/09 13:47:35) Lafing Cat [] entered the room.

(19/11/09 13:47:39) Lafing Cat is now known as Rai

(19/11/09 13:47:52) Tai Zi smiles her hounds walking at her side as she heads for the woods. "I'll tell you all about it when I come back then."

(19/11/09 13:49:04) Priide Kittee looks between Gale and Tai, then shrugs. "I can't be bothered waiting around doing nothing. I'm going with Tai."

(19/11/09 13:49:37) Lao Zi grumbles, "Tai's not going on her own.", this time back in Riverspeak.

(19/11/09 13:49:56) Fox: Fox walks after Tai as well

(19/11/09 13:52:17) T`zaran looks to Gale apologetically. "I suppose we're going to be fools, then. Better to be a fool who's there to protect his friends than a wise man who regrets not being there when they needed him." He doesn't look entirely happy to be disobeying Scarlet Ruby, however.

(19/11/09 13:52:50) Rai: Pah! Courage isn't foolishness!

(19/11/09 13:52:55) Myllinnia: One of the spearmen shouts, "You best not enter there, Scarlet Ruby will have our hides if you go in there."

(19/11/09 13:53:02) Gale: "I never said I was a wise man." Gale says, stopping before turning around. "If you guys are going to get in trouble, you can just place the blame on me."

(19/11/09 13:53:02) Lao Zi grumbles a little bit more, "I could get us some more help, but it'd take me four hours of preperation.", he says, not looking happy.

(19/11/09 13:54:27) T`zaran: T`zaran shakes his head. "You told us not to go. If we get in trouble, all of us get in trouble."

(19/11/09 13:54:31) Priide Kittee: "What she doesn't find out can't hurt her!" Kittee calls back to the spearman.

(19/11/09 13:54:46) Rai: Hey! How come you never agree with me when I say that!

(19/11/09 13:55:00) Gale: "She'll find out." He says calmly to Priide, even if she can't hear him.

(19/11/09 13:55:15) Gale: "Rai, because I am older then you and I can take the blame." He says with a smile.

(19/11/09 13:55:16) Tai Zi hasnt stoped walking, though she has slowed and is more creeping along the ground with her hounds then walking as she approches the edge of the woods.

(19/11/09 13:55:56) Myllinnia left the room (quit: Ping timeout).

(19/11/09 13:56:34) Myllinnia [~Myllinnia@208.83.194.IP] entered the room.

(19/11/09 13:57:24) Lao Zi is trying to keep up with Tai. :)

(19/11/09 13:57:51) Myllinnia: A trail of bluish fluid trails across leaf strewn ground. The silence is eerie, and the light is very faint within

(19/11/09 13:58:00) T`zaran: "She will, yes. I'll not lie to her when she asks." But then, that's to be expected. He's honest to a fault. To the spearmen, he shouts, "I'm sorry!"

(19/11/09 13:59:12) Fox: Fox is fascinated with the blue liquid. "What kind of beast bleeds blue?"

(19/11/09 13:59:17) Tai Zi frowns touching two fingers lightly to the blue fluid and sniffs at it.

(19/11/09 14:00:06) Rai: I bet one that'll make a nice trophy!

(19/11/09 14:00:19) Gale: "One that is probably highly dangerous."

(19/11/09 14:01:17) Myllinnia: The stuff is quite horrendous smelling and does burn lightly fingers. But it looks like some type of blood, most likely from either the plants tainted or the creature itself

(19/11/09 14:02:19) Tai Zi whipes her fingers clean on her tunic and tucks herself up aginst a tree peering around the edge with out exposeing most of her self looking for a trail.

(19/11/09 14:04:54) Fox: Fox leaps into the crotch of a tree for a better veiw of the area.

(19/11/09 14:06:29) T`zaran: "I'd guess it's the blood of the creature we saw. Eos could track it fairly easily, I think."

(19/11/09 14:06:48) Lao Zi shrugs and yawns, "Tai... you want to follow, or what?"

(19/11/09 14:07:51) Rai: Lets go!

(19/11/09 14:08:12) Tai Zi nods a bit and holds up a finger to her lips to her brother sliping around the edge of the tree and heading into the woods looking for more blue fluid.

(19/11/09 14:08:41) Priide Kittee follows Tai quietly.

(19/11/09 14:09:12) Myllinnia: The forest is very dark and eerie silent now. Shadows dance where faint streams of lights break through the thick canopy.

(19/11/09 14:11:49) Myllinnia: Eos finds the trail weakly perhaps the scent it too much for him. But Rai and T`zaran do not have much trouble.

(19/11/09 14:11:50) Rai sneaks along, his normal boisterous comments confined to his head, because it's hunting time.

(19/11/09 14:12:59) Tai Zi yealds the lead to the trackers falling back to protect the rear of the trail pushing her brother to the middel of the group

(19/11/09 14:13:37) Lao Zi follows Tai as quietly as he can, making-sure to keep sight on her.

(19/11/09 14:13:56) Myllinnia: The moments turn to minutes and moving and weaving through the trees continues, the trail of blood continues until you find a small pool of water where the largest of trees sits in the middle. The trail ends at the end of the pool.

(19/11/09 14:15:15) Fox: Fox trots along paralleling the rest of the party and comes to a halt when he sees the pool

(19/11/09 14:23:52) Myllinnia: As you all come to the pool and for a moment its nothing but silence, just your presence and the what noise you make but soon you can feel another presence, as if something is watching you.

(19/11/09 14:27:32) Fox: can I see anything in the pond from above it?

(19/11/09 14:27:36) Fox: 0.

(19/11/09 14:28:40) T`zaran moves toward the water, trying to get a peek beneath its surface while still leaving a bit of distance to the water's edge.

(19/11/09 14:29:03) Gale: Gale draws his blade again and straps on his shield, a bit wary of whats going on.

(19/11/09 14:29:03) Priidee Kittee follows T`zaran carefully.

(19/11/09 14:31:25) Myllinnia: (Fox Roll Per+Aware)

(19/11/09 14:33:24) Myllinnia: (For those with 5 or more) One sees the shadow form of something under the surface between roots and water submerged vines.

(19/11/09 14:33:49) Lao Zi shrugs, but doesn't say anything quite yet... he knows he's not as perceptive as his sister. :)

(19/11/09 14:34:08) T`zaran: "Be careful! There's something under there!" He points to draw attention to it.

(19/11/09 14:34:31) Fox: "there's something there, I'm not quite sure what it is."

(19/11/09 14:34:54) T`zaran: "I can't tell either. It's hard to make out."

(19/11/09 14:35:14) Priidee Kittee looks closer.

(19/11/09 14:35:58) Myllinnia: "Do not be too curious," a stern familiar female voice says from behind the group.

(19/11/09 14:35:59) Lao Zi steps back a little, he doesn't like 'dealing' with stuff he can't see.

(19/11/09 14:36:48) Priidee Kittee turns around slowly, having a feeling she's in trouble.

(19/11/09 14:37:16) Gale shakes his head. He knew she'd know.

