Session 152

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Chapter 17

[INFO] Now logging to {file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/jp1xrpq3.default/chatzilla/logs/}.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
=-= No topic for channel #Nobilis
=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by ChanServ on venerdì 18 dicembre 2009 3.22.09

  • ChanServ* Welcome to the wonderful Amyran Nobilis channel!

{Angelo} Hi picciotti!
{Knockwood} Hi Angelo
{Verithe} 'Allo!
{lazarus} hey Angelo.
{Angelo} Everyone is fine?
{Verithe} Yes! :D
{Knockwood} picciotti? I hear that's good with marinara...
{lazarus} I am, for once. A bit tired (may take off early for that), and my girlfriend's stayed home from work due to an injured wrist (may take off early for _that_)
{Angelo} picciotti (singular piccciotto) mean little guy / guy that one can trust
{Angelo} @Laz: ohhh I'm sorry for her
{lazarus} (she injured it flinging garbage bags...)
{Verithe} Ick
{Angelo} =__=
{Knockwood} finally upgraded to Win7
{lazarus} how is it?
{Angelo} why bother to update?
{Knockwood} seems to be working better
{Knockwood} because I was running Vista
{Angelo} ah, I cling to XP
{lazarus} I'm considering upping my XP to 7.
{lazarus} but then, I have a 64-bit processor, and I doubt my OS is XP-64
{Knockwood} it's becoming increasingly obvious that with Vista, not only did they drop the ball, they half-buried it, slapped together a cheap outhouse on top of it and have been taking turns crapping all over it
{lazarus} KWD: when 7 was announced, the developers called Vista incomplete, and trash.
{lazarus} 7 is more like what Vista was supposed to be, except Marketing forced otherwise (i.e. forced them to release at least a year early)
{Angelo} right laz
{Knockwood} laz: for extra fun, if you're a student (or can get a .edu email) you can get W7 for $30.
{lazarus} (still doesn't have WinFS. Blast. That was going to be an actual innovation from the MS domain. But no.)
--}| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
{lazarus} hey Bethy
{Knockwood} Hiya Beth
{Angelo} Hi Beth
{BethE} Hi all! Eric's on his way...
{Verithe} 'Allo!
{Angelo} Eric finals are all done now, right?
--}| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
{Random_Nerd} Hey.
{lazarus} hey RN.
{Angelo} Hi RN!
{Knockwood} Hi RN
{Knockwood} come to think of it, when's the last time we had 5 players?
{Random_Nerd} I think you just invoked Rule Zero on the Curse of James.
{Angelo} last week for some minutes?
{BethE} Yep, his last final was at 8:30 this morning.
{lazarus} as a warning: I'm tired (like, may zonk out tired, but hopefully won't), and Sara's home from work due to a wrist injury (I'm thinking it's probable that I'll have to leave to take care of her some)
{Verithe} D:
{Knockwood} oops
{Random_Nerd} I'm just sayin'...
{Random_Nerd} At least nobody spontaneously combusted.
{lazarus} yet
{Angelo} and? you can't see us! :-PpP
{BethE} True, but I would think we would at least type out "Ow, ow, the flames, ow".
{Knockwood} OK, head count: who's not on fire?
{Angelo} ?me?
{Random_Nerd} I'm the GM. I can be set on fire by fate only if I give written consent.
{lazarus} I'm not on fire. Yet*

  • Verithe raises hand.

{Verithe} I'm not on fire.
{BethE} I'm not on fire. But I am cold.
{Knockwood} all accounted for!
{Random_Nerd} Well, if Laz may have to leave soon, we should get going.
{Angelo} I'm cold too... uhm...
{Knockwood} including Tpyo
{Verithe} I also haven't eaten any of the things that might make my body chemistry more flammable.
{Verithe} Alright.
{Random_Nerd} Anything before we start?
{lazarus} oh right. Door, talked to Physics and to Patterns a bit.
{lazarus} *nods*
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
{BethE} Small reminder that there will be no game on Christmas Eve.  :) And I figure folks won't be wanting to be gaming on New Year's Eve too?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Brian} hm, yeah. No NYE for me.
{Random_Nerd} Okay. Well, a two-week gap for the holiday isn't too bad.
{Kite} It's to be expected. :)
{DanteE} do we have a shot at resolving this with this session?
{Ftisk} really. Can be worst
{Ftisk} I don't believe.... we are _slow_
{Theresa} Depends on how well we talk up the Spirit of Physics (or was it gravity?)
{Brian} Physics.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, let's get going.
{Brian} who's taking the lead on that?
{Ftisk} (Dante?)
{Random_Nerd} _____________START________________
{DanteE} well, Physics knew what he was, so we should start by asking Physics, then we can talk to, um, PHYSICS.
{Kite} "So...that's 'Mr. Science'?"
{Brian} (I vote Dante, too. It's more fun with him. Though T tends to enjoy talking to spirits)
{Random_Nerd} The immense figure, almost too big and vague to see, squats outside.
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "That's my guess."
{Brian} (oh, and did Jim ever arrive?)
{DanteE} "Have you dealt with him before?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I didn't even know that 'he' existed."
{Ftisk} "wow! sure is a big spirit!"
{DanteE} (about how big is he?)
{Theresa} "Is size an indicator of importance?"
{Random_Nerd} (Non-applicable.)
{Kite} (*refrains from using a Moulin Rouge joke*)
{Ftisk} "Or is size an indicator of own ego?"
{DanteE} "If it is... Physics, this door thing may not have been a _Greater_ Miracle."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Well... what do you mean by importance?"
{Brian} "More to the point, it may not have been a /Miracle/."
{DanteE} "I wonder if he could do this with what is, to him, a lesser miracle."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Could you please tell me what everyone is looking at?"
{DanteE} to Brian: "What do you mean?"
{Kite} "Can you disguise a non-miraculous action as a disguised miracle?"

  • Ftisk ghost the spirit for William

{Theresa} "If size indicated ego in the mythic world, it would be hard to see around some places."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Well, /I/ can't."
{DanteE} "Imagine a Spirit so big that you can only spot him by looking at where the usual kind of spirit _isn't_.
{Ftisk} (I mean Ftisk create a ghost miracle representation of the spirit for Will)
{Brian} "Dante, Spirits may be able to do things like this without it being Miraculous - powered from the divine spark if you will."
{Brian} "It's just a thing."
{DanteE} (did I specifically get 'Miracle' from my Witchhunt rite?)
{Random_Nerd} (Yes.)
{Random_Nerd} (A non-miracle wouldn't even show up.)
{DanteE} "The Witch Hunt Rite seemed to say 'miracle', though."
{Brian} "that takes precedence over my philosophizing."
{DanteE} (What's he doing?)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Some of them, the big ones, can do miracles."
{Random_Nerd} (Watching.)
{DanteE} (Us?)
{Random_Nerd} (Maybe. You're in the direction that he's watching.)

  • Ftisk weave at the spirit and shout _very loudly_ "Huuuu huuuuu!!!! Biiiig spiiiiiriiiiiiit!!"

