RTB:Session 2

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The ship comes out of warp, steaming with warp nastiness, and leaving a comet trail of ectoplasm in its wake. The crew members are busy venting plasma and other such nastiness. The system has one inhabited planet. Bastion. One of the bridge crew members informs you that he's receiving an imperial identicode request from the Bastion Planetary Defense Force based on a space station in orbit around the planet::


    1. BEGIN ##

Alessaunder Ceile: In the Admirals absence i shall attempt to negotiate with the station.

Alessaunder Ceile: Crewman, hail the station as soon as we are within range Erik:

The crewman opens up a channel. Or rather, he signals to the ship vox station to power up the transmitter. A dish-like protrusion rotates slightly in the direction of .. space ... and blue lightning dances over its surface. Pulses of energy begin to transmit packets of information, seeking a similar response from the station. In mere moments, the crystal display, normally black and dull, shimmers, becoming like a mirror, except instead of reflecting your bridge, it reflects the station's command center::

Elmer Gratz: BPDF Leftenant Elmer Gratz here. Please identify yourself.

Alessaunder Ceile: I am Alessaunder Ceile of the Rogue Trader vessel, Zephyer.

Elmer Gratz: What can we do for you, Alessaunder Ceile?

Alessaunder Ceile: We are about to venture into free space and require all the information you have on the area. We also may need to resupply at you station or planet if possible.

Elmer Gratz: We have an open trade policy, of course we give favorable trading status to imperially sanctioned vessels. The sector navy stops by every once in a blue moon, and we get some trade from corporate traders with interest in the Havoc's March sector. First time we've had a rogue trader through here though, as far as I can remember.

Alessaunder Ceile: I am not in charge of such things but we have sustained a small amount of damage to our vessel and need to dock to make repairs. The Magos would know more about that than me however. Echo: (( I'm a scientist damn it, not a Political puppet ))

Elmer Gratz: Transmitting docking telemetry.

Elmer Gratz: Welcome to Bastion, Alessaunder Ceile.

Alessaunder Ceile: Thank you commander Gratz.

Alessaunder Ceile:

deactivates the Vox:: Pilot, take us in!


it takes a couple of days for the ship to reach orbit and to dock, much of the repairs that your ship needed have already been made. But food stocks could use replenishment, and the crew could definitely use a bit of R&R after that harrowing warp journey.::

Alessaunder Ceile: ((Two weeks docked here will restor our morale and give us 2 chances to repair our 1 missing point of hull integrity)) Echo: We of the Adeptus Mechanus are above such things as "R&R" . But you meatbags look weary.... very well we shall commence on this "R&R" Echo: (( Techuse? to repair))

Alessaunder Ceile:

once docked, Ceile tries to locate Gratz to "inquire" about the information he seeks.


The space station is huge, and ancient. A lumbering gothic fortress orbiting the planet and bristling with laser batteries of an ancient (and thus powerful) design. Yes, older is better in the WH40K universe, and this station is old. Of course, its also crumbling and on the verge of implosion due to the lack of the ability to repair many of its old features::

Erik: ((Roll Inquiry for Alessaunder, +10 to your skill.))

Alessaunder Ceile:

  1. Inquiry# 12 of 24, 14 if they are non void born.


Alessaunder manages to arrange a meeting with leftenant Elmer Gratz. Elmer Gratz suggests meeting at the House of Intoxication, located on level 16 of the Commerce Hub::

Alessaunder Ceile:

agrees to whatever he can get, he's not used to sweet talking information out of people::

Alessaunder Ceile:

To Echo:: Why don't you join me Magos. I bet there is enough ancient tech on this station to hold your interest.

Echo: Well, Alessaunder that would be logical. Luna, Astra come!

Alessaunder Ceile:

Brings his Voxer, Death and Famine with him, mostly for laughs::

Echo: What odd creatures those 2 are.

Death: Dis-Cres-Ion

Famine: DiS-CrEs-IoN


A spider-legged servo skull meets you as you exit the airlock on your docking hub. It holds up a sign "Alessaunder Ceile"::

Alessaunder Ceile:

Steps forwards:: Yes,


it beeps and twirdles, and then motions for you to follow it. It skitters down the rusty linkage corridor::

Alessaunder Ceile:

follows, throwing a glance at Echo, having always been a bit uneasy around the mechanicals::

Echo: How cute...