(19/11/09 14:37:36) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby stands there with hands on hips and a cool look on her face.

(19/11/09 14:39:26) Fox: * tries to duck into the shadows.

(19/11/09 14:39:53) Lao Zi sighs, shrugs, and yawns a little, folding his hands behind his head.

(19/11/09 14:40:40) T`zaran knew she'd know as well, though he hadn't expected her to show up this quickly, admittedly. "You were tracking it, too? And alone?"

(19/11/09 14:41:33) Myllinnia: "Yes, I was." She says with a frown. "But that is neither here nor there. Did I not say do not enter the Forest? I do not think I am getting senile at my age."

(19/11/09 14:42:12) Rai: Didn't a philosopher once say all places are one? So by *not* entering the forest we'd be just as entering the forrest as if we...

(19/11/09 14:42:24) Rai trails off as it becomes apparent Ruby isn't buying it

(19/11/09 14:43:11) Myllinnia: She sternly stares at Rai. "Please return to the Village, if not the Hill. This Tree I cannot protect you against if you disturb it."

(19/11/09 14:43:35) Myllinnia: Though she looks at Rai likely she is addressing all of you.

(19/11/09 14:43:40) Gale: "I came to ensure they didn't get into anrthing serious, Scarlet." Gale says a bit firmly, he was just a young adult, and obviously not trusted, but he tries to let her know they weren't completely unable to defend themselves. "And they aren't compelte children either."

(19/11/09 14:43:51) Lao Zi shrugs, looking not admonished, "C'mon Tai...", spoken in Flame-Tongue, as he heads back, again, looking bored.

(19/11/09 14:44:38) Rai: Why would you be protecting us against trees?

(19/11/09 14:44:43) Rai: It's not like they're scary!

(19/11/09 14:44:52) Rai kicks the one he was hiding behind to demonstrate how fearless he is

(19/11/09 14:45:09) Gale tries to Stop rai before he does something everyone would regret!

(19/11/09 14:45:22) Fox: climbs back to the trunk then jumps to the forest floor.

(19/11/09 14:45:34) Lao Zi chuckles softly at a thought, then winks at the Lady, "I could summon a wood elemental for you, to teach him manners...", in Flametongue, assuming others can't understand it. :)

(19/11/09 14:45:51) T`zaran: "Yes ma'am." He may have agreed to come only after the others had already started, but he makes no excuses for his behavior. Disobedience is disobedience.

(19/11/09 14:46:04) Myllinnia: She chuckles suddenly. "This tree guards the Forest, but it is not as tame as it once was. It is by agreement that keeps you safe. And no Lao that is not neccessary."

(19/11/09 14:47:52) Myllinnia: "Now return, and I suppose you will all have questions to bother me with during dinner." Which you all note is still hours away.

(19/11/09 14:49:26) Myllinnia: She watches and waits for her young charges to leave.

(19/11/09 14:49:32) Fox: awww Ruuubyyyy.

(19/11/09 14:49:37) Rai mutters under his breath about having questions to bother her with *now*, but perks back up at the thought of turning the retreat into a contest calling "LAST ONE BACK TAKES THE BLAME!"

(19/11/09 14:49:45) Rai then takes off running

(19/11/09 14:50:10) Gale: Gale starts heading back calmly. He was as guilty as the others as well.

(19/11/09 14:50:46) T`zaran walks alongside Gale.

(19/11/09 14:50:49) Priidee Kittee rolls her eyes at Rai's antics.

(19/11/09 14:50:59) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby shakes her with a gentle smile and follows the group out.

(19/11/09 14:51:51) Lao Zi grumbles as he heads back out of the woods, looking as-if he's pondering something.

(19/11/09 14:52:55) Rai is busy racing Ari, who plays along with him even if no one else does > >

(19/11/09 14:53:56) Fox: Fox gave him a head start then takes off after Rai

(19/11/09 14:54:50) Myllinnia: It seems to take longer to get out than it did to get in but soon you arrive, and once outside and back on the road your find that only one farmer stands with his spear, he stares at Rai and Fox for a bit before turning back to his fenced farm.

(19/11/09 14:56:34) Rai waves energetically at the farmer

(19/11/09 14:56:38) Rai: The village is safe!

(19/11/09 14:58:16) Gale: "For now, in any case." Gale gives a small smile.

(19/11/09 15:02:08) Myllinnia: Once everyone is safely out, Scarlet sighs. "Now don't go back into the forest. Doesn't some of you have a fence to fix and some clothes to mend?"

(19/11/09 15:02:40) Rai: I was going to class!

(19/11/09 15:03:15) Gale: "I'll tend to the clothes, they need washing and drying still." He gives a brief nod and a smile, heading back to the orphanage.

(19/11/09 15:04:01) Fox: I guess that fence won'

(19/11/09 15:04:09) Fox: t fix itself

(19/11/09 15:04:39) Priidee Kittee heads to go do some study, waving at Tai.

(19/11/09 15:05:17) Myllinnia: "No, no it won't." She says and head down the road every so often looking back into the forest.

(19/11/09 15:05:54) Tai Zi smiles and bows her head to Kittee

(19/11/09 15:06:29) Lao Zi yawns a bit more, "Eh? I was jus' checking on wards, myself.", he says, waiting for Tai to take the lead again.

(19/11/09 15:06:36) T`zaran: His own chores unable to be completed without going into the woods, and with none of the farmers needing him, T`zaran returns to the field behind the house where he normally practices martial arts. He can at least put the time to good use.

(19/11/09 15:07:48) Tai Zi smiles and swats Lao lightly and follows with him to check the wards.

(19/11/09 15:10:17) Myllinnia: The wards are strong and well maintained, and the clothes up on the Hill get washed, the fence's repair goes slowly. Soon the sun starts its decline for the day and tummies tell of hunger, dinner assuredly awaits the young men and women.

(19/11/09 15:12:24) Myllinnia: Its obvious, as you note as you approach the dinner table, that Scarlet Ruby is attempting to disuade any questions, as she directs the meal to be the favorites of the group. Though for Fox perhaps that's not too hard. The scents are tantalizing

(19/11/09 15:12:51) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby sits at the head of the table, dressed in a simple outfit, her long red hair bound.

(19/11/09 15:13:06) Tai Zi smiles crouching outside feeding a few raw scraps to her hounfs and giveing them rubs, careful of there quills. She smiles licking her lips and looking the veggies on her plate over.

(19/11/09 15:14:01) Myllinnia: Scarlet has used this technique perhaps too many times as you perhaps recognize its attempt. She watches you as you eat silently.

(19/11/09 15:14:57) Gale eats quietly, figuring someone else would ask the first question, allowing him to add to it as necesary, but if no one did...

(19/11/09 15:14:59) T`zaran is still towelling off his hair as he comes in for dinner, having just cleaned up after his day of training. While he may recognize the technique, out of respect for Scarlet Ruby, he doesn't ask the questions that he'd very much like to know the answers to.

