Shadows Over *mumble mumble*

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Shadows Over *mumble mumble* is a WFRP2 PbP game run by Jams Knevitt. The game is centered around a group of convicted criminals, put through a mock execution and released under the warrant of the Empire to bloody their hands with dishonest work.

There are two active threads for the game; [[1]] and [[2]].

The original criminals: Reinhardt auf Hauser, Soldier, Hochlander. Crime: Petty Larceny. Reuben Schopenhauer, Barber-Surgeon, Nordlander. Crime: Petty Larceny. Felix Bueller, Initiate (Ranald), Middenlander. Crime: Disturbing the Peace. Abelhelm Backer, Hunter, Talebaclander. Crime: Poaching. Henlyn Bethe, Bodyguard, Middenlander. Crime: Murder, Murder, Murder, Accomplice to heresy. Jorn Handel, Protagonist, Stirlander. Crime: Petty Assault, Racketeering.

The primary antagonist of the piece (in the sense that he antagonizes the PCs) is Captain Schussen, the man who was responsible for overseeing their mock execution and generally making their life a living hell. He instructed the group to fall in with Gerold Bunsen, a Burgher who would act as their cover story when dealing with their first job.

Their first sanguine task was to dispose of a hatmaker, a Pieter Vanderveer, in Marienburg. On the way, they picked up Hilda, a serving girl who seems to be more than she appears. After they arrived in Marienburg and settled into an inn, Felix discovered a barmaid trying to poison him. When confronted, the barmaid first feigned innocence and then drank the poisoned wine, entreating the Prince of Pleasure. Felix, in his cups and filled with rage at this point, drew steel on the other members of the group and was cut down.

Meanwhile, a bonepicker, Ilsa Gauss, discovered the aforementioned hatmaker dying in an alley behind his shop after being forcibly defenestrated. It was around this time she met Frederic, a man of ill-repute, lurking about the hatmaker's shop for an unknown reason.

After the group disposed of Felix's corpse in the Reik, they investigated the hatmaker's store, met Ilsa and Frederic, and searched the place, to no avail. It was then that it was noticed that Reuben had disappeared, and had taken something from the hatmaker's residence.

About a half a day after that, Captain Schussen arrived at the hatmaker's shop to ensure the job had been done (he had been following the group on the road). Here he explains that the object Reuben took was a tapestry, perhaps of a most nefarious kind, and that the Empire would reward handsomely anyone who could track it down and destroy it.