{DanteE} "We know whoever screwed with your door is Not Happy about your collider...
{Theresa} "What would your accelerator do to gravity, Brian?"
{Brian} "It shouldn't do anything to gravity."
{Ftisk} *Shouting to the spirit* "What are you doing? Are you watching us?"
{Random_Nerd} A cloud overhead reshapes itself into the word "Yes."
{DanteE} pointing to cloud: "William, Sam, you see that?"
{Random_Nerd} (Sam isn't here. He has the day off.)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Yes."

  • Ftisk jump up and down in excitement "woooooo! He respond!"

{DanteE} (oh yeah)

  • Kite cocks his head to the side.

{Brian} @spirit "Are you 'Mr. Science'?"
{DanteE} "OK, who's the diplomat in this group?"
{Brian} "That's normally you Dante."
{Random_Nerd} A chunk of Brian's office door crumbles to dust. The dust wiggles itself into the words: "Is that not the right term for what I am?"
{Ftisk} jumping "... DanteE?"
{DanteE} "And how well has that worked out?"
{Brian} "Better than when we let a giant rabbit out of its room?"

  • DanteE walks to the table...

=-= YOU are now known as spiderFtisk
{DanteE} "So, can you hear us in here?"
{Theresa} "I thought that was my fault." *regrows the bit of the door*

  • spiderFtisk weave a web "Pattern, can you see that?"

{Random_Nerd} Patterns: "What?"
{Random_Nerd} (Written on the web.)
{Random_Nerd} Patterns: "The words in the dust?"
{spiderFtisk} write "The biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig spirit that talk to us"
{DanteE} to the dust: "All right... what's wrong?"
{spiderFtisk} "weave "Yes the word in the cloud and in the dust are done by a Physic spirit, a really big one"
{Random_Nerd} A breeze blows across the dust, and it shapes itself into the words: "Stop trying to force me to answer questions I don't know how to answer. I have more than just bread and doors."
{DanteE} "... are you talking about Quantum Mechanics?"
{Kite} "Bread?"
{Theresa} "Oh, so _you're_ the one who dropped the bread into the LHC and almost made it blow up."
{Random_Nerd} Dust: "The big oblong shapes to use lots of energy to force me to answer questions."
{Theresa} (Holy cow, dear. I think my mind has been blown.)
{DanteE} "Wait... are you Newtonian Physics?"
{Brian} (I'm feeling like I'm only seeing half the conversation. Which is odd, 'cause I know both halves are there)
{Kite} (What are you seeing?)
{Random_Nerd} Dust: "Among other things."
{Brian} (I'm getting all the messages, I'm just not putting together what the spirit is saying into anything I read as coherent.)
{Theresa} (The LHC is basically a way to poke at Physics and Gravity with a sharp pointy stick to make it say what rules govern it or what happens when this other thing happens or such.)
{spiderFtisk} (me too, but is because we don't know the spirits base assumptions)
{Random_Nerd} (The dust made from part of the door is being blown by the air, in such a way as to cause it to take the shapes of letters.)
{Brian} (kind of like the spirit is talking a slightly different language)
{Random_Nerd} (To the spirit, a particle accelerator is something like a pentagram used to compel a demon.)
{Theresa} (It's basically being _forced_ to answer, like with a cattle prod. Probably because the LHC hurts.)
{Brian} (aaaaaaah)
{Brian} (*lightbulb*)
{DanteE} (That would mean, whatever we do with the accelerator Brian's building we should probably do to the LHC as well.)
{spiderFtisk} (we can do a change to him to take out the pain?)
{Kite} (So, basically it's like trying to torture scientific information out of a being that doesn't have said information?)
{Theresa} (That would be...a really large change.)
{Random_Nerd} Dust: "I want the answers back. I can't give them to you unless they give them back."
{DanteE} "Maybe ... if there was a specific spirit of quantum physics?"
{Brian} "Unless /who/ gives them back?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I need a drink."
{Theresa} (Kite - I think it's more like trying to torture info out of someone who can't speak good English, much less scientific speak.)
{DanteE} "William, what results have they gotten from the Large Hadron Collider?"
{Random_Nerd} Dust: "Something I can't see. Something that I don't touch, but that touched me."
{Brian} "You'll get used to saying that, hanging around here."
{Brian} (that was to Physics)

  • Theresa lc a vodka in a wooden glass and hands it to Physics.

{Random_Nerd} William: "I don't know, but I can find out. Want me to?"
{DanteE} "Yes."
{Random_Nerd} William nods, and steps out.
{DanteE} "Physics, you'd feel it if something was manipulating physics, right? Anything recently?"
{Theresa} (Greeeeat, the Swiss have technically physically abused Gravity. We're asking where on the doll the scientists touched you...)
{spiderFtisk} (nice recap)
{Theresa} (He felt this guy do it, which is why he went on high alert.)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "If there was a big attack, yes. And there isn't one right now."
{Brian} (Brian's /current/ interpretation is that it's kind of like the spirit had a piece torn off it, and the colliders are poking that spot and saying "does this hurt? How bout now?")
{Random_Nerd} Physics squints at the squatting shape, and then moves his head from side to side.
{DanteE} "What effect has the LHC had on you?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Weird. If you look for it there, it's there, but if you look for it elsewhere, it's there too..."
{Theresa} "Makes sense. Gravity and physics are everywhere."
{Random_Nerd} The dust doesn't do anything.
{DanteE} (my Q was to Physics)
{Random_Nerd} Physics tosses a coin.
{Random_Nerd} P: "Hmm. You're numbers. Can you get the exact quantities of things?"
{Brian} "Depends on the things. Often traits are weird."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "No big effect on me. I think it's cool, but I haven't really given it much thought. Look, I'm not really a grad student, I just got picked for this when my uncle died."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Okay, get the acceleration on this."
{Random_Nerd} He tosses a coin in the air.
{Brian} (ldiv on the accel on the coin)
{Brian} (expecting 9.8m/s^2 [down])
{Brian} (give or take a couple percent)
{Random_Nerd} (It's ten meters per second per second, more or less. But if you go far enough down in the decimal places, it's the ascii code for "What are you going to do now?")
{DanteE} "Wait... there _is_ a separate Quantum Physics spirit. But it's not available..."
{Brian} "..."

  • Brian looks ... odd.

{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Do those numbers mean something?"
{spiderFtisk} (wait, "What are you going to do now" wasn't a Microsoft slogan?)
{Theresa} (If we start seeing ascii "Bunny wants to take over the world" or ascii penises...I'm out of here.)
{Brian} "Those numbers translate into letters. They form a sentence."
{Brian} (no beer and no tv make bunny something something?)
{Theresa} (I think the Microsoft slogan was "Where do you want to go today?" )
{DanteE} (Ftisk: no, that's 'Where do you want to go today?')
{spiderFtisk} (ah, right!)
{Random_Nerd} He tosses it again. (The next few bits change, and say "Your friend is talking about things from the wrong side. Those are not separate things, they are separate ways of looking at the same thing")
{Brian} "'What are you going to do now?' asks the acceleration ... and now, ooo, that's cool."
{DanteE} "What's cool?"
{Brian} "That's the spirit, not you, right P?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I couldn't do that at /all/."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I can do the little stuff pretty easily, but I'm no Regal, and I don't have as big a... magic battery? As some people seem to."
{Brian} @spirit: "Yes, I know that classical and modern physics are different viewpoints. Though one would think that there's a way to make everything work together. There isn't, though, is there? At least, not with you ... injured?"
{DanteE} (Hm... if they're different ways of looking at the same thing shouldn't he _have_ the answers?)