(19/11/09 15:15:06) Rai has mastered the fine art of eating while asking questions *and* keeping the food in his mouth. "So Ruby, what was that shadow thing, and why should we be afraid of a tree?"

(19/11/09 15:15:22) Gale: "Scarlet, some of us are blossoming into young adults... and some of us are actually adults. Why is it that we are still treated as little children?"

(19/11/09 15:15:43) Lao Zi left the room (quit: Ping timeout).

(19/11/09 15:17:06) Tai Zi eyes Rai and Gale quietly, crunching her dinner silently, she dosent seem to eat meat if given the option, the short girl noding her head slightly.

(19/11/09 15:17:50) Priidee Kittee nods quietly, glancing at Tai.

(19/11/09 15:18:32) Myllinnia: With her technique failed she smiles and she shakes her head, "I suppose you are old enough now." She says with a hint of sorrow.

(19/11/09 15:19:19) Rai: Woohoo! Triumphing through age!

(19/11/09 15:19:56) Tai Zi blinks yellow eyes at Scarlet, smileing softly at Kittee and poping a medalion of carrot into her mouth and crunching it. "Let her speak if you want her to speak."

(19/11/09 15:20:35) Myllinnia: She leans back and takes a drink from her cup. "We are merely... trying to protect you is all. Some of us do it out of respect others knowing what I know. But... you should know that your lives are very important to us." She continues after a moment.

(19/11/09 15:21:05) T`zaran listens quietly, eager to know the answer but at the same time bothered by the necessity of the answer causing her sadness.

(19/11/09 15:21:38) Myllinnia: "The Shadow Scythe is an agent of the Ebon Empress, and she seeks to remove threats to her rule. Caradeen is the last fortress of such things. But our threat is not the same as the one you all may possess."

(19/11/09 15:22:37) Gale: "Why is it not simply killed then?"

(19/11/09 15:23:09) Gale: "And my life... is not more important then anyone else here. I'm not that special, just an orphan trying to make by in the village..."

(19/11/09 15:23:10) Myllinnia: "Oh it is dead, it is the will of the Forest to deal with it. Not ours. Unless it had actually reached the Village that is."

(19/11/09 15:23:42) Rai: Nah Gale you're special! You're my friend, that makes you special too!

(19/11/09 15:23:46) T`zaran: "That we may possess? What threat can we pose to the Ebon Empress?"

(19/11/09 15:24:10) Tai Zi yellow eyes narrow. "It almost did reach the village, we could see it clearly before it was draged into the woods."

(19/11/09 15:24:31) Fox: get seconds on the food while listening

(19/11/09 15:25:03) Rai: Obviously she's afraid me and my pirate wife are gonna bankrupt her empire!

(19/11/09 15:25:21) Priidee Kittee blinks. "What pirate wife, Rai?"

(19/11/09 15:25:30) Rai: Well, I haven't met her yet....

(19/11/09 15:25:38) Gale: "The one he'll eventually meet and wed, Priide."

(19/11/09 15:26:19) Gale: He smiled, but looks to Ruby seriously once more. "Scarlet, Are you sure it should not be dealt with now? The forest may will it when it is too late, and the damage is done."

(19/11/09 15:26:43) Myllinnia: She smiles gently at Gale, chuckles at Rai, then looks to T`zaran, "The nature of what you may possess is unknown, but it is vital. No one in all of Creation posseses what you may."

(19/11/09 15:26:57) Myllinnia: She shakes her head, "Did you see it? Under the waters of the pool?"

(19/11/09 15:27:15) T`zaran: "I saw...something. But I couldn't tell what it was."

(19/11/09 15:28:16) Myllinnia: "The Forest speaks to me. the Shadow Scythe will not harm us. But you are right damage is done. Assuredly it sent to the Empress our location."

(19/11/09 15:30:39) Fox: nom nom nom Does that mean we have to move? nom

(19/11/09 15:30:42) Tai Zi pushes her now empty plate away from her as she stands up from the table. "its a danger, and its comeing here eventualy, correct?"

(19/11/09 15:30:54) Rai: We confront it head on.... right?

(19/11/09 15:31:02) Gale: "Do does it mean we have to fight? The empress knows where we are. Retribution will follow."

(19/11/09 15:31:10) Rai: *even Rai looks a little nervous at the thought of fighting the Empress*

(19/11/09 15:31:28) T`zaran: "Then what can we do? The forest is powerful, but it's not invincible. And we can't abandon it after all the time it's spent protecting us, so we can't just run away."

(19/11/09 15:32:57) Myllinnia: She stands softly. "You are right, we will not be leaving, there are no more places for us to hide. I knew one day the Caravan would lead the Empire to us. But do not worry. >

(19/11/09 15:33:09) Tai Zi looks at T`zaran and smiles, she is a short little thing, shes not even breaking five foot. "I say we stay here, the forest will weaken what ever is comeing for us and then we can show it that the forest isnt the only thing here to fear."

(19/11/09 15:33:16) Myllinnia: < The Village will fight, for this is what we have been working towards all these 16 years."

(19/11/09 15:33:58) Gale: "The villagers cannot stand against the wrath of the empress... can you even, Scarley Ruby?" Gale asks, looking a bit concerned, both for the village, and his adopted 'mother'.

(19/11/09 15:34:50) Myllinnia: "I will fight. For it is... was my sin that made the Ebon Empress come to power. Do not worry, unless the Empress herself comes then we will prevail."

(19/11/09 15:35:10) Priidee Kittee frowns. "What do you mean, mum?"

(19/11/09 15:35:13) Fox: I'm with Gale here, how do we stand against the Empress?

(19/11/09 15:35:25) Rai: Wait, what?

(19/11/09 15:35:26) T`zaran blinks. How could she have had anything to do with the Empress coming to power?

(19/11/09 15:35:30) Rai: You know the Empress?

(19/11/09 15:36:06) Myllinnia: She smirks, "If you are done eating, I will show you what may save the village." It is obvious she avoids that question.

(19/11/09 15:36:45) Rai swallows the last several bites on his plate in one swell foop "Yeah, saving everyone, let's do it!"

(19/11/09 15:37:00) Tai Zi offers Kittee the last carrot from her plate. "Always up for a fight."

(19/11/09 15:37:14) Fox: lets go

(19/11/09 15:37:15) Gale: "Your sin?" Gale stands up, the meal long forgotten. "Show us what you must show us. What do you mean by 'what may save the village?"

(19/11/09 15:37:59) Myllinnia: She smiles, and heads to the stairs then up them towards her room, a room you are rarely allowed it.

(19/11/09 15:38:39) T`zaran mops up the last of his potatoes and gravy with a roll, then sets the plate on the ground for Eos to finish what's left. Leaving her to enjoy the treat, he follows up the stairs.

(19/11/09 15:39:32) Priidee Kittee accepts Tai's carrot, before standing to follow Scarlet.

(19/11/09 15:39:59) Myllinnia: Eventually she stops at the door to the other room, the door you've never been allowed to even touch. Some of you remember stinging hands from punishments for touching whien you were younger.

