- Asamé
- Caste: Full Moon
- Concept:
- Asamé is a pretty girl with a mane of white hair that falls down her back. She has pale skin that refuses to tan to her frustration. She prefers to wear small dresses when she isn’t kicking faces in, in an effort to gain her Solar’s attention. This usually leads to getting other attention and she’s fine with that too. She’s a very ahppy young woman that is enjoying life to the fullest, but when her pack is threatened she enters a rage that does not cease until they are safe again. She’s also just a little (a whole lot) jealous of any attention that her Solar gets from others, which is all the dang time.
- Forge a Nation out of the North and East to rival the Realm
Her Pack (Protective), People of Halta (Protective), Solar Mate (Love)
Full Moons may spend fi ve motes of Essence to double their speed and leaping distances for a scene. The Full Moon also doubles her Strength for the purpose of feats of strength. This effect stacks with other increases, but only by adding a factor equal to the original value, not continuing to multiply by two. A Lunar who increases her running speed twice moves at three times her normal speed, not four. Whenever the Lunar has 11 or more motes of Peripheral Essence active, this Anima Effect activates automatically without cost.
A silver lion surrounded by a soft white light.
- Strength 4(5)
- Dexterity 5(6)
- Stamina 4(5)
- Charisma 4
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 3
- Perception 2
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 4
Survival 1 (The Wyld +1)
Marital Arts 5 (Fighting Unarmed +3)
Athletics 3 Awareness 3 Dodge 5 Resistance 3 War 5 Presence 3 Socialize 3 Stealth 3
Each Background[edit]
Solar Bond 3 Moonsilver Celestial Battle Armor 5 Manse 3 (Hearthstone Inactive, in Armor) Heart’s Blood 1 (Her Brother, Housecat, Raptor Cat) Moonsilver Hearthstone Bracers
Each Merit[edit]
The Fae Lord that originally sought to end her and her brother's life. He continues to seek her out to end his hunt.
Multiple Personalities[edit]
Her brother merged with her body at her second breath and sometimes emerges as the dominate personality.
Vice (Sex)[edit]
She can't get enough
Maintaining the Pack School Becomes Shark Formation Terrifying Lust Infliction Fish or Fowl Gestation Claws of the Silver Moon Armor-Forming Technique Might Bolstering Blow Relentless Lunar Fury Secure Cat Stepping Golden Tiger Stance Wary Swallow Method Wind Dancing Method
White Reaper Style Falling Scythe Flash Revolving Crescent Defense
First Attribute Excellency Cost: 1m/die; Type: Reflexive; Key: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant +1 die to roll, max of (Attribute) dice
Second Attribute Excellency Cost: 2m/success; Type: Reflexive; Key: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant +1 success to roll, max of Attribute in motes
Third Attribute Excellency Cost: 3m; Type: Reflexive; Key: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant Reroll roll, taking most favorable, or +(Attribute) to static value
Instinctive Attribute Unity Cost: 2m+, 1WP or 1m+, 1 WP; Type: Simple; Key: Combo-Basic; Duration: 1 scene Commit up to (Essence x 2) motes to provide discount of 1m/2m committed on Excellencies
Flawless Attribute Focus Cost: -; Type: Permanent; Key:; Duration: Permanent May take (Attribute) specialties
- Essence: 3
- Personal: 23
- Peripheral: 52
- Committed to Charms: 0
- Committed to artifacts: 14
- Willpower: 10
- Anima status: None
- Compassion: 5
- Conviction: 2
- Temperance: 1
- Valor: 5
- (Virtue channels used: None)
Limit Break[edit]
Curse of the Raging Bull
- Join Battle:
- Dodge DV:
- Parry DV:
- Soak: L/B/A
- Move:
- Dash:
- Join Debate:
- Dodge MDV:
- Parry MDV:
Health Levels[edit]
- -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
- (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or
Weapons Normal Claws of the Silver Moon Speed 5, Acc 21, Def +3, Damage +10L, Rate 3 DBT Claws of the Silver Moon Speed 5, Acc 22, Def +3, Damage +11L, Rate 3 Spirit Shape Claws of the Silver Moon Speed 5, Acc 22, Def +3, Damage +16L, Rate 3
Armor Moonsilver Celestial Battle Armor (Moonsilver Blades, Enhanced Durability, Essence Shield) Soak +15L/15B, Hardness 10L/10B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 1, Attune 10
Moonsilver Hearthstone Bracers
- Fierce, stubborn and prone to enjoying the fruits of idleness, Asamé personifies her totem. Long before she was Exalted by Luna she sought a place higher than her position allowed and taking roles prohibited by her society. Born a minor noble’s daughter she had more than the majority of the population of Inara. She was taught to be polite, courteous, and silent. In reality she wanted nothing more than to ride into battle at the head of a vast army of golden warriors. She clung to her twin brother learning indirectly from his experiences and secretly longing for more.