  • Kite watches the coin enviously.

{Random_Nerd} Rogue Brownian motion in the wall causes bits of it to heat up and form letters: "The thing that I couldn't see made something go away."
{Brian} @spirit "When did that happen?"
{Random_Nerd} William comes back in, and says "Okay, not much in the way of results, and what is there isn't anything new, just a confirmation of things we already knew."
{DanteE} to Physics: "Wouldn't you feel it if he was 'attacked'?"
{Kite} "He was attacked?"

  • Kite still has his eye on the coin.

{Brian} "William, quick status update. The spirit of physics has been injured. A piece of him removed. Don't know when or what part - though I suspect it's the part that makes the math all work nice."
{DanteE} to Kite: "It's a possibility. It sounds like ... well, what Brian said. And the ones who do that are the you-know-whos."
{Random_Nerd} Wall-burning: "42,380,951 seconds ago."
{spiderFtisk} "Can be caused by an alchemical object? Or a High Summoned being"
{Random_Nerd} More: "As of the time of that message."
{Brian} (translate s to y/m/d/h/m/s?)
{Brian} ('cause I can, you know.)

  • spiderFtisk do a lDiv data to know what relevant happen that time ago

{Brian} (... and Brian will ghost out the answer and the message in front of him, like he should have been doing the whole time.)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Someone whacked the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics?"
{Random_Nerd} (What are you looking for, in terms of relevance?)
{DanteE} (Gödel did it?)
{Brian} "Something like that. Kind of like they took away the part that is the boundary between macro and micro physics"
{Brian} (brb)
{Random_Nerd} (A bit above a year and a third.)
{spiderFtisk} (some breakthrough or discovery in related physic field)
{Random_Nerd} (Nada.)
{DanteE} (Can you give us a date?)
{spiderFtisk} (Is a date really important, I mean the number RN give is made up or prepared?)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I know this one."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Excrucian attack on me, back then."
{Theresa} (Ouch.)
{DanteE} "Can you give us a 'where'?"
{spiderFtisk} "What they attached? You directly? A piece of your estate?"
{Brian} (b)
{DanteE} "... they got away with something."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Somewhere in Maine. Strategist-shards. I found out where they were, and shot them in the face, and that seemed to fix it."
{Brian} "They took something of the essence of the spirit."
{spiderFtisk} "But, evidently, these sneak something from your estate then"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Well, yeah, I know that /now/."
{Brian} "do you know where it could be?"
{Random_Nerd} (Who was that aimed at?)
{Brian} (at Physics) @spirit: "If we found your missing piece, would we be able to make you whole again?"
{DanteE} to PHYSICS: "Was it taken from you in Maine, or elsewhere?"
{spiderFtisk} "Or better what that thing could have be"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I don't know how a piece of my estate can 'be' anywhere."
{Brian} "Often it turns into a physical object."
{Random_Nerd} Burnt letters on the wall: "I don't know. Something that wasn't inside me touched me, and things went away."
{DanteE} "Just checking to see is the attack was the main thrust or a diversion."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Strategists, you said?"
{DanteE} (and OOC I suspect I know what's missing...)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "The shards of one, yeah."
{Kite} "So shall we go to Maine and look for clues on how to retrieve the Mr. Science's virginity?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Well, they may have just destroyed it. That's what they do."

  • spiderFtisk snort at kite

{Theresa} "Could it be recreated?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Probably. Not by me, obviously."
{spiderFtisk} "and a change to the spirit can't heal it?"
{Brian} "Probably by Physics, if we knew /what/ was taken."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Well, I'd need to know what to put there."
{Brian} "Dante, your healing ability only works on humans, right?"
{DanteE} (RN: it's the link between normal-scale physics and quantum-scale physics, isn't it? I remember reading that the rules go all wonky once you get small.)
{Random_Nerd} (I believe he broadened it to include humanlike beings. But PHYSICS isn't even alive in that sense.)
{Random_Nerd} (Yeah, it's something in that conceptual area.)
{DanteE} "I think so... but with training I could probably expand it.
{Brian} (there's an area of fuzziness in that region :p)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I bet I could fix this, with time, if I knew what to put in."
{ Brian} @spirit: "As long as I'm talking to you ... the multiple-universe interpretation, that's bunk, right?"
{ DanteE} "Especially since Ftisk went around screwing with Sam, I've been thinking about expanding it."
{Random_Nerd} Wall-letters: "If there are any other universes, I can't see them. Did one of them touch me?"
{Brian} @spirit "No. Creatures from, well, Outside of Creation did."
{Kite} to Physics "So what sorts of things were they doing in Maine...other than slicing off bits of your Domain?"
{spiderFtisk} "I DON'T have screwed Sam!!!"
{DanteE} (the LHC is shut down. right?)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Donno. I found where they were, and I shot them. That seemed to fix things. And yes, /now/ that seems a simplistic approach."
{Brian} "First scrunchie attack?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "In my defense, it was totally awesome. The way I did it, I mean."
{Brian} "you shot them, with the power of SCIENCE!, you mean?"
{Theresa} (Bad sign, that.)
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Uh... he did something. Check the speed of light."
{Brian} (checking it, ghost up the words?)
{Kite} " Mr. Science says he can't answer what the LHC is asking?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I shot them with an unlicensed particle accelerator. A mass driver, really, powered by some custom-made materials."
{Brian} "Yes, and very Ghostbusters."
{Theresa} "ooh."
{DanteE} "You railed Shards?
{Random_Nerd} The decimal points of the speed of light: "Can you help me?"
{DanteE} (railed=shot with a rail gun)
{Random_Nerd} Physics takes his weird-looking gun off his back, and puts it on the table.
{Brian} @spirit "We'll try our best to help you."
{spiderFtisk} (a new frag concept is dawning here)
{Brian} @physics, aside "don't cross the stream?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Not directly miraculous, but I used a fair number of them in making it, and it works better than a regular gun when shooting things more durable than a normal human."
{DanteE} "I think I used this in Quake..."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "And I'm betting you, too, wished you could have one?"
{Kite} "What, exactly, is the LHC looking for?"
{DanteE} "Funding."
{DanteE} "oh, you mean science..."
{Brian} "Um, yes."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Special fancy particles that they think are there."
{Random_Nerd} Speed of light: "And that I don't know about. I think some of them used to be there."
{Kite} to Physics: "/Are/ they there?"
{Kite} "So, that's what we're looking for...
{Random_Nerd} (Brian's projecting these things so that you can see them.)
{Brian} (he is now.)
{Brian} (you know what the scariest thing would be? We finish this storyline, fix the spirit, and the LHC turns on again and produces results.)
{DanteE} "Hm... this sounds like an extremely subtle attack, part of a long-term plan."
{Kite} "The War is a long-term plan."
{Random_Nerd} Letters burned in the wall: "I make things still work. Light still moves, things still fall, all that. But some of it's done with smoke and mirrors now."
{DanteE} "Which is slightly contradictory, given what we know of the wall.
{Kite} to Dante: "What do you mean?"
{DanteE} "You guys remember when Herb and James and Kudzu were sharing a body for a few minutes in the tower?
{Brian} "... no? Was I there then?"
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "You guys have even weirder lives than I do."
{Kite} "I think I've heard of James but...Herb?"
{DanteE} "They were saying Excrucians probably get their memories swiss-cheesed on crossing to our side.
{spiderFtisk} "... No... but I miss _that_???"
{Kite} "Swiss cheesed...."
{DanteE} "Their basic drives stay the same, but not specific plans.
{Brian} "I remember that part."
{DanteE} (actually I mainly remember this because I've been reading that chapter for the Who's Who thing)
{Kite} "Huh."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Then maybe it wasn't part of a big, long-term plan. Maybe they were doing something specific at the time, but they got stopped before they could finish it. And this is just... side effects."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Look, I /said/ I was sorry..."
{Random_Nerd} Patterns, writing on the table in his particular letters: "And people call /me/ crazy."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "Dick."
{DanteE} "Which means whatever plan this was part of was probably thought up in Maine, and may or may not be part of any bigger plan..."
{Brian} "Sounds like to Maine we go. ... I hate Maine."
{spiderFtisk} "I like travel!"
{Kite} "Adventure!"
{Brian} (for the idea of weirdness, can a State be Anchored? or spirits of things can't be?)