(19/11/09 15:41:16) Rai remembers stinging hands from punishments last month < <

(19/11/09 15:41:33) Tai Zi flexes her knuckels from rembered pain.

(19/11/09 15:42:15) Gale must be the only one who doesn't have the feeling of stinging hands.

(19/11/09 15:42:18) T`zaran hasn't touched the door in years, but that doesn't mean he's spent any less time wondering what was behind it.

(19/11/09 15:42:22) Myllinnia: "Do not touch anything in this room. I cannot be sure of the reaction. Just to see." With that she opens the door which opens slowly and with a creaking sound. Beyond the room three glass-like tubes, each holding shimmering shards of purely glowing lights that bob gently in them.

(19/11/09 15:43:00) Myllinnia: Its a large room though and all of you can stand in it without hitting the tubes.

(19/11/09 15:43:01) Rai folds his arms and bites his lip, trying to resist temptation @ @

(19/11/09 15:43:22) Myllinnia: Scarlet walks in and turns to them a smile. "Do any of you know what these are?"

(19/11/09 15:43:46) Priidee Kittee: "Glowy shards?" Kittee hazards.

(19/11/09 15:43:59) Tai Zi body gives a small shiver, holding her hands behind her back, taking a step to the side closer to Kittee and looking left and right. "They look like bottled light"

(19/11/09 15:44:45) Priidee Kittee quietly takes one of Tai's hands.

(19/11/09 15:44:54) T`zaran: "They're beautiful, but I've not seen anything like them before. They're not of the forest, whatever they may be."

(19/11/09 15:44:59) Rai: They look valuable!

(19/11/09 15:45:15) Tai Zi blinks and smiles twineing her small fingers in Kittee's h

(19/11/09 15:45:29) Myllinnia: She nods, "Very valuable, very beautiful. Very powerful No one in Creation save only one other has seen them like this."

(19/11/09 15:45:40) Rai: So... can I have them?

(19/11/09 15:45:45) Rai puts on his best grin

(19/11/09 15:47:01) Gale: "What are these? They can't be normal."

(19/11/09 15:47:14) Myllinnia: "Not today," she says with a smile. "One day though and perhaps soon."

(19/11/09 15:47:31) Rai: Oh, Wow! Thanks!

(19/11/09 15:47:37) Myllinnia: "But these will help you defeat Caradeen's enemies." She says with a grim look.

(19/11/09 15:47:58) Rai: Oh wait, they're weapons?

(19/11/09 15:48:29) Tai Zi smiles a bit. "Theres not much that cant be a weapon if you put your mind to it."

(19/11/09 15:49:35) Rai: That sounds like work

(19/11/09 15:50:24) T`zaran: "So it's some sort of powerful magic, then? I've heard of devices that could contain spells, but I never heard them described like that."

(19/11/09 15:50:30) Priidee Kittee: "Yes, Rai. You generally have to work to get what you want."

(19/11/09 15:51:10) Rai: Speak for yourself!

(19/11/09 15:51:36) Rai: I just take what other people work for!

(19/11/09 15:51:40) Rai: *I'll

(19/11/09 15:52:15) Priidee Kittee: "So you're going to be a thief, then?"

(19/11/09 15:52:24) Priidee Kittee looks distinctly unimpressed.

(19/11/09 15:52:38) Rai: Not a thief, a *PIRATE*

(19/11/09 15:52:50) Gale: "Even pirates have to work to get what they want..."

(19/11/09 15:53:00) Rai: That doesn't count

(19/11/09 15:53:52) Tai Zi smiles softly looking at the lights then up at Scarlet. "We'll know when we need to?"

(19/11/09 15:54:16) Myllinnia: "Yes, you will." She nods.

(19/11/09 15:55:40) Tai Zi nods, her yellow eyes locked on the light. "Then worrying about these wont do us any good untell the time is right to use them, we should focus on growing strong as we can so that when it is time we will be all the more ready to use them, a sword can only be sharpened so much but the arm that swings it can always gain strength."

(19/11/09 15:56:08) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby nods.

(19/11/09 15:56:09) Priidee Kittee nods. "Well said."

(19/11/09 15:56:19) Gale: Gale leaves the room, a bit spooked by it. "When the time comes, it will come. If I need to use them as a weapon,I shall."

(19/11/09 15:56:24) Rai: I agree, worrying sucks.

(19/11/09 15:57:50) Rai leaves with a smile on his face. "Remember, you promised I could have one, I want the shiniest one!"

(19/11/09 15:58:01) Myllinnia: Lilly, Gale's sister, has been quite and nods with Gale as she leaves. But no sooner does she leave the room, does one of the Village Guards runs into the room. Their eyes meeting, Scarlet nods and turns to her 'grown up' wards.

(19/11/09 15:58:09) Fox: driven by an irresistable compulsion Fox touches a tube,

(19/11/09 15:58:40) Tai Zi giggels a bit at Rail steping back, though not wanting to let go of Kittee's hand as she turns to T`zaran. "I've watched you train, spar with me."

(19/11/09 15:59:07) Myllinnia: Fox gets a warm tingly feeling run through is arm.

(19/11/09 15:59:35) Fox: sweet

(19/11/09 15:59:41) Gale: "Lilly, how did classes go?" he smiled to his sister. "And are you well?"

(19/11/09 16:00:09) Myllinnia: "I am fine," she says and tilts her head at Gale. "You went into the forest?"

(19/11/09 16:00:32) Gale: "Yes, I really have no excuses for it, but I did want to make sure the others were alright."

(19/11/09 16:00:32) Myllinnia: Scarlet Ruby says softly, "Time for you all to get to your sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

(19/11/09 16:00:54) Priidee Kittee nods. "Come on, Tai. You can spar in the morning."

(19/11/09 16:01:04) T`zaran: "All right," he agrees with Tai, only reluctantly turning away from the glowing tubes. He might be tired from the afternoon spent training, but it seems as though they're going to need all the practice they can get in the days ahead.

(19/11/09 16:01:48) Tai Zi blinks at Kittee and smiles a bit blushing slighly. "Perhapse in the morning would be better, it has been a long day for everyone, would that be okay T`zaran?"

(19/11/09 16:03:15) T`zaran chuckles a bit. "Tomorrow it is, then."

(19/11/09 16:03:44) Gale: "Ah... Lets get some sleep, Lilly." he smiles, yawning. "It was kind of a busy day, eh?"

(19/11/09 16:04:18) Myllinnia: "Very, what with the Caravan," she says with a smile.

(19/11/09 16:04:37) Fox: fun

(19/11/09 16:04:47) Gale: "oh! Did you pick up your books, by the way?"

(19/11/09 16:05:24) Myllinnia: Lilly nods and looks to him, "Yes yes I did, thanks."

(19/11/09 16:05:30) Tai Zi smiles a bit at Kittee and looks about. "would you like to medatate with me?"

(19/11/09 16:05:50) Priidee Kittee: "Sure." Kittee says, smiling down at her adoptive sister.

(19/11/09 16:06:49) Tai Zi looks up at Scarlet hopeing to be excused.

