Character:Avena, the Silent Blade

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Avena, the Silent Blade
Caste: Night Caste
Concept: A vigilante acting as jury, judge and judicator for the wicked – a swordmaiden good at disguising, investigating and infiltrating, abilities she has used to get to crime syndicates and corrupt politicians alike, acting out of her own sense of justice.

The first impression one might get of Avena differs greatly depending on what situation one meets her in. She makes great use of disguises and acting, and because of that one seldom meets the real her. She often acts as is required to fit into a certain group, be it outgoing, daring, brutal or slutty (note though that she has never taken this as far as to actually sleeping with anyone to get to where she wants). She also changes her appearance to what is accepted by the group in question. When exacting justice she is usually found wearing a dark cloak and a white mask, and wielding a Grand Daiklave. If someone were to meet the real Avena, they would meet a beautiful slender young woman of average length, with pale skin, dark hair and stern but deep blue/grey eyes. She would be a bit timid and thoughtful, not comfortable around people as she has difficulties trusting them. Dark colours are usual among her clothing


To rid Creation of one of its major sources of selfish cruelty.



  • Justice (as she defines it)


  • The corrupted, cruel, evil and selfish


One mote surcharge, per charm, obvious or not, to prevent the motes spent from counting towards the Night's anima banner. The difficulty of the muting effect is equal to the Night's permanent essence AND cloaks the exalt from the eyes of heaven (Outside of Fate) for the duration. Can also extend anima around himself at the cost of 10 motes to hide his identity. Muting increases the difficulty of all rolls to notice or track ICH by half his Essence, rounded up (3). Once it hits the 11-15 range, the anima is as noticable as any other, except that his personal features are obscured.

Avena’s anima banner manifests as a number of cloaked and masked silhouettes wielding Grand Daiklaves similar to Avena’s. They move around as she does, and sometimes strike out at nearby people. Avena makes use of these illusions as a means for confusing her enemies, as she herself becomes as blurry as the silhouttes while totemic.



  • Strength 4
  • Dexterity 6 (Unlocked with merit Legendary Dexterity)
  • Stamina 4


  • Charisma 3
  • Manipulation 5
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 5
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 5


Caste Abilities[edit]

  • Athletics 5 (Quick Movement +3)
  • Awareness 5
  • Dodge 5
  • Larceny 5 (Disguises +3)
  • Stealth 5

Favored Abilities[edit]

  • Investigation 5
  • Martial Arts 3
  • Melee 5 (Swords +3)
  • Presence 5
  • Occult 3
  • Socialize 5 (Acting as someone else +2)
  • Thrown 5 (Knives +3)

Unfavored Abilities[edit]

  • Integrity 5
  • Linguistics 2
  • Lore 2
  • Medicine 2
  • Performance 3
  • Resistance 2
  • Survival 3


Lunar Bond 5[edit]

Manse 5 (Assassin's Safe Haven)[edit]

This well-hidden manse, located in the south of the Scavenger Lands not far from Chaya, used to belong to the First Age incarnation of Avena, and is thus a very suitable hideout for a Night Caste assassin. It is closest thing Avena has to a home nowadays, though that doesn't mean she spend any larger amount of time there, not more than needed. Though it is offer suitable living for no more than a few people once you get used to the traps, Avena finds it a bit dull and lonely (not that the rest of her world isn't, for that matter). Its hearthroom produces a Gem of Perfected Mobility.

Artifact 5 (Garment of Night’s Chameleon)[edit]

This artifact is an armour possessing the same defensive power as a orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket, without the mobility penalty (therefore: Soak 12B/9L, Hardness 6B/6L, no mobility penalty or fatigue). In it’s original form it looks like a dark tunic with some details in orichalcum, but it has the power to change shape into any clothing the wearer may want. At its owner’s whim, it could change from a beggar’s rags to a nobleman’s robes or a super heavy plate, though this will not change the amount of protection it offers. This ability is perfect for disguise and hiding, and adds +2 automatic successes to Larceny and Stealth rolls involving disguises or camouflage. It also adds a +1 DV bonus to close combat attacks, and a +2 bonus against ranged attacks.

Its last, but not least ability, can be demonstrated while the garment is in the form of a cloak, or anything able to cover the entire wearer. She can then, by spending 5 motes and a miscellaneous action concentrating use her next action to wrap the garment around her and disappear, reappearing at a target area she could see from where she stood before. This causes a minor flash, visible to those already looking in the direction, but not enough to draw others attention. The character can take up to one additional person with her for an additional 5 motes, and she cannot travel further than (owner’s essence) miles, even if she could see further.

This artifact attunes for 8 motes.