  • DanteE wonders how we can disguise or explain a floating metal snail...

{Random_Nerd} ( can try.)
{Random_Nerd} Rearranged dust: "What are you going to do?"
{Brian} (I don't particularly want a State as an Anchor. The idea just popped into my head and I thought I'd share it :p)

  • Kite is in human form, once again.

{spiderFtisk} (I can guise as a small bird)
{Brian} @spirit "Find what you lost. Or find where those who took what you lost may have made the plan to take it."

  • spiderFtisk enBody into a mechanic-Panther

=-= YOU are now known as pantFtisk
{Kite} (that's not a small bird!)
{Brian} (Ftisk is now wearing pants.)
{pantFtisk} "meaow?"
{DanteE} "Physics, hope you don't mind a road trip."
{Random_Nerd} Physics: "I can show you where I shot them. There may still be part of their bodies left behind."
{Kite} (that's not even small....or a bird!)
{Random_Nerd} (It isn't even guising!)

  • Theresa quietly explains to Ftisk and Kite that at one time, the Power of Urbanization was a gargoyle named James and that later it was a man named Herb. Herb has a ninja.

{pantFtisk} pantMe like birds.... :-P )
{Kite} (:P)
{Random_Nerd} William: "The ninja's still around, somewhere. I saw him the other day."
{DanteE} "and _you're_ still around? :) "
{Kite} "Urbanization sounds intriguingly multitudinous."
{Random_Nerd} William: "I think he wanted me to see him. He held up a sign that said 'Boo.'"
{Theresa} "Impressive."
{DanteE} (What's the IC date?)

  • pantFtisk guise! (like a local feline I believe?)

{Random_Nerd} (Hmm. It should be early March, but on the other hand, the LHC stuff matchs up with present-day...)
{DanteE} (Not necessarily, it's been a while since the bread thing, hasn't it?)
{Brian} (but isn't present-day when things go blooey IC?)
{Random_Nerd} (Let's say that it's March 12, and the LHC is slightly advanced on the ash-Earth compared to the out-of-character Earth.)
{Random_Nerd} (No, the 12th is too late. March 7.)
{Theresa} (o.O Are we going Ides of Marchness?)
{Kite} (We have five days to save the world?)
{Kite} (Or less?)
{pantFtisk} (Les RN is EVIL*)
{Random_Nerd} (Shall we cut to Maine?)
{Brian} (sure)
{Kite} (Let's!)
{Brian} (Physics is probably weirded out by the trip)
{pantFtisk} (Yep!)
{Random_Nerd} Physics, to Mr. Science: "You can find where we are because there'll be a high-energy discharge, propelling a piece of iron mixed with carbon."
{DanteE} (Yeah, we can practice our gunslinger walks and/or Reservoir Dogs blocking. :) )
{DanteE} (You shall know us by the trail of dead?)
{Kite} (Except you heal them alive again...)
{Random_Nerd} (Physics' target is a bit of distance away from cities, so it takes about three-quarters of an hour of driving from the closest portal.)
{Brian} (well, reverse their deadness)
{DanteE} (Who are we bringing?)
{Random_Nerd} Physics points over to the left of the highway: "Okay, right over that way, about a quarter of a mile."
{pantFtisk} (not dollP)
{Brian} (our typical answer is "anyone who gets in the car" :p)

  • DanteE does a Div-Courage in the area...

{Kite} to Physics: "Speaking of quarters, may I have that coin?"
{pantFtisk} "Bye Dollphaniel, I leave you in a human body and let you organize next catch you in my web tournee"
{Random_Nerd} Physics hops out of the car, and launches himself towards it. (He seems to travel by creating bursts of velocity in himself, aimed in particular directions. Pretty fast, but he can't hover.)
{Kite} "..."

  • Brian steps to it.

{Random_Nerd} Physics tosses the coin to Kite half a second before he flies off like he was launched by an invisible catapult.
{Random_Nerd} Physics lands.
{DanteE} (Anyone mundane around?)

  • DanteE runs after Physics

{Kite} "Woo! I owe you one!" Kite pockets the coin and follows in flight.
{Random_Nerd} (The closest thing showing courage is a bluejay swooping over and clawing at the head of a crow.)
{pantFtisk} (the tournee is open to all humans that willing to have Ftisk gift used on him)

  • Theresa walks along. (What's the plant life like in this area? Forest?)

{Random_Nerd} (Some humans driving on the interstate, a few miles away.)
{DanteE} (Probably snow...)

  • pantFtisk trot around Theresa roaring some times

{Random_Nerd} (Forestish, but not thick. Mostly deciduous, all leaves shed for the winter.)
{Random_Nerd} Physics yells: "It was somewhere around here that they were standing."
{Kite} Springtime in Maine. Assembling a nest is typically high on a bird's mind. Kite is pleased.

  • Brian mythic-views the area.