(19/11/09 16:07:05) Gale: "Excellent, was worried it might not have gotten to you..." Kissing his sister on the forehead, he looked to the others. "I think its best I went to bed. Goodnight, all."

(19/11/09 16:09:40) Myllinnia: Everyone is excused and allowed to do what they want for the night.

(19/11/09 16:10:21) Tai Zi smiles leading Kittee outside and around the side of the building siting down crossleged with ehr back aginst the wall.

(19/11/09 16:10:31) T`zaran goes downstairs long enough to get Eos, then heads back up to his room to get ready for bed.

(19/11/09 16:13:28) Fox: Fox is full of energy an decides to do some laps around the place before going to bed

(19/11/09 16:16:52) Tai Zi smiles at Kittee. "what do you think about what she showed us?"

(19/11/09 16:17:21) Priidee Kittee: "It was interesting. They seemed to have very powerful Essence."

(19/11/09 16:19:16) Tai Zi nods crossing her legs and closeing her eyes leting out a deep breath and rolls her shoulders. "I dont know much about things like that, but that thing that came out of the woods, we cant let something like that get to the village."

(19/11/09 16:19:29) Priidee Kittee nods "Agreed."

(19/11/09 16:21:31) Tai Zi leans aginst Kittee a bit noding softly and opening her eyes.

(19/11/09 16:22:57) Priidee Kittee smiles down at Tai, before kissing the Djala on the forehead.

(19/11/09 16:23:54) Tai Zi blinks a bit and smiles looping a arm around Kittee's hips and snuging up aginst her a bit. "I want to get stronger, i've never spared with T`zaran before, i hope i dont make a fool of myself"

(19/11/09 16:25:42) Priidee Kittee nods, enjoying the warmth. "I hope so too."

(19/11/09 16:26:16) Tai Zi cuddels up aginst Kittee and kisses her cheek once. "lets get to bed"

(19/11/09 16:26:41) Priidee Kittee: "All right."

(19/11/09 16:26:54) Priidee Kittee leads Tai up to her room.

(19/11/09 16:27:21) Tai Zi smiles holding Kittee's hand as they head to bed.

(19/11/09 16:28:58) Myllinnia: The night comes and then it goes, sleep is restless, and dreams are many. Nightmares of past almost forgotten but now each added with deaths and destructions of a different kind, fires burn, screams echo, and you know death surrounds you. A more crueler death.

(19/11/09 16:29:08) Myllinnia: A figure is in all the dreams, a female, and her voice echoes in your heads. "I have found you, children, Destiny can't protect you any longer!"

(19/11/09 16:29:44) Myllinnia: And then the very early morning sunlight falls upon each of you.

(19/11/09 16:30:49) Tai Zi is up with the first light, not wearing the lose tunic anymore but a brestband and loin cloth, outside to streach in the warm sun.

(19/11/09 16:31:35) Gale: Gales use to his nightmares, and even if that one was different... It just left him cold, waking up as he treated it like any other nightmare he had, getting dressed in his normal garb.

(19/11/09 16:32:18) T`zaran goes through some of his breath control and meditation exercises in his room to help him calm down after the nightmares of the night, but unusually, they haven't faded from his memory by the time he finishes. Then again, perhaps it was more than just a dream. Regardless, he heads downstairs.

(19/11/09 16:33:36) Myllinnia: Breakfast is just starting to get made, which means yes most of you have beat the cooks in waking up.

(19/11/09 16:33:46) Fox: Fox wakes up with a smile, in a good mood since the nightmare wasn't as bad as the ones he usually has.

(19/11/09 16:34:12) Priidee Kittee has followed Tai outside. "Um, would you mind teaching me some techniques?"

(19/11/09 16:34:43) Fox: heads down for breakfast,

(19/11/09 16:34:58) Rai is outside practicing backflips

(19/11/09 16:35:03) Myllinnia: Lilly wakes up a little pale but she keeps herself cheerful as she wanders downstairs for breakfast. Of Scarlet Ruby there currently is no sign.

(19/11/09 16:36:12) Gale: "Are you alright, Lilly?" Gale asks as she head down to breakfast with him.

(19/11/09 16:36:17) Tai Zi: �ACTION blinks at Kittee and nods smileing softly, leading the way to her traveling pack and pulling out a worn and beatn book. "This is something I have from before my brother and I came here, its more advanced than even I can understand, the language is a bit odd too but it describes fighting useing energy from withen, I cant even do that but its enough to learn the basic forms." She offers a roll of bandages to Kittee. "Wrap your hands and feet so yo

(19/11/09 16:38:49) Priidee Kittee nods, taking the roll. "Thanks."

(19/11/09 16:39:02) T`zaran: With breakfast not yet ready, T`zaran heads outside. Seeing Kittee and Tai working together already, he moves over to watch the two of them while he warms up.

(19/11/09 16:41:07) Tai Zi: �ACTION lids her eyes hevaly and takes a deep breath leting it out slowly, her compact form tenseing as she moves into a combat stances smoothly, legs bent just slighly a arm curved infront of her another at her side, it almost looks like a brawlers stance, her first blow is a kick, sliceing the air, as her fot comes down her momentum caries her through kicking off the ground with her planted foot and kicking out with her other leg in a swift two strike

(19/11/09 16:41:20) Rai works his way over to Kittee Tai and T`zaran and starts calling out advice

(19/11/09 16:44:18) Myllinnia: Lilly nods, "I, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream is all."

(19/11/09 16:44:34) Rai: Kick higher!

(19/11/09 16:44:55) T`zaran grins at Rai. "Care to put some of that advice to good use?"

(19/11/09 16:45:16) Rai: Whatcha mean?

(19/11/09 16:45:35) Gale: "...What did you dream of?" he asks Lilly, a bit concerned now.

(19/11/09 16:46:10) Myllinnia: "I.... I was going to die." She says and laughs a bit lightly. "But it was just a dream after all. Nothing to be worried about."

(19/11/09 16:47:27) T`zaran: "Sparring, of course." Rai would know that T`zaran's style of fighting is far less aggressive than Tai's -- he favors defensive moves and counters more than direct strikes.

(19/11/09 16:47:33) Gale: "Die...?" Gale looked downwards for a moment, shaking his head. "I won't let that happen, you know."

(19/11/09 16:47:54) Lao Zi [~zephod] entered the room.

(19/11/09 16:48:45) Tai Zi smiles and goes back into her starting position, after showing Kittee the full move she repeates it much slower this time and one step at a time.

(19/11/09 16:48:48) Rai: Oh sure, I guess.

(19/11/09 16:48:57) Rai: Lemmie go get my club.

(19/11/09 16:49:17) Myllinnia: "Of course I know," Lilly says softly to Gale.

(19/11/09 16:49:39) T`zaran: "All right. I'll get my stick, too, then."

(19/11/09 16:52:07) Priidee Kittee slowly repeats Tai's motions, focusing on getting them correct.

(19/11/09 16:52:52) Gale: "Mmf, what was the dream like? Who was going to kill you?"

