Harbor City Faith Willis
Special Agent Faith Summers
Code Name: Bloodhound
Loyal +2
Federal agent +2
hunter +6
Athletic +2
Extreme Patriotism -2
Heightened senses (+6): can selectively control and heighten her senses to perform superhuman levels of perception. base power gives a +6 to all defense rolls for attacks that can be dodged. can filter/focus her senses to perform sensory stunts. also gives a general +6 to all rolls for "normal" spot checks (within human sensory levels)
common stunts
telescopic vision: 20/20 at several miles away. can fire a rifle without a scope as if it has a scope (+2) increased hearing: passive sonar/parabolic hearing/lie detection increased smell: tracking bonus on ground, danger sense (if downwind), scent recognition. increased taste: chemical identification, poison/toxin identification
Power sense(+2): for some reason, many super types gives off a strange "vibe" (combination of smell and/or sound) that can be looked for and detected. this is a 13+ check at default range (100 yards), 11+ check at 10 yards and 9+ check at touch. if she uses her sense when a power is being used, she gets a free upshift on the roll. these "vibes" are considered to be as distinct as a face and so can be recognized later, if detected.
Weakness detection (+2): can size up opponents and look for weaknesses. target number is 13+ at 100 yards/1 action. reducing range and increasing time give upshifts. Success gives 1 flaw/weakness and 2 free upshifts to all attacks vs the target for 1 scene. can look for flaws in super-tough targets/items by making a successful check vs the TN of the defensive power. Success allows her to spend hero points to do "effective" super scale damage vs these targets. each attack costs a single hero point. the damage is not super-scale, just considered as such for purposes of armor.