{Theresa} (Would Excrucian bodies decay like normal ones?)
{Random_Nerd} (Not much actual snow, but frost on the ground.)
{Random_Nerd} (Sometimes.)
{Random_Nerd} (Mythically, most of the trees are skinny and starved-looking, and in a less elegant version of the Venus-on-the-halfshell arms-covering-exposed-flesh pose.)
{DanteE} (we in a building or outside?)
{Random_Nerd} (No sign of Mr. Science, other than the occasional gravity spirit or airgust-herd.)
{Random_Nerd} (Outdoors.)
{DanteE} (any remains?)
{Random_Nerd} Physics is poking around.
{Random_Nerd} P: "Oh, right."
{DanteE} "Anything human-like would probably have been scavenged..."
{Random_Nerd} He takes his gun, and with a sonic-boom-crack, shoots a white-hot spike of steel into the sky.
{Theresa} "Or local law enforcement."
{DanteE} (William with us?)
{DanteE} "Did they look human?"
{RN} Physics: "Okay, let's see... I was using iron with some weird stuff in the alloy for kicks back then..."
{DanteE} (OK... gotta wait on Theresa, then)
{RN} Physics points at two spots. "There, and there."
{Brian} (mrp)
{DanteE} (What happened with the spike?)

  • Kite inspects the spots, mythically.
  • pantFtisk too

{Brian} (ooo, hungry. I suppose that's what happens when you don't eat after 3PM...)
{RN} Physics: "I was up about a quarter of a mile. They were down here, and with neither any sort of physical protection, nor any kind of sensory enhancement. It was easy."
{DanteE} "Did they look human?"
{RN} There are slight holes down there. Kite, you can see something shiny down there.
{RN} Physics: "Humanish. You know the type, weird angular bodies, white masks, that kind of thing."
{DanteE} "That might mean if local law enforcement found them the Forteans might know."
{pantFtisk} "and they were more that one?"
{Brian} "I'm not sure I've seen the masks before"
{RN} Physics: "Two of them."
{DanteE} (did we bring an Aide?)
{Kite} "Oooh!" Kite kneels down and tries to dig the shiny something out.
{Brian} (did one of them step in the car?)
{RN} Physics: "Weird. Most of the excurcian shards I fight have the masks. Your ones don't?"

  • Theresa digs her toes elementally into the ground.

{RN} (Probably William did.)
{Brian} "I mostly just don't remember"
{DanteE} "Well, we've fought... 5. No masks."
{RN} (And you are remembering correctly. I don't think any of yours have.)
{Brian} "Proper shards don't actually attack us all that frequently. It's mostly just weird shit."
{Theresa} "Ours haven't. They've been...obviously not human in some shape."
{DanteE} "Except the one in the vault..."
{Brian} "Physics, have you been the star of any anime recently?"
{DanteE} "and you could argue about that first one."
{RN} Physics: "Should I be?"
{Brian} "Look up Bleach sometime."

  • DanteE checks out where Kite is digging...

{RN} Physics: "Okay."
{DanteE} "Wait... those masked Shards, how far back have they gone?"\
{RN} Kite, Theresa, you locate three sharp and somewhat rusted steel spikes in the ground.
{RN} Physics: "What do you mean?"
{DanteE} "If the masked guys have been attacking for a while it means you're the target of an _ongoing_ attack."

  • Kite pockets a spike or two.

{Theresa} "Huh...found something."
{RN} Physics: "I think it's just some Strategist that doesn't like me, and his shards look like him."

  • Theresa pulls up the spike. "Does this look familiar, Physics?"

{Brian} "Kite, that spike probably has srunchie blood on it, which is bad for your pocket."
{RN} Physics: "We play a merry little games. He sends shards after me, they do complicated things, I shoot them. Maybe one day he'll start sending ones that know how to fight."
{RN} Physics: "Looks like one of mine."

  • Kite pulls out the spike and looks at it.

{RN} There is a little dried blood on there, along with the dirt.
{DanteE} "... he doesn't have to do that when his current plan works so well. This may have been a diversion."
{Kite} " /would/ look better without the blood, dirt and rust on it. Perhaps a good cleaning."
{DanteE} "They keep you busy while someone else swipes... whatever got swiped."
{RN} Physics: "You guys get attacked by warmains, right?"
{Brian} Kite,
{Brian} (bah, scuse)
{RN} P: "Want to trade? I don't really get into this complicated plot stuff."
{DanteE} "Yeah, the guys in Mexico."
{Brian} "Kite, that blood tends to be, well, corrosive and corrupting and all."
{Theresa} "What and give up the nice straightforwardness of an enemy who doesn't fight around corners?" *smile*

  • Kite checks the spike in mythic.

{Theresa} (I thought it was just demon blood that did that, Brian.)
{pantFtisk} "Yes Kite, is better if handled with caution... OMG I cant believe I'm saying that!"
{RN} Mythically, the spike looks like a roman javelin, the head slightly bent.

  • Theresa looks for the spirit of the spike.

{Brian} (it is? Ah well. Brian said what he said. It's still probably bad to just pocket it)
{Kite} "Doesn't look all corrupty..."
{Theresa} *says to her spike* "Do you remember the fight you were in, soldier?"
{RN} Physics: "I sure showed him!"
{RN} (Err.. the spike.)
{RN} (Not physics.)
{RN} (Great, I'm getting thinkos.)
{RN} (Tpyo's sister is in town.)
{DanteE} (Tpyo's sister Huh?)
{RN} (Heh.)
{DanteE} "OK, why were they here?"
{RN} Spike: "Right in one side of the skull, shattered it like an egg and came out the other side."
{RN} Physics: "Dunno."
{RN} Physics: "Didn't ask."
{Theresa} "What happened next?"
{RN} Physics: "I looked to see if there were any more, tried to nettle the attack. It worked, so I figured it was done, and the itching went away."
{DanteE} "Did you get anything from the Nettling?"
{RN} Spike: "A bit of his skull broke off and cut his shoulder!"
{RN} Physics: "Yeah. It worked."
{DanteE} "So you screwed with the Excrucian's plan, then?"
{RN} Physics: "That's what I /thought/."
{Theresa} *to the spike* "What happened to the body that you hit?"
{RN} Spike: "It fell down. And then I went into the ground. Are you going to shoot me at something?"
{DanteE} (OK, from an OOC standpoint, the next question would be if he got a bunch of points from the plan or just a few points from the shards dying...)
{DanteE} *got
{pantFtisk} (shard dying for me)
{Kite} ('re asking if it was good for him?)
{Theresa} "Do you want to be shot at something?"
{Theresa} (Hey, it's Herb's Ninja! )
{DanteE} (We know it was good, but was it good, or aMAZing? :) )
{RN} Spike: "Wheeeee! Shoot!"
{Kite} (Hilarious!)
{pantFtisk} ( /me like!!! )
{Brian} (at least it's not saying "brick?" or possibly "spike!" like some strange inanimate object pokemon)
{DanteE} "Where did you first get a twinge from your estate?"
{RN} Physics points at his left elbow.

  • Kite wipes what dirt and blood off the spike he can.

{DanteE} "Come to think of it... you might be able to ask your Estate what's happening now."

  • Kite eyes Physics' elbow.