Artifact 4 (Blade of the Knowing Wind)[edit]

This blade, modelled as a Grand Daiklave, is almost a foot shorter than most of the kind, thus giving the impression of inflicting somewhat less damage. Made from orichalcum with details of moonsilver, this blade’s real power is not to be underestimated. When attuned and wielded, a phantom blade starts to flicker in and out of existence at the wielder’s will. This phantom blade floats in the air around the wielder, parrying incoming attacks, and slashing out together with the original blade, striking from different angles at once.

This phantom blade has the same statistics as the original sword, and gives the wielder another PDV in the same manner as the spell Virtuous Guardian of the Flame (though this PDV is calculated as a normal one). The wielder can also allow the blade to strike, either on its own or together with the original blade. Doing the later would mean that one attack roll would hit twice, requiring both to be defended against. Last but not least, the phantom blade’s ability to shimmer in and out of existence makes it impossible to follow. At its wielder will, the phantom blade’s attack automatically becomes unexpected.

The statistics for the Blade of the Knowing Wind is as follows:
Speed 6, Accuracy +4, Damage +7L/2, Defense +1, Rate 4. Tags: 2,O,P,R

This artifact attunes for 10 motes.

Manse 4 (Training Grounds of the Swordmaster)[edit]

This manse, located in the south of the Scavenger Lands (though closer to most of the major cities than the Assassin's Safe Haven)is a small mansion very fit for physical training. It consists of a large house of victorian architecture, and within it a training hall. Connected to the building lies a vast tunnel complex. The manse itself radiates a feeling of restlessness, and this makes it difficult to relax within the boundaries of the manse. It is not the place of rest that Avena might need, but she thinks of this place to concentrate on training and momentarily let go of everything else as relaxing. It produces a Five Swordsman Stone.

Artifact 3 (Heaven’s Shroud Mask)[edit]

This ivory mask allows the wearer to alter her appearance to look like anyone she wishes and to completely control the emotions that her face shows. Mechanically it adds four dice to Larceny rolls for any attempt at disguise, and four dice to any attempt to misdirect another as regards to the wearer’s true motives.

Its other power is what gives it its name though. While wearing the mask, it increases the amounts of peripheral motes that must be spent to activate any given level of her anima by (7-essence/2, rounded up). As long as the wearer is a Night Caste, it also cuts in half the number of peripheral motes feeding her anima display. This power can be shut off and on at will, which may result in a sudden burst of light and revealing of one’s anima banner.

This artifact attunes for 4 motes.

Artifact 2 (Concealed-Knife Brace)[edit]

This artifact consists of a bracer constructed of orichalcum that covers much of the forearm and has six concealed compartments that lie along the wearer’s arm lengthwise. There is a small wire ribbon that extends from the wrist-end of the brace and loops around the wearer’s thumb. With but a small tug, the first compartment of the brace will open, ejecting a hiltless throwing knife into the Exalt’s hand. After the first knife drops into the bearer’s hand, the entire brace rotates, setting the next knife in succession. Ejecting knives into one’s hand can be done as a reflexive action.

The brace carries six knifes, made of orichalcum, and has these statistics:
Melee: Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage +2L, Defense +1, Rate 4
Thrown: Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +3L, Rate 3, Range 60

Once thrown, the knives automatically return back to the brace. This artifact attunes for 4 motes.

Artifact 2 (Skin-mount Amulet)[edit]

This amulet is grafted on to her skin just beneath her collarbone. She has placed her Gem of Perfected Mobility in it, thus giving her 10 extra motes.

Manse 1 (Refuge of Wind)[edit]

This small mountain-top cavern produces a Jewel of the Flying Heart. Avena found it during her travels, but pays no speific heed to it except for its hearthstone.

Resources 1[edit]

Avena isn't that interested in wealth anymore. What little money she has is merely used to get by, and she rarely obtains these money in a legal manner. It would be selfish of her to steal more than is needed.



  • Lightning Speed
  • Graceful Crane Stance
  • Perfect Poise Stance
  • Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity x2


  • Keen Hearing and Touch Technique


  • Shadow Over Water
  • Seven Shadow Evasion
  • Reflex Sidestep Technique
  • Leaping Dodge Method
  • Shadow Evades Notice
  • Dancing Shadow Evasion


  • Temptation-Resisting Stance (Conviction)
  • Integrity-Protecting Prana
  • Elusive Dream Defense


  • Judge's Ear Technique
  • Courtier's Eye Technique
  • Consumer-evaluating Glance


  • Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise
  • Perfect Mirror
  • Hall of Mirrors Practice
  • Impenetrable Lifestyle Masquerade