(19/11/09 16:54:08) Tai Zi nods and smiles stoping and correcting Kittee's stances slightly by shifting foot and arm manualy. "its not about the movement, its about the idea, dont see yourself strikeing, see your strikes going through, when you throw a punch font aim for there face or there chest, aim for the back of there head, aim for there spine."

(19/11/09 16:55:52) Rai goes and fetches his war club, which is intricate and fantastically made, matching the one weilded by his brother (though not as skillfully)

(19/11/09 16:56:36) Priidee Kittee nods, following Tai's instructions diligently.

(19/11/09 16:57:01) Fox: Fox having gotten some food in him joins the party outside

(19/11/09 16:57:43) Lao Zi: ...due to technical difficulties... Lao Zi is sitting near-by Tai, reading out of a book. Watching her 'help' Kittee's stances. :)

(19/11/09 16:58:27) T`zaran: T`zaran's stick quite obviously used to be a tree branch. It's as much walking stick as weapon, really, but he wields it skillfully. "Ready when you are."

(19/11/09 16:59:43) Tai Zi nods and resumes her starting stance. "now that is a basic combo, two attacks flowing from each other, two attacks are harder for someone to block, but a single attack, focusing all of your strength is also powerful." She twists her hips as she throws a single strait punch, metal bands about her wrist jingeling and makeing music as she snaps her arm in a hard single strike.

(19/11/09 17:00:31) Rai nods and charges straight at T`zaran darting around to attack from unpredicatable angles, though with not particularly well aimed blows.

(19/11/09 17:02:01) Myllinnia: As soon as Rai comes around to strike at T`zaran a terrible and loud explosion rips through the distant Shadow Forest.

(19/11/09 17:02:34) Priidee Kittee freezes, then spins in shock. "What was that?!"

(19/11/09 17:02:37) Gale: "What the fu-" Gale cuts his curse short, looking to the explosions source, jumping back a bit from the sound of the explosion.

(19/11/09 17:02:41) Gale: "She's here."

(19/11/09 17:03:26) Myllinnia: Lilly winces ducking at the sound

(19/11/09 17:04:00) Tai Zi stops in mid strike and brings fingers to her lips whisteling loud, out of the house come bounding her two quil hounds.

(19/11/09 17:05:22) T`zaran was swinging up for the defense, but the explosion startles him so badly that he doesn't complete the move, and Rai's blow catches him hard in the shoulder. It doubtless hurt quite a bit, but just at the moment his attention is rather more elsewhere.

(19/11/09 17:05:49) Rai doesn't follow through on his blow at all, also being distracted by the explosion, and whistles for his brother to go check it out!

(19/11/09 17:06:03) Myllinnia: From where you stand you can see the Shadow Forest burning. Fire and smoke billowing from the thick forest. Above the forest is a decently sized skyship, its hull black with the Ebon Empress emblem on its curved nose.

(19/11/09 17:08:40) Fox: crap

(19/11/09 17:09:08) Rai shouts "THAT SHIP IS AWESOME!"

(19/11/09 17:09:11) Gale: Gale curses loudly, this time. "Fuck!" Drawing his blade, he looks to Lilly. "Get somewhere safe, Lilly. Now"

(19/11/09 17:09:13) Rai: We have to capture it!

(19/11/09 17:09:35) Priidee Kittee looks worried. "You and what army, Rai?"

(19/11/09 17:09:51) T`zaran gazes up in the general direction of the room they were shown last night. "We can't fight that thing. Not without help of some kind."

(19/11/09 17:10:02) Rai: ... to the shiny room!

(19/11/09 17:10:13) Tai Zi grits her teeth, yellow eyes seathing. "Us..were the army, the only army thats comeing so thats it, wishing and hopeing for someone to save us wont help."

(19/11/09 17:10:51) Rai takes off, knowing in his heart that this is the time to grab that shiny

(19/11/09 17:11:23) T`zaran takes off after Rai, since he sees no other way to defend his home.

(19/11/09 17:12:11) Tai Zi hisses and about faces grabing Kittee. "You said those things were essence based right, anyidea how to turn them on?"

(19/11/09 17:12:24) Lao Zi left the room (quit: Ping timeout).

(19/11/09 17:14:40) Priidee Kittee: "No, I'm afraid not. Best guess is smashing the bottles and hoping that works."

(19/11/09 17:15:10) Fox: "doesn't sound like much of a plan"

(19/11/09 17:15:25) Priidee Kittee: "That's because it isn't, Fox."

(19/11/09 17:15:36) Tai Zi nods following after Rai and T`zaran. "Actualy in a fight smashing things works pretty well as long as you do it to the bad guy."

(19/11/09 17:15:53) Rai: I was just planning on holding mine up and shouting "GOOOOO!"

(19/11/09 17:16:02) Myllinnia: You race into the building and up the stairs but as you reach the top and face the door to Scarlet's room you find the door shattered.

(19/11/09 17:17:23) Gale: Gale follows the others once he catches wind of their plan. "I think that plan... was already used..."

(19/11/09 17:17:40) T`zaran skids to a halt. "What the?!" Not even the menace of an airship outside can make him more worried than he is at the moment for his foster mother, and he goes to her door, dreading what he might find within.

(19/11/09 17:17:43) Rai: Damn it!

(19/11/09 17:17:50) Myllinnia: But on the floor below Gale hears a terrified scream from Lilly.

(19/11/09 17:17:54) Rai charges in, ready to steal his shiny from whoever would withold it from him

(19/11/09 17:18:20) Gale: "Fuck!" He left her for a second, and the man BARRELS down the stairs, it was a single moment, what happened?" He heads to the screams as fast as he could.

(19/11/09 17:18:51) Myllinnia: As Rai runs in he finds to his dismay a black armored man holding a sword and points it threatening at Rai. "What do we have here.

(19/11/09 17:18:57) Myllinnia: *?"

(19/11/09 17:19:19) Rai ignores the sword right now and looks around for his shiny thing

(19/11/09 17:19:30) Rai: "You! You took the treasure that was promised to me!"

(19/11/09 17:19:36) Rai: *Did you take

(19/11/09 17:19:43) Myllinnia: He stands before the door to that room remaining standing even if the door itself is quite scratched up.

(19/11/09 17:20:23) Myllinnia: "Entertaining," he says his black eyes focusing on the angry young man. "You shall be the next to die."

(19/11/09 17:20:34) Tai Zi eyes flash as she sees a man threatning her family there is no hesatation as she lets go of Kittee's hand and springs forward, grabing a shatered pice of wood and throwing it as a distraction as she rushes in for a punch.

(19/11/09 17:22:06) Myllinnia: As Gale reaches the floor below he finds a black armored woman holding Lilly close her sword blade against her throat. "Ah lookie your brother?"

(19/11/09 17:22:39) Gale: Gripping his sword calmly, Gales breath is tense and slow as he eyes the woman. "Let her go. Now."

(19/11/09 17:22:49) T`zaran: "The next? Where is Scarlet Ruby? If you've hurt her, I'll...I'll..." He hasn't the first clue what he's going to do, really, but he does have enough presence of mind to yell for Eos, who's just over in his room. See how brave the guy is against a bunch of kids...and an omen dog.

