Chapter 12 - On the Road Again

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Days 23-27

After being given their task by the Governor, the party spent the rest of the day in preparation for their morning departure. Trykaar took a leadership role in seeking out a merchant who was leaving the next day via the east road, in case no horses could be procured. His search brought him to a dwarven merchant named Ththur, who had made the acquaintance of Jrak before the party's departure on their journey to the tower. Ththur invited them to accompany him, but was unable to pay them as guards. Trykaar also spoke with his mentor, Blademaster Tivadar, and requested that the party be provisioned with horses and healing kits.

Their provisioning brought the party to the Temple of Isten, where Neela made a small donation and sought healing, but was rebuffed by the priests who were reserving their healing arts for those in worse shape. Neela also encountered a hostile reaction at the Tower of Mages, where the gnome Snirvneblin remembered their previous encounter and would only sell a potion of healing at a much-inflated price. Fortunately, Trykaar was more diplomatic, and managed to procure the potion for his companion at a more reasonable price.

At the smithy, the Blixhaven and Trykaar were disappointed to discover that their masterwork armour and composite longbow had not yet been crafted, though a small number of enchanted arrows were available for Blixhaven. Trykaar decided to accept the smith's offer of a suit of a refurbished chain shirt, and changed his order to a masterwork chain shirt, with the price difference to be paid when the party returned to Wasteward.

When the party returned to the warehouse at the end of the day, Arpad Zrinsk was there with the promised gold and a message from Blixhaven's father, who had returned to Wasteward and heard that Blixhaven was seeking him. When Blixhaven paid a visit to his parents, his proud father gifted him a brace of arrows with tips of cold iron, with the hope that he would find them useful in the lands bordering the Feywild.

Neela also paid a visit to her master, who reminded her of the need to maintain order in the face of chaos, to eschew material possessions, to dampen her wild orc blood, and to practice the way of peace.

To be continued as the DM finds time...

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