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Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder[edit]

Gregor Runarm, level 26

Human, Ranger, Pathfinder, Exalted Angel

Fighting Style: Two-Blade Fighting Style

Background: Human - Ancestral Holdings (Diplomacy class skill)

FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 23, Con 16, Dex 23, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16.

STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14.

AC: 42 Fort: 39 Reflex: 40 Will: 35 HP: 168 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 42

TRAINED SKILLS Athletics +24, Nature +21, Diplomacy +21, Perception +23, Stealth +24, Acrobatics +24, Religion +19, Intimidate +21

UNTRAINED SKILLS Arcana +14, Bluff +16, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +16, Heal +16, History +14, Insight +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +19

FEATS Human: Two-Weapon Fighting Level 1: Two-Weapon Defense Level 2: Expert Tracker Level 4: Lethal Hunter Level 6: Quick Draw Level 8: Disciple of Divine Wrath Level 10: Deva Heritage Level 11: Two-Weapon Opening Level 12: Called Shot Level 14: Uncanny Dodge Level 16: Hero of Faith Level 18: Armor Specialization (Hide) Level 20: Bleeding Precision Level 21: Heavy Blade Mastery Level 22: Bow Mastery Level 24: Unfettered Stride Feat User Choice: Robust Defenses Feat User Choice: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade) Level 26: Fleet-Footed

POWERS Bonus At-Will Power: Careful Attack Ranger at-will 1: Nimble Strike Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike Ranger encounter 1: Evasive Strike Ranger daily 1: Hunt's End Ranger utility 2: Unbalancing Parry Ranger encounter 3: Cut and Run Ranger daily 5: Adaptive Assault Ranger utility 6: Evade Ambush Ranger encounter 7: Hawk's Talon Ranger daily 9: Ranger's Recovery Ranger utility 10: Hunting Party Ranger encounter 13: Bloodlust Strike (replaces Evasive Strike) Ranger daily 15: Arterial Strike (replaces Hunt's End) Ranger utility 16: Momentary Respite Ranger encounter 17: Blow-Through Assault (replaces Cut and Run) Ranger daily 19: Claim the Prize (replaces Adaptive Assault) Ranger utility 22: Adamant Recovery Ranger encounter 23: Blade Ward (replaces Hawk's Talon) Ranger daily 25: Ranger's Resurgence (replaces Ranger's Recovery)

ITEMS Dawn Warrior Elderhide Armor +6, Vorpal Battleaxe +6, Inescapable Longsword +5, Absence Amulet +6, Perfect Hunter's Longbow +6, Baldric of Valor (epic tier), Boots of Striding and Springing (paragon tier), Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier), Gauntlets of Discontinuity (paragon tier), Factotum Helm (paragon tier), War Ring (paragon tier), Ring of True Seeing (paragon tier)

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