DiasporaAdaptations:Cowboy Bebop Characters:Radical Edward

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Radical Edward Character Gen[edit]

Ed's Aspects:[edit]

   {This one could be a little trickier, as Ed is more mysterious within the show - and is the only crewmember not running from their past.}

Phase One: Growing Up

Ed's past is not something we gain a great deal of information about, aside from the fact that she spent time in an orphanage on Earth, that she befriended another orphan who she dubbed 'Tomato,' and that her dad is entirely focused on his cartography - to such an extent that Ed wound up in an orphanage despite the fact he's still alive.

Considering that 'Tomato' is what Ed named her personalised computer, it's safe to say that her hacking and status as a computer prodigy began early.

Phase One Aspects:

- Self-named and weirdly socialised 'orphan'

- Dad is a total flake.

Phase Two: Starting Out

'Radical Edward' began roaming the solar system hacking systems for kicks, and generated a name for herself - along with many aliases. She made herself an interested part of the wider information network, and began following the exploits of the Bebop crew.

Phase Two Aspects:

- Nomadic hacker prodigy

- Owns her 'Tomato' personalised computer.

Phase Three: Moment of Crisis

   {Not quite sure what to do here: if Ed experienced something that could qualify as a moment of crisis it happened very late in the series, so I'll recontextualise... I think she's going to wind up with a lot of unassigned Aspects, but I'm comfortable with that: Ed has less fundamental damage than everyone else.}

Ed discovers that the Bebop is coming to Earth and involves herself in an investigation... while dodging members of the ISSP seeking 'Radical Edward' for 'his' hacking activities. She inveigles herself on-board the Bebop as part of the crew.

- Bored, independant and adventurous

- Radical Edward: Hunted by the ISSP

   {I think that sorts out Ed at the moment, or at least brings her up to speed with the others: doing much more would be drawing on material from further on within the series, and kind of taking away from the ability to 'play' Ed from where she arrives in the show.}

Ed's Aspect Roundup:[edit]

- Self-named and weirdly socialised 'orphan'

- Dad is a total flake.

- Nomadic hacker prodigy

- Owns her 'Tomato' personalised computer.

- Bored and adventurous

- Radical Edward: Hunted by the ISSP

- Unassigned, x 4.

   {I suppose if we followed the same pattern as Faye, we could give Ed an Aspect about the extent to which the Bebop becomes a family, but there we go.}

Ed's Skills:[edit]

5- Profession: Hacker

4- MG Communication, MG Computer

3- Repair, Agility, Charm

2- Alertness, Vehicle, Survival, Stealth

1- Unassigned, x5

   {I'm comfortable leaving Ed with five Tier 1 skills undefined, but as always I'm happy to take suggestions... Perhaps Stamina and Resolve?}

Ed's Stress Tracks:[edit]

Health: *** (base 3, unmodified)

Composure: *** (base 3, unmodified)

Wealth: *** (base 3, unmodified)

   {For the record, no one on the Bebop has anything approximating an Assets skill, and so every single individual Wealth track is at the operational minimum. I figure this fits the Cowboy Bebop vibe rather nicely...}

Ed's Stunts:[edit]

- Have a Thing: 'Tomato' portable computer, and thus core hacking tool.

- MG Communication: Can initiate Electronic Warfare attacks during space combat. (Possibly within personal combat, from what we see in the show...)

- MG Computer: Can act in the Damage Control phase of Space combat with no penalty based on how many phases they have previously been active within.

Radical Edward Character Sheet[edit]

Ed's Aspects:[edit]

- Self-named and weirdly socialised 'orphan'

- Dad is a total flake.

- Nomadic hacker prodigy

- Owns her 'Tomato' personalised computer.

- Bored and adventurous

- Radical Edward: Hunted by the ISSP

- Unassigned, x 4.

Ed's Skills:[edit]

5- Profession: Hacker

4- MG Communication, MG Computer

3- Repair, Agility, Charm

2- Alertness, Vehicle, Survival, Stealth

1- Unassigned, x5

Ed's Stress Tracks:[edit]

Health: ***

Composure: ***

Wealth: ***

Ed's Stunts:[edit]

- Have a Thing: 'Tomato' portable computer, and thus core hacking tool.

- MG Communication: Can initiate Electronic Warfare attacks during space combat. (Possibly within personal combat, from what we see in the show...)

- MG Computer: Can act in the Damage Control phase of Space combat with no penalty based on how many phases they have previously been active within.