{Kite} "If I know my Feng Shui....wait....I don't. Nevermind."
{RN} Physics: "Mine doesn't talk to me like that. Does yours talk to you?"
{Brian} "It's not feng shui either, Kite. Can't remember what it /is/ though. Chi flow, but there's a technical term for it."
{Brian} "hm. I wonder if there's a power of Chi?"
{Brian} "And whether he-she-it pronounces it Qi?"
{DanteE} (I was thinking he can do a Divination)
{RN} Physics: "Okay, let me see..."
{Theresa} *to Physics* "Mine talks to me...but they're generally quiet. They can be patient. Except for the human that got turned into a tree than can walk. not patient."
{RN} Physics: "They really should have handed this thing to someone who really knew what he was doing with it... hmm."
{Brian} "Where's the fun in that?"
{DanteE} "You'd be in more trouble if they did."
{RN} Physics: "I mean my Estate."
{Theresa} "I'm just...I don't know why I'm this way with my Estate. But then again, I'm a no-body in the Chancel."
{RN} Physics: "Okay. My Estate is not currently under attack by Them. But it's weaker than it should be."

  • DanteE looks around...

{RN} (What are you looking for?)
{DanteE} (Signs of corruption. Unusual things. Big glowing arrows that say "PLOT HERE!". That kind of thing. :) )
{Brian} (has Mr. Physics arrived yet?)
{RN} (He's there, watching.)
{DanteE} (Times like this it's a pain in the ass that my background is in the hard sciences while Dante's is soft.)
{RN} Physics: "I think I could replace the things that are missing, or I could get my Imperator to do it, or the weird big spirit. But I don't actually know what to put there."
{Theresa} "Does it feel like anything is out of place here, Physics?"
{Brian} "... you know what I tend to do? Invent something and hope it works :p"
{RN} Physics: "Me."
{DanteE} "Well... it's something linking our-size stuff with quantum stuff."
{RN} Physics: "Do you know what's supposed to go there?"
{Brian} "More specifically, astronomic-scale stuff with subatomics"
{DanteE} "Maybe you could ask your estate specifically where _that_ is."
{Brian} "No, 'cause it's a big ball of wibbly-wobbly planety-particly stuff."
{RN} Physics: "That's... kinda the problem. I'm looking for something that isn't there, when I don't know what it would look like."
{DanteE} "Theresa... your Noble-spotting basically looks for places where you can't see, right?"
{Kite} "Make it look like a fish and cut off pieces until it fits?"
{RN} Physics: "Okay, what does that feel like?"
{Theresa} "Yes, but only in the Chancel. Auctoritas makes a's like..."
{Brian} "You're looking mostly for an equation that does this kind of thing" (ghost of an equation in the air. I don't know what it would even begin to look like, actually, but I bet Brian would be able to come up with something. Essentially, applying quantum physics electron movement behaviour to that of natural satellites. No, it doesn't work in our OOC-Earth.)
{RN} (Brian would know, yeah.)
{Theresa} "Okay, so I close my eyes and feel myself just kind of expand outward...Toward the edges of...what I can feel. And there are holes, shaped or that feel like certain people. I can tell the difference between a Numbers hole vs a Ftisk hole. That sort of thing."
{RN} Physics stands there, staring at Mr. Science.

  • pantFtisk stay very very still

{RN} Physics: "Okay, hmm. I can feel the bit where those things are supposed to be. Something near gravity, right?"
{DanteE} "Alternatively... everything's made of atoms. You could keep focusing on smaller and smaller stuff until you see where your laws don't work, that would at least delineate what got swiped."
{Brian} "Dante, it's not so much they don't work, but that you have to look at them different. It's kind of like, well, prosaic and mythic."
{Brian} "But there's supposed to be a prosaythic that's not there."
{RN} Physics: "I don't think that's how it is. That isn't what it feels like."
{RN} Physics: "It's all one thing, but I don't know how to articulate what it is."
{Brian} "Can you ghost something out?"
{DanteE} to big-Physics: "Can you help us out here?"
{RN} Bits of bark drop off the trees, in a sort of big-piece-for-long morse code.
{RN} Physics: "I can't see the thing that isn't there."
{RN} Physics: "Brian, you have, like, scientists and stuff, working on trying to discover stuff about this thing that isn't there, right?"
{Brian} "Yep."
{DanteE} to PHYSICS: "Any chance you can see a hole?"
{RN} Physics: "They have theories about what's supposed to be there?"
{Brian} @Jim "Hey Jim, we're not in the office any more. We're somewhere else. Um. What can you tell me of the interaction between macro and micro physics? It seems to be missing from the world."
{RN} Jim: "You're telling me..."
{RN} Jim: "Wait. That was literal, wasn't it?"
{Brian} @Jim "Yep."
{RN} Jim: "Are... we all going to crumble to sub-atomic particles now?"
{Brian} @ "No, this happened a year and a touch ago, and we haven't disintegrated yet."
{Theresa} (Key word...)
{RN} Jim: "Okay, then, you want a theory of quantum gravity?"
{Brian} @ "We're trying to reconstruct what it /should/ be. Hm. Perhaps I could have the physicists talk with Physics? They might be interested in meeting him, anyway"
{DanteE} "Guys... grab all the spikes you can, but handle them carefully."
{DanteE} (We could do another blood divination if we take them home.)
{pantFtisk} (nice idea)
{RN} Jim: "So, hypothetically, if I wanted to flip off all the string theory people, and make it all be done my way instead... this is my chance?"

  • pantFtisk scan around for spikes

{Kite} (Do we /want/ more Excrucian blood running around the Chancel?)
{Brian} @ "... yep."
{Brian} (Jim's thinking was exactly mirroring Brian's at that point :D)
{RN} Jim: "And I don't need any sort of proof, just a way that it /could/ work?"
{Brian} @ "The proof will create itself after we tell the universe how it works. It's fancy that way."
{RN} (You find one more spike, buried a little deeper in the ground.)
{Brian} @ "... however, THEN we might disintegrate into sub-atomic particles, if we get it slightly wrong."

  • Kite pockets two of the spikes, since Theresa has the third.
  • Theresa rubs a thumb thoughtfully along the spike.

{RN} Jim: "...can I have a few hours?"
{Brian} @ "sure."
{RN} (Mind if we stop here?)
{Brian} "Jim's working on a practical theory of the unification of macro and micro physics. Hopefully it will be good enough that it won't explode creation."
{Theresa} (Braaains?)
{Brian} (I suppose.)
{Kite} (sure)
{pantFtisk} (okay)
{Theresa} (This is the same anchor that got Brian in trouble with Physics in the first place.  :) )
{RN} _______________STOP______________________
{DanteE} "And if we take these spikes back home, we may be able to get a picture of the guys they went through, and what they did before that happened./"
{RN} (Okay, that gets in before the stop.)
{DanteE} (OK. :) )
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= Brian is now known as Lazarus
{RN} Sorry, but when I keep getting names wrong, it's probably time to stop.