  • Sagacious Reading of Intent


  • Call the Blade
  • Summoning the Loyal Steel
  • Glorious Solar Weaponry (Loyalty to the Master)
  • Piercing Rays of Dawn Meditation
  • Speed of Light Understanding
  • Master's Subtle Edge
  • Hungry Tiger Technique
  • One Weapon, Two Blows
  • Onrushing Finality Maneuver


  • Spirit-Detecting Glance
  • Spirit-Cutting Attack


  • Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment
  • Irresistible Salesman Spirit


  • Ox-Body Technique


  • Mastery of Small Manners
  • Golden Courtier Infallibility


  • Easily Overlooked Presence Method
  • Mental Invisibility Technique
  • The Sun Is Always There


  • Observer-Deceiving Attack
  • Mist on Water Attack
  • Falling Icicle Strike


Essence: 5
Personal: 25/25
Peripheral: 42/68
Committed: 26 (artifacts)




Compassion: 2
Conviction: 5
Temperance: 3
Valor: 3

Limit Break[edit]

Heart of Flint

Limit: 0/10

Combat Values[edit]

  • Join Battle/Debate: 12

Defense Values[edit]

  • Dodge DV: 10 (11 vs. ranged)
  • Parry DV: 9 (10 vs. ranged)(Blade of the Knowing Wind)

Social Defense Values[edit]

  • Dodge MDV: 10
  • Parry MDV (honest): 4
  • Parry MDV (deceitful): 5

Soak and Hardness[edit]

  • Bashing Soak: 16 (10 vs. piercing)
  • Lethal Soak: 10 (6 vs. piercing)
  • Aggravated Soak: 9 (5 vs. piercing)
  • Bashing Hardness: 6
  • Lethal Hardness: 6
  • Aggravated Hardness: 6

Health Levels[edit]

  • -0 []
  • -1 [], -1 [], -1 []
  • -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 []
  • -4 []
  • Incapacitated []
  • Dying []
  • Dying []
  • Dying []
  • Dying []
  • Dying []
  • Dying []


  • Move: 12 yards/tick (84 yards/tick with Lightning Speed)
  • Dash: 32 yards/tick (144 yards/tick with Lightning Speed)


  • Punch: Speed 3, Accuracy 10, Damage 4B, Defense 5, Rate 3
  • Kick: Speed 3, Accuracy 9, Damage 7B, Defense 3, Rate 2
  • Clinch: Speed 3, Accuracy 9, Damage 4B, Defense 4, Rate 1
  • Blade of the Knowing Wind: Speed 3, Accuracy 23, Damage 11L, Defense 9, Rate 4
  • Blade of the Knowing Wind (Glorious Solar Weaponry activated): Speed 3, Accuracy 25, Damage 17L, Defense 9, Rate 6
  • Orichalcum Knives (Melee): Speed 3, Accuracy 15, Damage 6L, Defense 7, Rate 4
  • Orichalcum Knives (Thrown): Speed 3, Accuracy 16, Damage 7L, Rate 3, Range 60


Avena was born into a poor family near Nexus, and as a child she was very fond of theatre. She dreamt of becoming an actress and escaping an uninteresting life of poverty. In pursuit of that dream, she fled from her family when she barely had become a teenager. What she met there didn’t exactly match her glamorised vision of how the large city would be. She was forced to live on the street for a while, until she caught a lucky break and was discovered by a wealthy man with an interest in culture. She was given shelter and sponsorship by this man, who seemed to acknowledge Avena’s potential.

As Avena grew into a young woman, she practised her acting, and as her sponsor insisted she also learned how to dance. Her acting skills proved to be rather average, and stage fright got the best of her too many times. Because of this her sponsor tried to convince her of pursuing a career as an “exotic dancer”, which upset her, prude as she still was. She much rather wanted to succeed as an actress.

On her 17:th birthday, she was confronted by her sponsor, telling her that he could give her one last opportunity as an actress: a private show for a business man who apparently had taken notice of her. She could do nothing but agree to this. The business man was more interested in her body than her acting skills however, and in his home she struggled against the pervert trying to wrestle her down. He had just overpowered her when a pair of thugs stormed into the room, killing the man. One of them then turned towards Avena, and as he raised his sword against her, he said: “Sorry, pretty, but we can’t have any witnesses. You were just a decoy anyway. Oh, right, your sponsor sends his regards, and says that you’ve outlived your usefulness.”

As he struck, light flooded the room. She caught the thug’s blade and turned it back upon him, thrusting it into his throat. The other thug barely had a chance to react, as a mere second later he had the same sword protruding from his chest. Avena stormed out of the building, racing across the city at an amazing speed. The affection she had for her sponsor turned into hatred, and with it her trust in others died. She bursted into his home, and found him sitting at his desk. His expression turned into surprise which turned into terror. Neither did he have a chance to react, for a second later Avena had raced across the room, and sliced through his throat, blood spraying the room.