(19/11/09 17:23:16) Myllinnia: "I think not," she laughs. "I think I'll gut her right before you. You have no power against me, do you boy?"

(19/11/09 17:24:25) Gale: "I've something... I've my life, thats power enough. Let her go and face a real threat, demon." He's scared, but he doesn't admit it. Unlike the others, he's alone. Also, no one helped his sister. (Jerks)

(19/11/09 17:27:59) Fox: Having been hidden by shadows in the corner of the room Fox leaps upon the woman from behind and grapples her.

(19/11/09 17:31:37) Tai Zi throws the bit of wood she picked up not to hurt but to distrace and then she is off. Fenting to the side and springing into the air, short but strong legs snaping out once, twice, three times aiming for knees and joints.

(19/11/09 17:38:30) T`zaran knows his wooden stick isn't going to be effective against armor as heavy as what the man is wearing...not as a bludgeoning tool, in any event. So he runs forward, dropping into a crouch and spinning around, stick barely above the floor to sweep the man's feet from under him. The others should have a much easier time with this guy if he's on the ground.

(19/11/09 17:41:26) Rai has a plan and darts around the man, trusting that his destiny will open the door and grant access to the shiny where the armored man's sword blows had failed so miserably.

(19/11/09 17:42:38) Myllinnia: The man grunts but laughs at Tai as her hit strikes lightly.

(19/11/09 17:43:26) Priidee Kittee pulls her fist back, then hammers it at the man, trying to emulate the move Tai had shown her earlier.

(19/11/09 17:45:45) Myllinnia: Rai finds the door unmoving, but the door's frame does gleam with energy.

(19/11/09 17:52:31) Myllinnia: The man raises his weapon the black blade gleaming wickedly and then he brings it down upon Tai.

(19/11/09 17:57:29) Tai Zi sees the blow comeing her compact form reacting quickly rolling off to the side away from the blow

(19/11/09 17:57:41) Myllinnia: As Fox attempts to grapple the woman she moves out of the way sending Fox to tumble between Gale and the woman. She laughs coldly. "Stupid boys."

(19/11/09 18:00:36) Rai focuses intently on the door, and whats behind it, projecting all of his will into it "SHINY, OPEN SESEME!"

(19/11/09 18:01:42) Myllinnia: The door remains closed.

(19/11/09 18:02:12) Tai Zi looks over her shoulder at Rai. "Try the handel!"

(19/11/09 18:02:33) Myllinnia: The handle does taunt Rai but he knows he tried that first.

(19/11/09 18:05:12) Rai: Aha!

(19/11/09 18:05:22) Rai finds the secret button and presses it with a flourish

(19/11/09 18:06:22) Myllinnia: The door rumbles open, revealing the very excitely lights.

(19/11/09 18:06:27) Myllinnia: *excited

(19/11/09 18:06:48) Rai rushes straight for the shiniest light he can find!

(19/11/09 18:07:05) Rai snatches others as he goes, stashing them for his friends

(19/11/09 18:07:30) Gale: Bounding over Fox, instinct takes over him as his body moves as fast as hie feet can take him. "I said drop her you FUCKING BITCH!" he knew the basics of fighting, so had a minor advantage... His shield was first used as a weapon, trying to bash into the womans arm as she held Lilly, his swords pommel trying to strike the side of her temple. He couldn't (c)

(19/11/09 18:07:34) Gale: offensively at all with Lilly in the way, fearful that he'd strike her with the blade and wound her, rather then rescue her! (flurry, move and 2 attacks, one with the shield, one with the sword. The sword is going to be a nonlethal attack, stunting it to deal bashing damage rather then lethal)

(19/11/09 18:09:37) T`zaran grins as he spies Eos in the room. "Attack!" he shouts to her. The Omen Dog lets out a growl that makes a wolf sound like a puppy and leaps into the air, several hundred pounds of fur and fangs slamming into the swordsman. His armor might be able to protect him from the worst of it, but he'll still have to deal with being underneath something very large, heavy, and aggressive. Meanwhile,>

(19/11/09 18:10:11) T`zaran: T'zaren brings his stick down hard on the man's wrist, doing his best to make him drop the sword.

(19/11/09 18:11:29) Myllinnia: The woman dances almost as Gale's furious strikes head for her. Twice she puts Lilly in Gale's path but Gale has managed not to wound his sister.

(19/11/09 18:16:52) Myllinnia: The man growls as the large animal grasps at him, he struggles to dislodge the creature.

(19/11/09 18:18:25) Tai Zi continues her roll away from the blow springing upright and seeming to run away from the armored figure, gaining speed as she jumps and presses aginst a wall, her tiny body like a spring as it coils and then releses shooting herself off od the wall and in a sweeping kick at the armored figures cheast.

(19/11/09 18:21:22) Priidee Kittee dances around Tai, right fist lunging at the armoured man's groin, while the left moves to roundhouse him in the ear.

(19/11/09 18:27:18) Myllinnia: With a surprised look he slides to the ground his weapon clattering to the ground.

(19/11/09 18:28:17) T`zaran breathes a sigh of relief as the man finally slumps to the ground. "Good work." Only now noticing that Gale and Fox aren't with them. "But where are the others?"

(19/11/09 18:28:39) Tai Zi looks over at the door. "Rai? got the tubes?" She picks up the sword and looks it over seting the tip to the join of the mans armor at his neck, holding it there and thinking.

(19/11/09 18:29:37) Rai Shouts Yeah! I'm grabbing good ones for all of you guys!

(19/11/09 18:29:56) Rai finally reaches the shinest one and carries out his earlier plan!

(19/11/09 18:31:00) Tai Zi looks over at T`zaran. "Take the others go and help Gale, i'll finish this here, no reason for blood on anyone elses hands"

(19/11/09 18:31:10) Myllinnia: Suddenly the tubes glow brighter and brighter, the surface cracking as Rai carries them. Meanwhile below the woman sighs, "Do you want the girl?"

(19/11/09 18:31:19) Myllinnia: Lilly whimpers where she stands.

(19/11/09 18:31:46) Gale: Gale stands, knowing that the woman has him at a massive disadvantage. 'Leave if. If yo want someone to kill. Take me."

(19/11/09 18:31:56) Gale: *Leave her, not if

(19/11/09 18:32:08) T`zaran shakes his head. "Nor any blood on yours. We'll tie him up, and we can turn him over to the town guards once we're out of this."

(19/11/09 18:33:05) Myllinnia: She laughs suddenly, "No, I don't think so." She grabs Lilly tightly and plungs her weapon into the girl before tossing her aside and laughing colds as blood goes everywhere.

(19/11/09 18:33:25) Tai Zi kneels down next to the prone man, looking him in the eyes through his helm, his own blade held aginst his throat through a joint in the armor. "He attacked us, She's missing, those who strike us must feel the full bite of our power, to defend is not enough, only to harm them as they strike us will bring us saftey." She doesnt give T`zaran a chance to stop her, she shoved the blade>

(19/11/09 18:33:27) Myllinnia: Lilly's cry of pain echoes almost very loudly in the orphanage.

