Necessary Evil The Rejects/Delta
Delta Takahashi
"The V'sori have taken one home from me already. I'm not going to let them take this one as well."
Apparently a seventeen-year-old human girl of mixed ethnicity, Delta is in fact a half-Atlantean hybrid, although she hasn't inherited the blue skin or gills of her mother's race. Predominantly taking after her Asian father, she has a slight build with dark hair and eyes. Her hair does have an annoying tendency to develop stubborn blue/green streaks or tips, but people usually assume this is dyed rather than natural. Currently she has shortish hair, shaved at the sides with bright blue bangs, and usually wears some array of layered t-shirts, hoodies, skinny jeans and skirt/legging combos.
Brief History
Delta is the daughter of the Japanese power-armoured superhero known as Ashigaru, and Miara Ianari, the Atlantean runaway-turned-superheroine. Surprisingly, she developed no superhuman abilities, apart from the minor telepathic talents common among the Atlanteans and an above-average intellect. While she met more than her share of superheroes, her parents were determined for her to have as normal a life as possible, and so she was a medical student at Eastpoint when the alien invasion happened.
After witnessing the V'sori betrayal, and the deaths of her parents, Delta joined up with a Tempest-based resistance group, operating under the codename Tsunami and acting as the team medic and mechanic. Subsequently captured by the V'sori, she was freed by Muramasa during a Rejects raid on the holding facility. Since then, she's been under the robot's protection at the Rejects' HQ, although she has every intent of rejoining the fight against the aliens one way or another. She always carries a switchblade, and has recently obtained a small pistol.
Her mother was minor nobility before she fled Atlantis. Following the slaughter of King Meros and his people, it's possible that Delta is technically the heir to Atlantis, although the destruction of the undersea kingdom makes it somewhat irrelevant.
Strength d4, Vigour d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Agility d6
Fighting d4, Guts d6, Healing d6, Notice d4, Knowledge (Biology) d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4, Streetwise d4, Taunt d4
Telepathic, Healer
Stubborn, Overconfident, Vendetta
Pace 6, Charisma 0, Parry 4, Toughness 5, Carry Limit 20lbs
Current Status
0 Wounds