When she came to her senses, and realized that she had become Anathema, she fled from Nexus. Somehow knowing where was headed for, she learned how to make use of her newfound powers. Her acting skills had improved, and she had become inhumanly quick and graceful. But her acting career was not of importance any more. Vague hints and memories from the exaltation that now inhabited her made her fond of the sword, and she agreed that there was something of interest to the finesse of it. Other abilities lured in the back of her mind, telling her the subtle ways of a Night Caste. And she knew exactly how to make use of these powers. Since her exaltation the foremost thing on her mind was the cruelty and selfishness by which her sponsor had acted, and she wanted to destroy that. As she travelled, she began to exact justice upon the wicked in the settlements she passed, moving quickly and unnoticed. She soon found out the rumours she spread before herself, of the vigilante people called the Silent Blade.

Finally, to the south, she found what she was looking for. A well-hidden manse, which her exaltation recognised from ages ago. In there, she found wonders she had wielded in the First Age, and gladly took them for herself again. She then left, knowing her safe haven and again seeking to punish those corrupted.


Avena is a multifaceted person, stemming from her spending a lot of time posing as other people. As a good actress she can take on many types of personalities, depending on what the situation requires, and she makes use of this for infiltrating criminal organisations and other corrupted societies. Beneath this, Avena is actually a timid and insecure person. What drives her on is her great conviction towards destroying all that is cruel, and she is willing to sacrifice herself for that cause. This doesn’t mean she mindlessly throws herself into battles, but she is willing to give her happiness for it. She believes that she has lost the ability to trust others, and while this saddens her she thinks of this as a sacrifice she is willing to give.

There are some things she hasn't let go of yet, for example she has yet to be intimate with any person. Though this partially might derive from her inability to trust others, it also symbolizes her wanting to keep some of her innocence through all of her trials.

She still suffers from stage fright and is uncomfortable with acting like herself in front of others. Were someone to gain her trust they would find that she is artistic and imaginative, though she hasn’t expressed these sides of her in a long time. She is a person forced to grow up earlier than she would’ve wanted to, so there’s a part of her that still wishes to be a child with no worries.

When acting as the vigilante the Silent Blade she often takes on the role as a straightforward, ruthless, without mercy and of few words. As this vigilante she often appears as a figure wearing a dark cloak and a white expressionless mask.

Merits and Flaws[edit]


  • Legendary Dexterity 3p
  • Fleet of Foot 2p
  • Improved Join Battle 2p


  • Phobia (public speaking and performing) 3p
  • Wanted 2p

BP and Exp Spending[edit]


Essence +2 14 BP
Backgrounds +10 10 BP
Ability Specialties +14 7 BP
Socialize +5 5 BP
Dodge +5 5 BP
Presence +2 2 BP
Willpower +2 4 BP
Merits +3 3 BP

Flaws +5 -5 BP


Charisma +1 8 exp
Appearance +2 28 exp
Intelligence +1 8 exp

Valor +1 6 exp
Compassion +1 3 exp

Presence +5 19 exp
Linguistics +2 5 exp
Lore +1 2 exp
Medicine +2 5 exp
Performance +2 6 exp
Resistance +1 2 exp
Survival +3 6 exp
Occult +3 7 exp
Martial Arts +3 7 exp

Socialize (Acting as someone else) +1 3 exp

Artifact 2 (Skin-mount Amulet) 6 exp
Manse 1 (Jewel of the Flying Heart) 3 exp
Manse 4 (Five Swordsman Stone) 12 exp

Fleet of Foot 2 4 exp
Improved Join Battle 2 4 exp

Sunbeam-Pursuing Alacrity x2
Graceful Crane Stance
Perfect Poise Stance
Perfect Mirror
Leaping Dodge Method
Falling Icicle Strike
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Shadow Evades Notice
Judge’s Ear Technique
Courtier’s Eye Technique
Consumer-Evaluating Glance
Speed of Light Understanding
Master’s Subtle Edge
Hungry Tiger Technique
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique
Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment
One Weapon, Two Blows
Onrushing Finality Maneuver
Dancing Shadow Evasion
Hall of Mirrors Practice
Irresistible Salesman Spirit
Mental Invisibility Technique
The Sun Is Always There
Impenetrable Lifestyle Masquerade
Mastery of Small Manners
Golden Courtier Infallibility
Spirit-Detecting Glance
Spirit-Cutting Attack//29 charms (all favored) 232 exp

372 spent, 0 unspent (372 total)