  • Kite Verithe

=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
{Angelo} No problem RN _and_ I can get a bit of sleep this way :-D
{Lazarus} I'm amused by our re-writing the laws of physics.
{RN} What'd you guys think of this one?
{BethE} Interesting!
{Knockwood} no problem, you'll be straightened out before we storm the orc lair.
{Lazarus} This is a great plotline.
{Angelo} uhm.. I reserve some days to form an opinion :-P
{Verithe} Fascinating!
{Knockwood} well, it's all about hard sciences this time around...
{Knockwood} (Chapter title: "Hard & Harder Sciences")
{Angelo} ah, gift question time for RN
{RN} Did my utter lack of non basic formal training in the subject not show itself too badly?
{RN} *puts on Gift-designing hat*
{Angelo} (the title is ok for me)
{RN} (Hard Science 2: Hard Science With A Vengeance.)
{BethE} (Science Harder!)
{Angelo} well I have my enBody gift
{RN} Yeah.
{Angelo} what I need to make it so that I can take any form? A greater creation of body or more flexibility?
{Knockwood} BTW, my listing of Who's Who is up to ch119, which is the end of the chapter in which we got the hell-souls
{RN} Hmm.
{Lazarus} RN: I'm barely keeping up, despite having some formal training. It's been years ago, and I've let it slip some. Sadly.
{RN} WHen you say "any form", how... broadly... do you mean that?
{Knockwood} I think I've got it:
{Angelo} Well I have no training in these sciences and I go by
{Verithe} Now Hard Science is making me think of Mr. Science in a shiny leather outfit...
{Lazarus} No. Just no.
{Angelo} and that show with my long lasting silences
{Knockwood} ~15 months ago, Physics was attacked, and at some point the bad guys stole the link between 'standard' physics and quantum-level physics.
{RN} Broke it, rather.
{Lazarus} (admittedly, I'm also trying to remember it and work up at the level of the concepts and stuff, but it's shaky now days. Was less shaky when we started, and I was still in university ;))
{Angelo} any form, any any, like a pudding
{Angelo} or a tentaculous mass
{Angelo} or a slime or… any
{RN} They were monkeying around with it with Worldbreaker's Hand, by causing the Spirit of Earth's Physics to manifest, and then breaking bits of him.
{Knockwood} (do we really want Ftisk to be able to be a tentacle monster?)
{RN} This was part of a complicated strategist plan.
{RN} But before they could really finish the strategist plan, they got shot.
{Angelo} (I really want Ftisk tentacular monster!!!!)
{RN} So, anything made of matter, then?
{Lazarus} Seriously, there should be an anime: "Physics, ACTION HERO!"
{RN} But you don't need to be able to turn into sound, or thought, or that kind of thing?
{Angelo} yes, mater (or mechanic)
{Angelo} no, no energy or concepts or ideas . "only" matter
{RN} Hmm.
{Knockwood} Well then, wouldn't PHYSICS remember what happened? (Hopefully without a flashback?)
{Verithe} Put the Chancel animators to work!
{Knockwood} Sounds like uber-Shapeshifting
{Lazarus} The problem is that Scrunchies are "outside" of physics.
{RN} Well, the way he remembers it goes something like "Excrucians were doing something. Found where they were, shot them. Still not king."
{RN} Oh, you mean the spirit?
{RN} He can't see Excrucians.
{RN} At all.
{Knockwood} But he would remember where it happened, wouldn't he?
{Angelo} @Knock yes is like überShapeshifting but the base gift is a body creation not a change
{RN} The way he sees it, "where" is not applicable.
{RN} "Where" it happened was in the bits about how general relativity interrelates with quantum physics.

  • RN ponders Ftisk's Gift.