She was found out by her mother and father while playing at fighting. She was forbidden from joining her brother in counsel or watching him at his training sessions. She went further underground with her training, sneaking into her brother’s room and forcing him to teach her. Her tomboy nature was apparent at an early age and did not disappear as she grew into a teenager. She was lean and toned even then. Muscle could sometimes be spotted under the dresses she wore to please her mother. This made her into something of an outcast amongst her family and the upper crust of society. Many whispered quietly that she wasn’t marriage material. Her father worried he’d be stuck with a daughter that would bring little to the family.
Eventually her father found a suitor that would marry her sight unseen and far enough away from Inara that returning her might be too costly. The caravan that was transporting Asamé to be with her new husband was swept up in a blizzard half way to her new home. When the winds and snow settled she found herself alone with her brother lost in a wilderness of crystal and snow and ice completely foreign to any other scene they had ever imagined. It was not long before they realized their predicament, lost in one of the many northern Wylds that pockmarked the North. They struggled to keep their sanity and survive in the alien landscape. After being hunted for what seemed like days or weeks, after having been starved and half dead on thirst, after having struggled toward the unseen barrier that separates madness from reality they saw the shining face of the Lady Luna. Their will to live and continue on for the sake of denying death and the Fae two more souls brought her favor upon them.
In the Northern Wylds Luna granted them Exaltation and in the process their bodies were forged as one a possibly unforeseen result in the chaos of the Wyld, or maybe not, only Luna knows. Asamé found herself alone in the Wyld with the voice of her brother somewhere in the back of her mind. She felt a resolve to escape the chaotic hell and find her way back. They had weaved their way through the Wyld before the Exaltation, now with her new found strength she pushed straight through destroying any Fae that sought to stop her. It wasn’t long before she found herself back in reality.
It wasn’t long after that she was discovered by the Sidereal, Silver Crest. Confused by the new existence as one person and definitely alone now that she found herself an Anathema she enjoyed his accepting company. Both felt drawn East where they found her Solar Mate and a group of Exalted and a society that was far more accepting of the Anathema than her own.
It was in Halta that she was first tattooed and made aware of the Silver Pact. She still feels closer to her Sidereal friend than to the Lunar Society. She enjoys her new life protecting the people of Halta and carousing around the city of Chanta. She’s found a freedom unknown to her before and revels in the pleasures that surround her.
- Asamé is a pretty girl with a mane of white hair that falls down her back. She has pale skin that refuses to tan to her frustration. She prefers to wear small dresses when she isn’t kicking faces in, in an effort to gain her Solar’s attention. This usually leads to getting other attention and she’s fine with that too. She’s a very ahppy young woman that is enjoying life to the fullest, but when her pack is threatened she enters a rage that does not cease until they are safe again. She’s also just a little (a whole lot) jealous of any attention that her Solar gets from others, which is all the dang time.
Each Member[edit]
Each Circlemate[edit]
- Earned: #
- Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
- Unspent: #