(19/11/09 18:33:34) Rai whistles at the unconcious body and Tai Zi standing over it. "Good job cleaning up the trash I left behind!"

(19/11/09 18:33:46) Tai Zi: into the mans throat as she was talking.

(19/11/09 18:34:04) Rai hands a vial to Tai "Here, I picked this one out for you!"

(19/11/09 18:34:16) Myllinnia: The man twitches for a moment or two before falling still.

(19/11/09 18:35:03) Tai Zi grimly stands and takes the vial in hand.

(19/11/09 18:35:54) Gale: "..." Gales eyes go wide in shock, hearing the cry. "*NO!*" He lunges, instinctively again, His nonlethal blows quickly trying to turn lethal, moving to a more offensive stance... But his practiced discipline leaves him, any calm he had is gone. He's currently just rage, fury, and noise. Any attacks he's doing are probably easily blockable or dodgeable, (c)

(19/11/09 18:36:12) T`zaran lunges for her wrist, but too late. "So we should become no better than they are? Then what's the difference between us and them? What does it matter if we win if we're just a different kind of monster?" Every bit as furious as he was when he first saw the man in here.

(19/11/09 18:36:13) Gale: Tears welling in his eyes, clouding his vision as he just tries anything to land a hit, his body shaking in rage.

(19/11/09 18:37:19) Myllinnia: The woman laughs easily defeating Gale's attacks blocking them and deflecting them. "You are weak, and pathetic. A disgrace to the Red woman's cause. I'd kill you but your misery is much nice to have!" With that she kicks him and kicks him hard sending past Fox into the wall behind shattering a table.

(19/11/09 18:37:34) Tai Zi looks at T`zaran and shaters the vial in her hand. "No, I will be the monster, you and the others can stand shineing in the light, I will be the darkness and the night, I will do the evil that must be done. Now, we need to find Gale."

(19/11/09 18:38:19) Rai hands T`zaran a vial too. "Here, magic weapons now, ethical dillemas later"

(19/11/09 18:38:42) Myllinnia: The sounds of a terrible crash is heard to those above, the mianical laughter echoing.

(19/11/09 18:39:18) Myllinnia: Outside the Hill trembles as something seems to strike it.

(19/11/09 18:39:40) Gale: Gale feels a few ribs crack as he gets slammed into the wall, shattering the table as he connects with it. His weapon flies from his hand, and his shield arm is in no condition to wield anything, the eight of the shield sending a spike of pain searing through his arm. "Nnngh...."

(19/11/09 18:40:36) Myllinnia: A whipsering voice echoes to Gale, insistant yet proding his weaknesses he feels. "Accept the power and you may win..." it says to him.

(19/11/09 18:40:44) Fox: Fox turns his tumble into a cartwheel leaping up and grabbing a beam he swings over her head and drops down on top of her wrapping his arms and legs around her upper body and holding her helpless for Gale's blows.

(19/11/09 18:41:41) T`zaran: There's more to say on the matter, but he'll have to say it later. That was Lilly, and it means there might not be much time. He takes the tube, flinging it against the wall with all his strength. Shatter it, that's what Kittee had said, and there's a certain satisfaction in getting to smash something right about now.

(19/11/09 18:42:02) Myllinnia: The woman approaches Fox licking her bloodeded blade but before she can realize it he has jumped up over her.

(19/11/09 18:42:39) Gale: His minds clouded by pain, as he tries to rise, legs giving out as he stumbles on the floor. The voice crackles again, 'Could she have been saved?' it wasn't his voice, but anothers. There was silence by Gale, his fear of loss and pain overtaking everything. He wasn't dying, but he felt like it. Staggering to his feet... Or trying, Gale tries to refuse the (c

(19/11/09 18:42:55) Tai Zi holds up her hand and opens it blood runing down her arm from where the shatered glass bit into her hand as she crushed the vial.

(19/11/09 18:43:01) Gale: voice, before he hears four words from it, words that break any resistance he has... 'It was your fault.'

(19/11/09 18:43:27) Myllinnia: The others reach the lowoer floor to find Gale struggle against one wall and Fox landing ontop of a very dangerous looking woman. Lilly lies in a pool of blood her breathing fading with every second.

(19/11/09 18:43:41) Gale: 'I... I accept this power... Whatever you are...'

(19/11/09 18:45:09) T`zaran isn't a doctor, he's not used to dealing with human injuries this serious. But he has to try, dammit. Heedless of the armed woman, of Gale, of Fox, he charges for Lilly. He's got no medical equipment, but he'll shred his own clothing if need be...

(19/11/09 18:46:38) Tai Zi goes with T`zaran striping the bandages from her hands to use as makeshift medical aid.

(19/11/09 18:46:39) Rai charges to Lilly, carrying something better than medicine, a magic vial!

(19/11/09 18:47:42) Rai presses a vial into Lilly's hand

(19/11/09 18:49:16) Myllinnia: There might have been a laugh from the voice but there isn't and Gale is engulfed in a strange sickly green light. T`zaran and Tai attempt a grim task, Fox struggles to hold onto a woman who readies to drive her bloodied weapon into him. Lilly takes the vial desperately despite their attempts she starts to fade. And then time seems to slow

(19/11/09 18:49:38) Myllinnia: Each vial seems to explode and power seems to engulf each of you.

(19/11/09 18:50:07) T`zaran uses the makeshift bandages that Tai provides, tears streaming down his cheeks, and offering prayers to any gods that may be listening that Lilly might be saved. He has no time for magic vials at this point, and even as the power explodes around him, his prayers only become more fervent.

(19/11/09 18:51:25) Tai Zi gives up her bandages and gets out of T`zarans way, the energy erupting around her, she is aware of it but its not hurting her, and that meens at this moment it dosent matter, her hard yellow eye slevel on the one who rased a weapon to her family. "Those who harm us shall be harmed in turn."

(19/11/09 18:51:31) Gale: Gale attempts to rise, finding his broken ribs and legs healed. His body seems stronger, faster. He feels... better. Theres no time though. His revenge... She needs to die, that woman. "You...." He staggers for a moment, hardly believing it. "I am going to end you." he says to the woman.

(19/11/09 18:54:45) Rai looks around, satisfied now that he's powered up all of his friends before planting both feet firmly on the ground, tossing his vial up into the air, and flip kicking it open at its highest point before landing in a shinging halo!

(19/11/09 18:54:58) Gale: A sickly green aura emanates from Gale as he moves calmly, picking up his blade. "You killed her. I'm going to break you. Face me." His voice was calm, but it almost sounded as if there was another voice mixed with his own at the moment.

(19/11/09 18:57:47) Myllinnia: As T`zaran works a shocking surprise meets him. Lilly does heal, but while everyone is golden glowing some others green, other silver, and one other even more different, Lilly is for a moment engulged in a black essence and she gasps a shuddering gasp.