{Knockwood} (p 118)
{Angelo} (sadly no GWB near me today)
{RN} Yeah, a variant on shapeshifting would make the most sense as the basis...
{Knockwood} well, it sounds like he wants a Lesser Creation of Body as the basis
{RN} But since it's still conceptually the same gift, I'll let it work by adding points even if the base miracle has changed from a creation to a change...
{RN} Do you want the Ftisk-snail to be in the middle of the new bodies?
{Knockwood} which would drop 2 points
{Angelo} well if is more cost effective to make a new gift instead of change the old one then I can go with this route
{RN} But he seems to be wanting bodies that have traits that bodies don't normally have.
{RN} That means a Change.
{Angelo} well somewhere in the ash-tree there can be a tentacle monstrosity
{Knockwood} even is he's creating it from scratch?
{RN} Change with included creation.
{Knockwood} OK, so book's Shapeshifting, but with Range:Local?
{RN} And more flexibility.
{RN} The existing one's only good for a few forms.
{Knockwood} 3 CP, then
{Angelo} yes now the gift can do only real heart animal.
{RN} And really, the affect-local-things is FX-only, not part of the real function...
{Angelo} well the affect l.t. is useful to have another being enBodied
{RN} Oh, true. That way, you could use it to help Gnomely and so n.
{RN} Good idea.
{Angelo} like for the catch in my web that Dollp is organizing
{Angelo} btw I expect that dollp back home will do nasty things with the free rein I give her ^^
{Lazarus} I think I'm heading out now. See you 3 weeks from now (right?)
{Angelo} I believe so.
{RN} Okay, then. 3 points. Lesser Change of Bodies with included Creation, Simple, One Person (because you can't make bodies for a lot of people with one change anyway), wide variety, uncommon.
{RN} Later, Laz.
{Verithe} Night, Laz!
{RN} Good session.
{--| Lazarus has left #Nobilis
{Knockwood} well, wait: LCh=6, Simple -1, Local -1, Comprehensive -1, Uncommon +1, 4 CP
{Angelo} good holidays Laz
{RN} 3.
{RN} Because of the one-person thing. Or 4 if that goes to local only.
{Knockwood} Depends on the size of what you change into
{Angelo} well one person = one being?
{RN} True. Might be worth going with the local one to make larger-than-human bodies.
{Angelo} ah, ok understood
{RN} But in general, yes. That means you can, with one miracle, only do it on one person.
{RN} But with the Local Only, you could (for instance) make a big body that both you and Gnomely can work parts of at the same time.
{RN} If that's something you want, you may want to spend the extra point.
{Angelo} like a componible transformer?
{Angelo} ^^
{BethE} I'm going to head on to bed too, guys. Good game and Merry Christmas! *HUGS*
{Knockwood} g'night Beth
{RN} Yeah, or like a tank where one guy works the gun, and another steers.
{Angelo} Night and merry xmas Beth!
{Verithe} Good night! Merry Christmas!
{Knockwood} oh, Voltron. :)
{RN} (And you could make bodies for non-Nobles in general, it's just that we've already seen you work on Gnomely's body.)
{Verithe} See you in the New Year!
|{-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
{RN} Hmm. This gift is slightly scary in it's implications. But you know what? A 3 or 4 point one /should/ scare the GM a little.
{Angelo} well I need to think on this a bit. I can't decide if I go with the 3 or 4 pts version
{RN} Okay. Up to you.
{Angelo} and then I need glorious before the gift :-(
{Knockwood} OK, quick Gift question for me: popping blades into existence anywhere nearby is...?
{Angelo} common
{Angelo} local
{Angelo} automatic?
{Angelo} simple?
{Knockwood} probably. Does it qualify as One Trick?
{Angelo} lesser creation
{RN} Lesser Creation, Local Only, Simple, Limited Selection, Common by the houserule.
{RN} Well, is it just one kind of blade?
{RN} Or a narrow category of blades?
{RN} Or whatever you feel like?
{Knockwood} define 'Narrow Category of Blades'
{RN} "Swords" "Kitchen knives"
{Knockwood} Swords & Daggers, probably
{RN} And One Trick would be "This particular sword, as many times as I want it to appear."
{RN} Okay, for both swords and daggers, I'd go with Wide Variety.
{RN} And Full Flexibility would be absolutely anything that's a blade.
{Knockwood} well you could argue that daggers are small swords... :)
{RN} And with Wide Variety I'd also include similar-enough things, like falcions and estocs and so on.
{RN} Well, under swords, would it be absolutely any kind of sword?
{Knockwood} yeah
{RN} Because, if so, then that alone would at least count as "limited selection"
{RN} And if you're throwing in daggers too, then I feel comfortable with "wide variety."
{Knockwood} ah... So, any sword would be 4-1-1-2+0 for net 0?
{RN} Yeah, although by the rules all gifts cost at least one.
{RN} So you may as well throw in daggers too, or else get some penetration if you want to attack people by dropping swords on their heads.
{Knockwood} but to make, say, a bunch at once is 2?
{Knockwood} first -1 becoming +1?
{RN} Simple to Automatic, you mean?
{Knockwood} yep
{RN} Well, that'd be "When it would be convenient for me for a sword to appear, bam, sword."
{RN} I'd still say only a couple at a time, though, and not in different places.
{RN} But I'd be willing for the Simple version to put two or three swords in one place.
{RN} As long as they aren't huge dopplehanders or something.
{RN} Hmm. And just on a tangent, I'd say that moving from making sword to /firing/ swords at people would move up one step on Flexibility.
{RN} (At least, unless you were willing to give up making swords that /weren't/ flying through the air at some target.)
{RN} I could see some benefits to automatic, though. For instance, being able to go for an Aspect parry, in the knowledge that a sword will show up in your hand by the time it's needed.
{Knockwood} well, presumably I could do a grab & fling
{RN} Sure, but that'd take a separate Aspect miracle unless you wanted to do it mundanely
{RN} So, there are benefits to either side.
{RN} It all depends on what you want this gift to do.
{Knockwood} actually... if I bought that as create a sword with X Pen, and threw it with an Aspect miracle of power Y, what's the net attack?
{Knockwood} (Ha! I stumped RN! :D )
{RN} The net attack is that of the Aspect miracle, but the sword can be created within the auctoritas of a noble with up to Spirit x.
{RN} (Nah, just took a bit of time to type.)
{Angelo} a question on my gift/new gift the new one is an upgrade of the old one?
{RN} Yes.
{Angelo} so I need to take the differences only, right?
{Knockwood} but does the resulting attack have Pen?
{RN} Correct, Angelo.
{RN} No, Knock.
{Angelo} why no pen RN?
{RN} Remember that Penetration always applies to an /act/, not an /object/.
{Knockwood} ah.
{Angelo} ah
{RN} So, in that case, it would apply to the miracle creating the sword.
{RN} But it doesn't make a "penetration 3 sword."
{RN} It just makes a sword, and does so with penetration 3.
{Knockwood} Then again I can buy a separate sword-strike Aspect miracle, which would probably be One Trick
{RN} That said, you could take a gift to throw swords with Penetration...
{RN} Yeah.
{RN} Yeah, just throwing swords at a target would be One Trick.
{RN} Throwing things in general, or general swordmanship, would be more.
{Knockwood} what about throwing + melee strike?
{RN} And if you had that, it might be worth it to make the sword-creation miracle automatic.
{RN} Just attacks, no defense?
{Knockwood} yeah... though that there would seem to suggest another miracle...
{RN} Limited selection.
{RN} That'd let you throw or swing more-or-less swordlike objects in an offensive way.
{RN} And Wide Variety would let you use the same miracle level in defenses...
{Knockwood} either that or actually make that light saber
{RN} But defensive gifts usually work better as Automatic.
{RN} Because you don't have to waste your miracle for the turn.
{Verithe} I'm going to grab lunch. Take care!
{Angelo} wide variety and comprehensive are the same?
{RN} Okay. See you after a two-week gap.
{Knockwood} see ya in 3 weeks, Verithe
{Angelo} marry xmas Verithe
|{-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client)
{RN} I believe "comprehensive" is the same as "all imaginable uses."
{RN} But the book may use the word differently. Is there a reference on some page you were wondering about?
{Angelo} I use this reference:
{RN} Okay, he's using it to mean the Wide Variety category.
{Knockwood} summary’s on p 115
{RN} Ah, there, the book uses it to mean the same thing.
{Knockwood} uhoh...
{RN} Hmm?
{Angelo} why uhoh?
{Knockwood} look at "Important Notes about Gift Flexibility" on 114
{RN} Oh, true, for Aspect miracles.
{Knockwood} doesn't that screw with Ftisk's gift?
{RN} The one on lesser included miracles we generally houserule.
{Angelo} pew!
{RN} Because otherwise, making certain Gifts that should exist would be a real headache.
{Angelo} yay
{Knockwood} oh, good.
{RN} I suppose if one of you came up with something utterly abusive, I'd rule it out.
{Knockwood} (I think)
{Knockwood} Give us time. :)
{RN} But Ftisk's gift is the sort of thing that you guys should be able to do.
{Angelo} I was comparing old an proposed
{RN} And it'd be silly to make it have to require two gifts, one to make a body and one to change it.
{Angelo} old have wide variety, proposed have comprehensive
{RN} But the other part still stands. The same Gift does not do both lesser destructions and major divinations.
{Knockwood} That was actually my point, couldn't he just create a changed body?
{RN} That's pretty much what he's doing.
{RN} Oh, and for the sword thing, remember the rule on Aspect-gift flexibility.
{Angelo} so instead of a creation (actual version) Ftisk will make a changed boy
{RN} That one does seem to be good design, I'm keeping it. But it makes sense to do defensive and offensive separately anyway, so that isn't really a hindrance to doing what you want.
{Knockwood} ah, max of Limited Selection?
{Angelo} btw I was under the impression that Ftisk is merged into the new body not in a specific place. Can you confirm?
{RN} Well, how do you want it to work?
{Angelo} I like the merged into version more
{RN} Then do that.
{Angelo} oky!
{RN} Okay, I need to go to bed pretty soon. Any final questions?
{Angelo} none
{Knockwood} Should do it. We'll come up with harder stuff for the new year. :D
{RN} Okay. See you guys after the holidays.
{RN} And have a good Christmas.
{Angelo} ?key. Merry xmas to all and a nice end of the year
{Knockwood} You too RN.
{RN} G'night, guys.
{Knockwood} And you too Angelo.
{RN} Good session, by the way. I had fun.
{Angelo} thanks Knock
|{-- RN has left (Disintegrated: )
|{-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
{--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 17