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B-Ko (from the Project A-ko films)

The Daitokuji Financial Group is a powerful megacorproation which used its resources to help create Graviton City out of the ruins of a shattered Tokyo. B-ko Daitokuji is ehir to that conglomerate, a beautiful genius with immesne wealth and influence and an ego to match. When A-ko and her best friend C-ko tranferred into her class at Graviton High Shcool, two ancient passions were re-ignited: an intense rivalry with the powerful A-ko and an unholy lust to posess the adorable C-ko in every sense of the word. The resulting collision of egos resulted in a fued for the ages, a battle that would be the stuff of legends, and an epic catfight that would put the whole world in the balance....

APPEARANCE: A young woman with long blue-grey hair and a classic beauty. She dresses elegantly at all times, foregoing the seifuku in favor of a crisp brown suit. Every body movement she makes conveys confidence and power.

POWERS AND TACTICS: B-ko has a truly phenomenal intellect, a true mechanicla genius and the financial and technical resources to back it up. Socially she is the most powerful person at graviton High, and she has a loyal cadre of four girls who obey her every command. She has a genius for designing and building mecha, vehicles and weapons of every type, which she will use with abandon. When the chips are down, or when she is truly frustrated, she will don a suit of force-field-reinforced power armor that enhances her strength and speed, allows her to fly, and lets her fire a nigh-infinite supply of powerful missiles at her foes. In her amor, she can even stand toe-to-toe with A-ko.

MOTIVATION: Throughout her life, B-ko has always gotten what she wants even before she srealized she wanted it. The fact that A-ko has not shrivelled up and died and C-ko has not bounded into her life and her boudoir has filled her with a poisonous frustration. B-ko will lose no opportunity to humiliate or belittle A-ko, no matter how petty, because she believes that she can lure C-ko to her side that way. However, if C-ko is seriously endagered she is more that willing to forge a temporary truce until she is rescued, only to abandon it the moment the danger has passed. She is ruthless enough to use her friends as disposable pawns and charismatic enough that they don't mind.

PL: 15 (225 pp)

ABILITIES: STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 35 (+12) WIS: 18 (+4) CHA: 24 (+7)

SKILLS: Bluff (+7), Climb (+1), Computers 8 (+20), Concentration (+4), Mechanical 16 (+28), Electronic 12 (+24), Diplomacy 4 (+11), Disable Device 4 (+16), Disguise 4 (+11), Drive (+3), Escape Artist (+3), Gather Info 8 (+15), Handle Animal (+7), Intimidate 4 (+11), Investigate 8 (+20), Notice 8 (+12), Pilot 4 (+7), Search 4 (+16), Sense Motive 4 (+8), Stealth (+3), Survival (+4), Swim (+1)

FEATS: Well-Informed, Taunt, Inventor, Eidetic Memory, Contacts, Minions (4), Connected, Attractive (2)

POWERS: Device [24] (Flight [12], Super-Strength [12], Blast [12], Immunity [8], Force Field [8])

COMBAT: Attack 5 [Unarmed +1 (Bruise)] Defense 15 (12 flat-footed) Init 3

SAVES: Toughness 6 (6 flat-footed) Fortitude 2 Reflex 3 Will 4

Abilities 59 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 96 + Combat 20 + Saves 0 – Drawbacks 0 = 209 / 225