Echo: not even a synth voice


it leads the way to a dilapitated transport tube. It presses the "up" button, which illuminates for a moment, and then begins to flicker on and off eratically::


watches the Servitor hungrily, obviosly it has reminded him of a tasty treat from his home planet::

Alessaunder Ceile:

blissfuly unaware of anything involving technology, just asumes it's all part of the operation ritual::


my cords and wires slither as a humming sound generates as i move::


the tube door slides open, and the transport module looks like its seen better days. The servo-skull skitters inside, and then uses one of its spidery appendages to hold the door open for the guests::

Alessaunder Ceile:

allows his acolytes to enter the tube first, then steps inside asuming they don't die immediatly::


squeazes in with his servo skull floating abouthis hooded head::


anyone touching him feels a slight vibration, and cold metal... and Alot of wires that seem to move on there own::

Alessaunder Ceile:

makes sure that an acolyte is between himself and the magos::


releases the door which closes shut with forceful finality. Soon the transport module is rocketing through the tube, shaking and groaning as its metal structure is pushed to its limit through magnetic induction::


the two hovering skulls crash to the ground from the sudden increase of acelleration. A fact that seems somehow to "amuse" A9-T3 if the twittering and beeping sounds are any indication. He remains stable on his spidery limbs::

Famine: Haha!

Death: The Air Spirits have fallen Haha

Echo: (( hey could i talk to A9-T3 with speak language Techna-lingua?))

A9-T3: ((one moment, I'll have to look))

A9-T3: (afk for a moment)

A9-T3: (yes, you can)

Echo: (( should i roll?))


Techna-Lingua:: Be polite and help them... they are not use to being so low

A9-T3: (Yes, roll for it)


  1. Speak Language: Techna-Lingua# 74 of 68 (58 plus 10 from skill)

Echo: ((damn... i bet i sound like i'm laughing at my servo skull))


turns and looks up at Echo:: Command code authorization not recognized.


wispers to death:: angry spirit is talking funny


it sounds like beeps and whistling to the outside observer::

A9-T3: I did not realize you were servitor also. I mistook you for a meat bag. Erik:

the doors of the transport module open up suddenly, to the hustle and bustle of a commerce deck, as might be found on any space station in imperial space::


techna:: ugh! I loathe those meatbags, but i am a Magos not a servitor.

Alessaunder Ceile:

waits for the servitor to leave, then follows it closely::

Echo: Astra, Luna get up we have places to go.

A9-T3: Magos. I was created by a Magos. Magos Grinwell. He built this station to watch. Now he watches with it.


he skitters out of the tube, holding the door for them to exit safely::




he leads the way through the overcrowded walkways and passages. You see an entrance to what, in Low Gothic, is proclaimed to be the House of Intoxication. A9-T3 jumps up and down, whistling and beeping:: Almost there!


Techna:: Take pride in that A9-T3. You are very important and you will out last most meatbags.

Echo: Alessaunder thank you for bringing me, A9-T3 is the most livly fellow i've talked to in months.

Echo: (( lively* ))

Alessaunder Ceile: What ever you say Magos, seems like just another servitor to me.

A9-T3: I am over 1000 years old. I have seen many meatbags come and go.


leads them over to the bar, where Elmer is having himself a local intoxicating beverage. A gargleblaster::

Alessaunder Ceile:

dabs his leaky eye rags before going over, not wanting to put Elmer off any more than he has to::


Techna:: Thank you small friend though they my call you a servitor you are your own magos.

A9-T3: No, the Magos is the Magos. I am his last creation. I am the Keeper. Elmer is my friend. He knows this station as well as any meatbag.

Alessaunder Ceile:

totally disregarding Echo's strange noises and moves to greet Elmer, eager to get this sweet talking over with::

Elmer Gratz: Hey, if it ain't Alessaunder Ceile. Nice get-up there. I didn't notice how high falutin' you were on our VidCrystal. Damn thing has more cracks than an ass factory.

Alessaunder Ceile:

chuckles, he has had enough experience with backwater hicks to know a joke when he hears one, even if he dosnt find it funny::


Techna:: So modest. Be well Keeper, I look forward to meeting you again.

Alessaunder Ceile: Well Mr. Gratz, shall we get down to buisness.

Elmer Gratz:

notices his little servitor, he gives it a little pat:: That's a good skull bot!

Alessaunder Ceile: ?

Elmer Gratz:

then he looks to Alessaunder:: Sure as shooting. What business does a Rogue Trader have here on Bastion?

Alessaunder Ceile: First things first, what information do you possess about the free space your station borders on?

Elmer Gratz: Ol' Havok's March, huh? There's an imperial colony system just on the other side of the border. Havok's Keep. No inhabitable planets but its got some Hive Habs on some rock worlds. They have contact with some other planets over there. Traders occasionally head over there to deal with them, but they don't actually have any warp ships themselves.

Alessaunder Ceile: So they may have some use for a ship for hire then. Excelent. Might I buy you next beverage for you to say thank you in some small way.


to Echo:: I met Lord Havok once. He was known to the Magos. He was lost somewhere in the Free Sector.

Elmer Gratz: No, let me buy y'all a drink. And one for your friend.

Alessaunder Ceile: You are too kind sir

Elmer Gratz: Its not often we get people of high breeding and standing out here on Bastion.

Elmer Gratz:

he orders them both gargleblasters::

Alessaunder Ceile: By the way, have you seen much in the way of xenos in these parts? I have heard they tend to show up somewhat frequently in these areas of space.

Alessaunder Ceile:

when he gets his drink , I am gonig to try to use mind probe with the -20 to make it so he is unaware::


techna:: Lord Havok lost in the Free Sector? Do you any more info?

Elmer Gratz: Xenos. Yeah, there's some Xeno trade that takes place in the Undersector. The Governor has some of his bully boys go down there and bust it up, but truth be told, the inquistors don't come out this far, and its good commerce for Bastion, so he doesn't put too much effort into it. You looking for xenos?

Elmer Gratz:

drinks arrive for Alessaunder and Echo::

Alessaunder Ceile: I have somewhat of an interest in them.

Elmer Gratz: Well its dangerous down in the Undersector. And also the gravity is pretty .. spotty.

Alessaunder Ceile:

attempts to drink the presumably disgusting beverage and probe Elmers mind at the same time::

Alessaunder Ceile:

keeping the glass to his lips while trying to extract the imformation::

Elmer Gratz: And if we head down there with me in uniform and you two looking .. like you two look .. we'll cause quite the disturbance. Might I suggest going undercover?

Elmer Gratz: (go ahead)

Alessaunder Ceile: ((its opposed willpower and I have penalties))


picks up the drink.... inspects it with my intergraded Auspex ((yay tech-use))::

Alessaunder Ceile:

  1. Willpower# 68 of 35

Elmer Gratz:

  1. Willpower # 54 vs 35

Elmer Gratz: ((Do you have Chem-Use?))

Alessaunder Ceile: ((spending a fate point to reroll the 6))

Alessaunder Ceile: 7

Alessaunder Ceile: ((Rolling to see if I keep the point for being void born 7

Alessaunder Ceile: ((epic fail))

Alessaunder Ceile: ((spending another fate point 4, void born ability 3))

Echo: (( who me... no. but with the intergraded aupex i can detect radiation, invisible gases, or nearby bio signs))

Alessaunder Ceile: ((I still fail but I only take 1 level of fatigue instead of 4 "coma". It seems that the drink has effected me more than it should have))

Elmer Gratz:

the auspex detects nothing unusual::

Echo: (( do i have a throat hole? i have some crazy respirator stuff, and a potentia coil))

Elmer Gratz: ((Sure, a throat hole seems about right))

Alessaunder Ceile: I shall try to go "undercover" to the undersector, but if things go wrong, will there be anyone I can call to for help?

Echo: ((mmmm no taste.... )) :: dumps the liquid in::

Alessaunder Ceile: As long as I here, though, I might as well take in the charm of this establishment. I think I shall sit here and soak in the atmosphere for a while. :: wants to hang out in the bar for an hour, so that his single level of fatigue will be gone before traversing the underground::

Elmer Gratz: I'll be with ya. I'm not a stranger to the rough and tumble. I went through basic combat training at the BPDF academy. ::he pats his holstered las pistol::

Alessaunder Ceile: Excelent, now please, allow me to order the next round, i think Magos Echo here really enjoyed his gargleblaster.

Echo: ...under cover? hmmmm.... i do not think that would work for me.

Elmer Gratz: Yeah. It'll be rough. Not a lot of .. whatever it is you are ... but you know. I've got an idea.

Alessaunder Ceile: True, you are not all easily unnoticed.


if echo could show facial exspressions.... he woukd cringe::

Echo: (( would* ))

Elmer Gratz: They have a game down in the Undersector. Iron Gladiators. The Tek-Kids, that's one of the Undersector Gangs, found a cache of station defense servitors. Really old, unstable personalities. They did some mods on them, had them fight each other. Really been catching on the past few years. Other gangs have been buying parts, putting together their own gladiators ...

Elmer Gratz: I bet you might just pass.

Elmer Gratz: As an Iron Gladiator.

Echo: Does not Compute.

Alessaunder Ceile: I believe that sounds appropriat. Trust me Echo.

Echo: Error. Error. Does not compute.

Echo: ...fine


wispers To Famine:: Questionable One wants to go to underworld. Undeworld home of evil spirits, try to take our souls from Emperor.

Elmer Gratz: (hehe)


back:: it OK, we eat evil spirits.

Death: Yes, evil spirits taste good. Better than forest spirits.

Elmer Gratz: Nice.

Elmer Gratz: So shall I'll meet you at your docking hub in one Bastion Hour?

Alessaunder Ceile: Sounds like an excelent plan. I look forward to seeing you there. Do I need directions or will your servitor lead us as before>

Alessaunder Ceile: ?

Elmer Gratz: I'll meet you there. ::he glances down to A9-T3, who beeps up at him:: I guess A9-T3 wants to come too.

Elmer Gratz: (make that A9. he leaves off the T3.)


Techna:: A9, do you know of " Iron Gladiators"

Echo: (( A9-T3 i mean))

A9-T3: I am familiar with it. It is not good.

A9-T3: The servitors are not modified according to proper techniques. I am not familiar with all acceptable procedures but I can recognize dangerous tech when I see it. The servitors are very unstable and dangerous, and some of the power systems have been detected to leak dangerous radiation.


techna:: I shall pose as a Gladiator so my meat bag companions can gain access down there. Do not worry friend i shall be fine... and delete some of these dangerous servitors too.

A9-T3: Its not their fault. Please be merciful, Magos.

Elmer Gratz: Gosh, A9 sure does like you!

Elmer Gratz: Must be all your bionics.

Alessaunder Ceile: I know thats why I like him.


T:: i shall rebuild them to thier former glory if i must. they are not like Meatbags and should be respected not forced into fighting.

A9-T3: Yes, if the Magos were not so busy watching, he would do this.

A9-T3: I am glad that you have arrived.


T:: Where does your Magos watch?

A9-T3: The Magos watches from the Core.

Alessaunder Ceile:

sips his drink as he watches the robots banter, trying not to get drunk while he rests::

A9-T3: Entry to the Core is forbidden. The Magos watches there.


T:: ok. my friend. when or if you need me to help you make sure that your magos is ok. let me know. other then that the core is forbidden.

A9-T3: Yes, Forbidden. The Magos watches there.


he begins hopping around dangerously, waving his limbs::

Elmer Gratz: Woah, easy there, A9. He's shakier than a four titted stripper at a wet t-shirt contest.

Alessaunder Ceile:

chuckles politely::


T:: don't worry. i shall respect your Magos. ::low gothic to Alessaunder:: Magos Grinwell is believed to be watching from the core. That is a forbidden place for seritors. so while i be A gladiator. that could be a point of interest. but as i said forbidden... A9-T3 would us to respect that.

Echo: (( would like* us to respect that))

Alessaunder Ceile: Fine with me. In my experience "cores" are general places to be avoided.

Echo: mmm... wait... do i have to disrobe for this "under cover" thing?

Elmer Gratz: Y'all should make yourself look as combat ready as you can. Melee weapons only.

Alessaunder Ceile:

shuders, thanks the Emperor for already cursing his eyes for him::

Elmer Gratz: And try to hide your meaty parts -- combat servitors don't have much in the way of bio-flesh. Mostly just armor and bone.

Elmer Gratz: And lose the tech priest colors. Tech priests don't go down to the undersector.


low: since my arms, locomotion, and respirator systems are mechine... the only "meaty" part is whats left of my head and i have a helmet for that. ::T:: you know that your Magos watches from there... is there any way to know if your Magos is alright in there?

Elmer Gratz: Alright. One Bastion Hour. Let's synchronize our chrono devices.

Elmer Gratz:

  1. Tech-Use to Synchronize # 5 versus 45

Elmer Gratz:

all their appropriate devices are synchronized automagically. The leftenant is not unskilled::

Alessaunder Ceile:

To voxer:: Tell the ships chronographer to alert me when one Bastion hour has passed, asuming he has performed the sycronization ritual as he should have.

A9-T3: The Magos is the creator! He is eternal!



Elmer Gratz: Easy there, A9. Show these folks back to their docking hub and then meet me at my quarters.

Elmer Gratz:

he extends a hand to shake with Alessaunder::

Alessaunder Ceile:

shakes Gratz's hand exuberantly::

Elmer Gratz:

then to Echo:: Pleased to make your acquaintance, oh technical one.

Elmer Gratz:

then adds to both of them:: Remember, under cover.

Elmer Gratz:

makes his exit::


shows them back to their docking hub::


T:: that is good to hear... my friend. :: pats hims on the skull to calm it down::


    1. END SESSION ##

Alessaunder Ceile: yay ROGUE TRADER!